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Full text of "Tennessee county history series : Claiborne County / by Edgar A. Holt ; Joy Bailey Dunn, editor, Charles W. Crawford, associate editor"

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Tennessee  County  History  Series 

Alicia  M.  Horton 

Assistant  Editor 
Tennessee  County  History  Series 


Jeanne  Ridgway  Bigger 
Ellsworth  Brown 
Robert  E.  Corlew 
Arthur  H.  DeRosier 
Winfield  Dunn 
Walter  T.  Durham 
May  Dean  Eberling 
Odie  B.  Faulk 
John  R.  Finger 
Gerald  George 
Frank  R.  Ginanni 
Albert  Gore,  Jr. 
Herbert  L.  Harper 
J.  Milton  Henry 
Charles  F.  Holmes 
James  K.  Huhta 
Diana  Johnson 
B.  F.  Jones 
Billy  Mac  Jones 

Carl  A.  Jones 
Eric  Lacy 
Roy  G.  Lillard 
James  Livingood 
Robert  M.  McBride 
William  R.  Majors 
Jerry  B.  Michel 
Jesse  C.  Mills 
Charles  F.  Ogilvie 
Drexel  A.  Peterson 
Daniel  A.  Powell 
Linda  Scott 
Howard  E.  Sims,  Sr. 
Alonzo  T.  Stephens,  Si 
Alan  R.  Thoeny 
Jean  B.  Waggener 
Richard  W.  Weesner 
Charles  Wolfe 


Claiborne  County 

by  Edgar  A.  Holt 

Joy  Bailey  Dunn 


Charles  W.  Crawford 

Associate  Editor 



Memphis,  Ten  nessee 

Copyright  ©  1981  Memphis  State  University  Press 

All  rights  reserved.  No  part  of  this  book  may  be  reproduced  or 
utilized  in  any  form  or  by  any  means,  electronic  or  mechani- 
cal, including  photocopying  and  recording,  or  by  any  informa- 
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Maps  prepared  by  Reaves  Engineering,  Inc., 
Memphis,  Tennessee. 

Manufactured  in  the  United  States  of  America. 

Designed  by  Gary  G.  Gore. 

ISBN:  0-87870-101-X 

This  book  is  dedicated  to  those  whom  I  hold  especially  dear:  To 
the  hard  working  farmers;  operators  of  grist,  flour  and  carding 
mills;  doctors,  Civil  War  veterans,  teachers,  ministers,  and  mer- 
chants who  created  a  vigorous  community  in  historic  Lonesome 
Valley,  centering  at  Duo,  the  post  office,  and  at  the  general  store. 
This  community  was  exemplified  in  the  hearts  and  minds  of 
its  people  who  combined  industry  and  religious  faith  with  an 
insight  into  themselves  and  the  future  furnished  by  dedi- 
cated teachers  in  a  one-room  country  school.  Nothing  seemed 
beyond  us. 


In  addition  to  the  background  information  from  books  and 
articles  covering  the  general  history  of  Upper  East  Tennessee,  I 
have  derived  much  factual  information  from  the  official  records 
of  the  county  and  the  cities  of  Tazewell  and  New  Tazewell.  I 
have  gained  much  information  from  the  McClung  Collection 
located  in  the  Lawson  McGhee  Library  in  Knoxville.  Staff  mem- 
bers in  the  Knoxville  library  have  been  generous  and  efficient.  I 
thank  them  heartily.  I  am  most  grateful  to  the  staff  members  of 
the  register's  office  and  the  county  court  clerk's  office  in 

Much  information  has  been  gained  from  disparate  sources 
such  as  current  members  of  the  Tazewell  Baptist  Church,  ceme- 
tery records  of  the  Irish  Cemetery,  and  interviews  with  scores  of 
people.  Through  the  kindness  of  Mrs.  Marshall  Dyer,  I  have 
gained  much  from  the  writings  of  General  Peter  Graham 
Fulkerson,  one  of  the  really  distinguished  leaders  of  the  Taze- 
well community.  Thanks  to  many  persons  who  have  consented 
to  interviews:  Mrs.  Bobby  Arnold;  Mrs.  Wilma  Beaty;  Hershel 
Beeler,  New  Tazewell  recorder;  Mrs.  Hazel  Davis  who  headed 
the  welfare  department  in  its  formative  years  when  it  was  grow- 
ing out  of  English  common  law  practices  to  the  professionalism 
which  stems  from  the  Social  Security  Act  of  1935;  Lizzie  Mae 
Morley,  secretary  of  the  OEO  staff  and  a  previous  county  trus- 
tee; Jack  Munsey,  administrator  of  the  Claiborne  County  Hos- 
pital; Clyde  Nevils,  administrator  of  the  newly  established 
Claiborne  Textiles;  Douglas  Overton,  Tazewell  recorder  for 
many  years;  and  Jacob  Walker,  current  administrator  of  the 
department  of  human  services.  Special  thanks  are  due  Lee  Dan 
Stone,  not  only  for  supplying  me  with  key  documentary  mate- 
rial, but  also  for  his  civic  leadership  which  led  from  decline  to 
relative  affluence  in  the  county  through  the  development  of 
water  and  sewage  systems. 

Finally,  I  am  grateful  to  my  father  and  mother  for  the  love 
and  care  which  dominated  our  seven-member  family,  for  the 
books  and  magazines  which  filled  our  home,  and  for  the  use  of 
the  store  account  books  which  furnished  much  information  for 
this  book  and  for  preceding  newspaper  articles. 

Edgar  A.  Holt 
September  15,  1980 


I  have  prepared  this  history  of  Claiborne  County  as  a  labor  of 
love.  I  was  born  to  Sarah  C.  and  Newton  Lafayette  Holt  in 
historic  Lonesome  Valley,  attended  the  Mayes  Elementary 
School  in  that  community,  walked  four  miles  each  way  to  the 
Claiborne  County  High  School  in  Tazewell,  graduated  with  a 
B.A.  in  history  and  literature  from  Lincoln  Memorial  University 
in  the  same  county,  and  during  teaching  stints  acquired  an  M.A. 
in  history  and  government  from  the  State  University  of  Iowa 
and  a  Ph.D  in  history  and  government  from  Ohio  State  Univer- 
sity. After  college  teaching  at  Southern  Illinois  University  and 
the  University  of  Nebraska  at  Omaha,  I  entered  military  service 
and  eventually  retired  from  the  Air  Force  and  university  life. 
Then  I  came  home  to  live  the  remainder  of  my  life  in  the  area  of 
my  choice — Claiborne  County.  Throughout  the  years  of  service 
in  the  United  States  or  overseas,  I  came  back  to  Claiborne  Coun- 
ty when  on  leave  or  in  vacation  periods. 

I  make  this  rather  lengthy  statement  in  this  preface  because  it 
is  central  to  what  I  have  to  say  about  Claiborne  County,  where 
the  hills  and  mountains  are  beautiful  beyond  comparison  with 
many  areas  I  have  seen  in  the  United  States  and  elsewhere.  In  all 
honesty  I  must  say  that  my  preference  is  largely  due  to  the  love 
which  dominated  our  family  life  in  Lonesome  Valley  and  the 
atmosphere  of  hope  which  sustained  our  people  during  an 

admittedly  stern  struggle  to  "get  ahead."  Most  families  in 
Claiborne  Country  lived  according  to  a  work  ethic  which  still 
survives  and  has  enabled  them  to  pull  out  of  a  long  period  of 
steep  decline  to  a  position  of  some  considerable  affluence. 
These  are  my  people;  Claiborne  is  my  county. 


laiborne  County,  as  it  now  exists,  is  located  in  the 
northeast  part  of  Tennessee.  Hancock  County  lies  to  the  east, 
with  the  parent  state  of  North  Carolina  farther  beyond.  On  the 
north,  Claiborne  County  is  bounded  by  Bell  County,  Kentucky; 
on  the  northeast,  by  Lee  County,  Virginia;  on  the  southeast  and 
south  by  Grainger  and  Union  counties,  Tennessee;  and  on  the 
west  by  Campbell  County.  Thus,  the  county  lies  squarely  athwart 
the  Appalachian  chain  of  mountains  which  run  generally  from 
northeast  to  southwest  broken  occasionally  by  gaps  such  as  the 
historic  Cumberland  Gap.  Although  the  Appalachian  Moun- 
tains impeded  the  movement  of  the  population,  they  were  not  so 
high  as  to  be  insuperable.  Low  lying  valleys  carry  water  seaward 
to  the  Atlantic  and  on  the  other  side  of  the  divide  to  the  Gulf  of 
Mexico.  The  valleys,  therefore,  offered  the  first  openings  to  the 
white  men  threading  their  way  into  the  wilderness. 

Water  and  wind  erosion  have  worn  down  upthrusting  peaks 
so  much  that  Mt.  Mitchell,  the  highest  peak,  is  now  only  slightly 
above  6000  feet.  In  comparison,  dozens  of  peaks  in  the  Rocky 
Mountains  tower  to  14,000  feet  or  more.  Limestone  mixed  with 
some  igneous  rock  is  the  dominant  formation  in  Claiborne 
County.  Soil  which  has  resulted  from  wind  and  water  erosion 
generally  is  alkaline  and  is  favorable  to  the  growth  of  timber  and 
other  forms  of  vegetation.  Topsoil,  except  in  deep  valleys,  is 
shallow  because  of  steep  grades  which  exist  in  most  areas. 

2  Tennessee  County  History  Series 

Examination  of  the  county's  topography  and  soil  explains 
much  of  its  early  history.  The  boundary  lines  between  Virginia, 
Kentucky,  and  Tennessee  cut  across  the  Cumberland  Moun- 
tains. The  highest  point,  the  Pinnacle,  overlooks  vast  areas  of 
Claiborne  County,  Lee  County,  Virginia,  and  Bell  County,  Ken- 
tucky. The  Pinnacle  towers  almost  3000  feet,  and  the  Cumber- 
lands  in  this  area  are  about  2000  feet,  broken  by  Cumberland, 
Carr,  and  Wilson's  gaps.  The  mountain  sides,  especially  at 
Cumberland  Gap,  are  marked  in  many  places  by  sharply  vertical 
limestone  walls.  The  Cumberland  Mountains  strongly  in- 
fluenced tribal  warfare  before  the  coming  of  the  white  man  and, 
after  the  white  invasion,  determined  even  more  vividly  the 
course  of  events  that  followed. 

Two  rivers,  Powell  and  Clinch,  both  rising  in  Virginia,  flow 
through  the  county.  The  Clinch  River  actually  bounds  the  coun- 
ty on  the  southeast  and  forms  one  of  the  largest  embayments  of 
Norris  Lake.  The  Powell  River,  shorter  of  the  two,  shears  away 
several  miles  from  the  Cumberland  Mountains,  but  no  longer 
flows  into  the  Powell  Valley,  which  is  separated  by  a  back  valley 
ridge.  Geologists  have  often  speculated  that  the  Appalachian 
ranges,  at  one  time,  rivalled  the  Rocky  Mountains  in  both  alti- 
tude and  width.  At  that  time  the  river  possibly  did  follow  Powell 
Valley.  Now  the  eroded  mountains  stand  much  as  they  did 
in  1750  when  Dr.  Thomas  Walker  and  later  Daniel  Boone  laid 
out  mountain  gaps  and  beckoned  eager  frontiersmen  to 
follow  them. 

Except  for  a  triangular  area  in  the  northwest  part  of  the 
Cumberland  Mountains,  all  of  the  county  lies  in  the  Great  Valley 
of  East  Tennessee.  Today  Claiborne  Countians  know  that  much 
of  their  history  has  resulted  from  the  economic  differences 
between  the  transmontane  region  of  Fonde  and  Clairfield  and 
the  remainder  of  the  county.  Coal  dominated  the  economy  in 
this  region  while  the  remainder  of  the  county  became  more 
agricultural  after  an  initial  timber  phase.  The  general  elevation 
of  the  mountain  crests  in  this  region  is  about  2500  feet,  with  one 
peak  rising  to  3100  feet.  Because  of  this,  transportation  was  and 
remains  a  problem. 

That  part  of  the  county  lying  in  the  Great  Valley  of  East 









•     Other  Communities 

i-T^l    Governmental  Land  Uses 

+        LANDMARKS 


V*/    Inferjfote    Route 

-£*^_  Federal    Route 
j^-   State  Route 
— s    locol  Route 


N^  Maror  Streams 


0        1        2       3       4        5 

Tennessee  County  History  Series 

Cumberland  Gap.  On  the  right  is  the  Pinnacle,  3000  feet;  to  the  left, 
Cumberland  Mountain  continues  through  a  point  where  Tennessee, 
Virginia,  and  Kentucky  meet.  Photograph  courtesy  of  the  National  Park 

Tennessee  varies  widely  in  relief  and  elevation.  The  undulating 
and  rolling  limestone  valleys  range  in  elevation  from  1200  to 
1300  feet;  however,  the  hilly  cherty  ridges  have  steep  relief  and 
range  from  about  1500  feet  in  the  southwestern  part  of  the 
county  to  1750  feet  in  the  northeast.  The  shale  and  sandstone 
ridges  also  are  steep.  The  crests  of  Powell  Mountain,  Lone 
Mountain,  and  Wallen  Ridge  are  more  than  2000  feet  high.  The 
rocks  underlying  the  Great  Valley  are  limestone,  dolomite,  acid 
shale,  calcareous  shale,  and  sandstone.  In  the  geologic  past  these 
rocks  experienced  severe  folding  and  cross  faults  that  combined 
with  differential  weathering  of  the  strata  to  give  rise  to  a  series  of 
parallel  physiographic  belts  that  cross  the  valley  from  northeast 
to  southwest.  Starting  in  the  northwest  and  proceeding  to  the 
southeast,  these  belts  form  10  distinct  divisions:  Cumberland 
Mountain,  Poor  Valley  Ridge,  Powell  Valley,  Cedar  Fork  Valley, 
Wallen  Ridge,  Little  Ridge,  Valley  of  Little  Sycamore  Creek, 
Comby  Ridge,  Big  Sycamore  Knob,  and  Sycamore  Knob. 


Throughout  most  of  the  county  water  seepage  has  resulted 
in  innumerable  limestone  sinks.  In  Lonesome  Valley,  water 
from  numerous  springs  flows  downgrade  unimpeded,  except 
for  man-made  dams,  until  it  pours  with  a  mighty  rush  into  an 
enormous  cavern.  There  it  travels  underground  for  some  six 
miles  to  emerge  in  the  Powell  River.  The  place  where  it  enters 
the  river  is  called  the  Blue  Hole. 

The  mild  climate  which  extends  the  growing  season,  the 
presence  of  alkaline  soil,  the  heavy  rainfall,  averaging  55  inches 
annually,  and  the  topography  of  Claiborne  County  delighted 
newcomers  who  already  had  learned  to  associate  timber  with 
fertile  soil.  Many  incoming  settlers  had  knowledge  of  grist  mills 
and  other  mills  that  could  be  powered  with  water.  There  were 
millwrights  and  raftsmen  among  them  who  saw  great  opportu- 
nities to  prosper.  Throughout  Claiborne  County  and  its  neigh- 
boring areas,  early  settlers  built  homes  along  the  creeks  and 
rivers  which  also  offered  a  means  to  transport  products  to  mar- 
ket at  little  cost. 

Indians  and  Frontiersmen 

Indian  cultures  were  attracted  to  Claiborne  County  because 
of  the  excellent  hunting  and  fishing.  The  Cherokee,  Iroquois, 
and  Shawnee  who  inhabited  the  area  led  nomadic  lives  in  the 
county.  The  Cherokee  possessed  an  advanced  culture  that  re- 
sulted in  the  growth  of  towns  in  Georgia  and  South  Carolina. 
They  came  to  the  country  that  would  become  Tennessee  almost 
solely  for  hunting  and  fishing,  as  did  the  Iroquois  from  the 
north.  Consequently,  Indian  wars  were  a  constant  feature  of 
frontier  life.  The  Shawnee,  being  smaller  in  number,  rarely 
opposed  the  more  powerful  Cherokee  and  Iroquois.  By  mid- 
eighteenth  century,  the  Cherokee  had  become  economic  and 
political  allies  of  the  English  due  to  the  Indians1  ready  accept- 
ance of  English-made  products.  As  stated  by  the  Cherokee  head 
warrior,  Skiagunsta,  his  people  could  not  live  without  clothing, 
weapons,  ammunition,  and  other  necessities  of  life  provided  by 
the  English. 

In  order  to  bring  the  distant  Cherokee  tribes  more  complete- 
ly in  line  with   English  trade,  military  alliances  were  made 

6  Tennessee  County  History  Series 

through  a  puppet  government  with  Moytoy  of  Great  Tellico 
who,  according  to  David  H.  Corkran,  was  probably  the  Great 
Warrior  of  the  Overhills.  When  Moytoy  died  in  battle  in  1741, 
the  English  in  Carolina  moved  their  Indian  link  to  Chota  on  the 
Little  Tennessee  where  they  commissioned  Moytoy's  13-year- 
old  son  as  Ammonscottee  emperor.  There  ensued  a  period  of 
uncertainty  during  which  the  Carolina  influence  waned,  but  the 
Cherokee  maintained  their  English  connections.  Intertribal 
politics  almost  led  to  an  all-out  war  with  the  Creeks  and  their 
allies  against  the  Cherokee  who  had  English  support.  A  treaty  on 
November  29,  1751,  regulated  trade  by  restricting  it  to  home- 
towns with  each  Indian  trader  being  confined  to  that  hometown. 

Conflict  between  France  and  England  was  often  stimulated 
by  events  in  America.  The  royal  governors  in  South  and  North 
Carolina  and  Virginia  were  under  strong  pressure  from  leading 
citizens  in  their  own  colonies  and  by  eager  land  traders  who 
looked  enviously  beyond  the  Appalachian  Mountains.  After  the 
Treaty  of  Paris  in  1763,  France  retained  its  possessions  in  the 
West  Indies  but  gave  England  all  claims  in  North  America.  This 
territorial  settlement  was  to  have  far-reaching  effects  on  the 
English  colonies  in  North  America  and  on  their  claims  to  the 
promised  lands  beyond  the  mountains.  Some  diplomats  during 
that  time  argued  that  England  had  blundered  by  removing  the 
French  menace  in  interior  America  and  by  rendering  their 
citizens  less  dependent  on  the  mother  country  for  protection.  In 
1756,  the  colonists  were  enthusiastic  members  of  the  United 
Kingdom.  By  1771,  they  embarked  on  a  program  to  protect 
their  rights  as  English  citizens,  which  resulted  in  armed  revolt 
against  legislation  which  stemmed  from  the  commonly  accepted 
doctrine  of  mercantilism. 

Those  colonists  who  eventually  came  into  what  is  now 
Claiborne  County  had  gone  through  a  process  of  Americaniza- 
tion transforming  them  unconsciously  from  English,  Scots,  or 
European  into  a  very  different  kind  of  people.  After  several 
generations  of  closely  contested  battles  with  Indians  and  the 
surrounding  wilderness,  they  were  much  more  democratic  than 
their  forefathers.  In  the  tidewater  region  of  the  Thirteen  Col- 
onies the  presence  of  landless  persons  caused  conflict,  followed 


by  repressive  legislation.  Many  of  these  people  moved  west  and 
settled  on  land  regardless  of  whether  or  not  they  had  legal  title. 
English  yeoman  farmers  jostled  with  Scotch-Irish  and  Germans 
for  the  choicest  lands.  Many  families  moved  considerable  dis- 
tances three  or  four  times.  In  the  process  they  changed  speech 
habits,  adopted  new  words  reflecting  their  experiences,  and 
produced  a  more  volatile  society  than  that  from  which  they 
came.  Long  before  the  revolt  against  English  rule,  hunters, 
trappers,  land  agents,  and  seekers  of  new  homes  were  on  their 
way  through  what  is  now  Claiborne  County  by  way  of  Powell 
Valley,  Cumberland  Gap,  and  the  Clinch  and  Powell  rivers. 
These  early  settlers  made  common  cause  against  the  Crown. 
Though  Claiborne  County  was  not  established  until  1801,  the 
restless  frontiersmen  joined  forces  to  combat  the  Indians  and, 
when  opportunity  came,  their  best  riflemen  joined  with  organ- 
ized groups  to  strike  out  at  the  English.  Others  from  more  stable 
societies  joined  the  westward  movement,  seeking  a  new  start  and 
access  to  riches  greater  than  those  previously  known. 

Adventure  and  hope  of  profit  led  colonial  hunters,  fishers, 
and  trappers  through  the  gaps  in  the  Appalachian  chain  and 
down  the  Powell  and  Clinch  rivers.  By  word  of  mouth  and 
through  stories  in  provincial  newspapers  in  Virginia  and  North 
Carolina,  these  people  had  learned  that  riches  could  be  gained 
by  supplying  furs  to  colonial  agents  acting  for  London,  Paris,  or 
Low  Country  merchants.  Before  people  ventured  through  the 
mountains,  they  learned  the  trails  used  by  Indians  and  their 
trading  contacts.  Many  English  traders  became  so  successful  that 
they  made  permanent  homes  among  the  Indians  and  married 
Indian  women. 

Years  before  Daniel  Boone  blazed  the  trail  through  Cumber- 
land Gap  into  central  Kentucky,  hunters  and  trappers  in  groups 
of  six  or  seven  came  down  the  Clinch  River  to  trap  and  hunt  in 
what  became  Claiborne  County.  One  group,  led  by  John  Wallen, 
became  well  acquainted  with  the  river  and  with  the  adjoining 
ridge  which  now  bears  Wallen's  name.  The  Wallen  group  was 
very  successful  and  made  repeated  trips  into  the  county,  car- 
rying back  stories  of  the  riches  awaiting  those  willing  to  face  the 
dangers  of  the  wilderness.  Other  trappers  followed  Powell  River 

Tennessee  County  History  Series 

■■■HHpr  WSSm 

Powell  River,  at  the  point  of  water  intake  for  the  Upper  Powell  Valley 
Utility  District 

out  of  Virginia  where  they  arranged  to  buy  furs  from  the 
Indians.  Their  reports  created  a  great  deal  of  excitement  among 
those  on  the  other  side  of  the  mountain  who  had  not  yet  become 
well-established  planters.  Clearly,  the  trappers  and  hunters  were 
opening  an  empire  for  those  who  would  seize  it. 

For  two  decades  prior  to  the  organization  of  the  Claiborne 
County  government,  John  Wallen  and  many  others  like  him 
carried  on  a  lucrative  trade  in  furs  with  the  Indians  of  the  region. 
John  Wallen  thought  so  highly  of  the  area  that  he  remained  to 
help  establish  the  governing  body  of  Claiborne  County.  He 
became  a  justice  of  the  peace,  appointed  by  Governor  Archibald 
Roane,  to  serve  as  a  member  of  the  Court  of  Common  Pleas  and 
Plenary  Sessions  in  1801. 

Creation  of  the  County  and  Its  Early  Years 

The  movement  of  population  through  gaps,  especially  the 
Cumberland  Gap,  was  so  rapid  that  Tennessee  met  the  constitu- 
tional requirements  for  admission  to  the  Union  in   1796  and 


Kentucky  in  1792.  The  first  capitol  of  Tennessee  was  located  at 
Knoxville,  where  the  Legislature  on  October  29,  1801,  created 
Claiborne  County  from  Grainger  and  Hawkins  counties  and 
extended  the  southern  boundary  to  Anderson  County.  The 
Virginia  tidewater  aristocrat  William  C.  C.  Claiborne  was 
selected  to  honor  by  using  his  name  for  the  newly  formed 

For  the  first  few  years,  the  governor  appointed  magistrates  to 
govern  the  area.  Archibald  Roane,  then  serving  as  governor  of 
the  new  state,  appointed  John  Carey,  James  Chisum,  Isaac  Lane, 
Abel  Lanham,  Joseph  Nations,  Cavender  Newport,  George  Peal, 
James  Renfro,  William  Rogers,  Mathew  Sims,  William  Trent, 
John  Vanbebber,  John  Wallen,  and  Joseph  Webster  asjustices  of 
the  peace.  Joseph  Cobb  and  Andrew  Evins  of  Grainger  County 
were  appointed  to  qualify  these  justices.  On  December  7,  1801, 
the  first  government  of  Claiborne  County  was  organized  at  the 
Powell  Valley  home  of  John  Owens.  Record  keeping  and  a 
fulcrum  from  which  to  operate  necessitated  a  clerk,  but  on  the 
first  day  of  its  existence  the  court  failed  to  fill  this  important 
position.  On  the  next  day  the  Court  of  Pleas  and  Plenary  Ses- 
sions elected  Walter  Evans  as  clerk.  He  served  the  county  faith- 
fully and  expertly  for  many  years.  John  Hunt  was  chosen  as  high 
sheriff,  an  extremely  important  office,  especially  in  the  early 
years  when  the  burgeoning  community  was  filled  with  many  who 
had  rejected  the  laws  of  their  previous  homes  east  of  the  moun- 
tains. Hunt  was  to  serve  in  this  capacity  several  times.  An  able 
lawyer,  Luke  Bowyer  was  appointed  solicitor  with  a  salary  of  $  1 2 
for  each  court  session.  Ezekial  Craft  was  elected  register.  It  was 
significant  that  two  men,  Samuel  Cloud  and  Fielding  Lewis, 
whose  families  are  still  influential  in  the  county's  economy  and 
politics,  served  as  security.  These  men  were  bonded  to  insure 
against  fraud. 

Very  soon  there  was  a  need  to  establish  the  center  of  the 
county's  government  nearer  to  the  center  of  the  county's 
population.  John  Owen's  home  in  Powell  Valley  was  within  sight 
of  Cumberland  Gap  through  which  immigrants  journeyed.  The 
Kentucky  Road  ran  southward  from  Powell  Valley  and  in  an 
easterly  direction   through   two  communities  eager  to  be 


Tennessee  County  History  Series 

Home  of  John  Hunt,  where  the  county  court  held  its  first  Tazewell 
meeting.  This  photograph  of  a  painting  by  Hazel  Davis  of  Harrogate 
was  made  by  E.  J.  Hardin  IV. 

chosen — Tazewell,  named  for  the  well-known  Virginia 
Tazewells,  and  Springdale,  located  on  Little  Sycamore  Creek 
where  many  newcomers  trapped. 

Benjamin  Cloud  or  his  ancestors  had  lived  in  Claiborne 
County  for  many  years  and  his  lively  interest  combined  with 
some  imagination  led  him  to  publish  in  the  Claiborne  Progress 
accounts  of  old  time  Tazewell.  Tazewell  was  selected  as  the 
county  seat  over  Springdale  and  according  to  Cloud's  account  of 
the  legend,  Tazewell  won  out  because  too  many  people  over  the 
ridge  in  Springdale  imbibed  too  freely  for  the  exercise  of  the 
franchise  on  decision  day. 

Thus,  the  next  session  of  the  county  court  met  in  Tazewell  at 
the  home  of  John  Hunt  on  Kentucky  Road.  Walter  Evans  was 
present  to  record  the  session.  More  importantly,  he  also  main- 
tained legible  and  accurate  records  of  legal  actions  in  the  county. 
Justices  of  the  peace  present  at  this  first  Tazewell  session  were 
Carey,  Chisum,  Lane,  Lanham,  Nations,  Renfro,  Trent,  and 


Webster.  The  court  accepted  attorneys  Luke  Bowyer,  James 
Bray,  and  James  Trimble.  Sheriff  Hunt  pointed  out  an  embar- 
rassment to  the  performance  of  his  duties — there  was  then  no 
jail.  A  crude  structure  shortly  was  built,  to  be  replaced  soon  by  a 
more  secure  stone  and  brick  structure  which  still  stands  and  is 
currently  used  by  the  city  of  Tazewell  for  storage. 

Many  actions  needed  to  be  taken  to  meet  the  needs  of  the 
county's  citizens,  but  the  primary  concern  was  the  acquisition  of 
titles  to  lands.  That  need  was  a  process  that  continued  until  1 890, 
when  even  the  western  frontier  disappeared. 

Even  in  1801  there  were  some  citizens  who  needed  assistance 
simply  to  survive.  In  the  earliest  years,  the  court  cared  for  needy 
persons  by  single  appropriations.  John  Murphy  was  low  bidder 
when  he  agreed  to  care  for  one  person  for  $14.50  until  the  next 
court  term.  In  December  of  1819,  the  court  gave  to  the  lowest 
bidder,  Drury  Herrel,  the  sum  of  $103.75  for  care  of  three 
persons.  In  May  of  1820  the  court  approved  an  appropriation  of 
$20  to  provide  care  for  an  individual  for  a  period  of  one  year.  As 
the  number  of  needy  persons  increased  with  the  county's 
population,  the  county  poor  house  was  established  with  welfare 
care  again  being  allocated  to  the  lowest  bidder. 

Throughout  the  first  half-century  of  its  life,  the  Claiborne 
County  Court  of  Pleas  and  Plenary  Sessions  frequently  meted 
out  frontier  justice  for  such  common  offenses  as  trespass,  bastar- 
dy, assault  and  battery,  murder,  libel,  theft,  and  disputes  arising 
from  interpretations  of  agreements  between  individuals  and 
groups.  The  court  had  an  enormous  and  complicated  task  in 
applying  laws  so  that  the  citizens  could  live  in  a  reasonable  state 
of  peace.  Trespass  was  not  a  common  offense,  but  bastardy  often 
engaged  the  attention  of  the  court.  In  May  of  1812  a  woman 
brought  suit  against  a  gentleman  acquaintance  for  support  of  a 
child  "which  had  been  begotten  on  her  body  by  the  said  .  .  ." 
gentleman.  The  court  awarded  her  $130  for  the  support  of  the 
child.  In  November  of  1819  a  bastardy  indictment  was  quashed 
on  grounds  of  a  question  of  identity.  The  defendant  was  tried  in 
the  next  court  session  under  an  alias  indictment. 

Libel  charges  were  rare  but  the  disposition  of  such  cases  by 

1  -  Tennessee  County  History  Series 

Claiborne  County  jail,  built  about  1816 

the  fledgling  court  deserves  mention.  In  one  instance  the  court 
upheld  the  charge  of  libel  and  awarded  25^  to  the  complainant 
but  required  him  to  pay  the  court  costs.  Assault  and  battery  were 
the  most  frequent  of  all  charges,  but  few  actually  found  their  way 
into  court  since  it  was  a  tacit  assumption  that  each  man  was  the 
keeper  of  his  own  honor. 

Predators,  especially  wolves,  frequently  endangered  live- 
stock; therefore,  the  court  felt  obliged  to  pay  bounties  for  each 
wolf.  Payment  was  awarded  by  bringing  the  wolfs  ears  into  court 
and  by  testifying  as  to  the  age  of  the  wolf  and  the  location  of  the 
kill.  A  further  protection  to  owners  of  livestock  was  the  assign- 
ment of  markers  to  protect  an  individual's  property  against 
those  who  mistakenly  might  claim  an  animal.  For  example,  in 
June  of  1802  the  court  decreed  that  Peter  Huffaker  could  mark 
his  cattle  with  a  smooth  cup  on  the  left  ear  and  a  slit  on  the 
right  ear. 

Disputes  between  dealers  in  real  estate  inevitably  arose  and 
sometimes  came  into  court.  One  such  dispute  involved  a  case 


brought  against  Elisha  Wallen  by  several  partners  who  re- 
quested the  court  to  award  them  damages  resulting  from  the  sale 
of  lands  that  they  had  agreed  jointly  to  buy  and  sell  on  the  basis 
of  an  equal  division  of  the  proceeds.  The  court  found  for  the 
complainant  and  ordered  Wallen  to  repay  the  partnership  the 
sum  of  $593.33. 

Even  before  the  court  began  the  long  process  of  awarding 
titles  to  county  land,  the  rush  for  lands  in  the  Old  Southwest  had 
begun.  The  rush  for  Claiborne  County  land  befitted  the  times 
and  the  existing  transportation  facilities.  Viewed  in  depth  this 
land  rush  produced  lasting  effects.  Here  was  the  struggle  by 
hunters,  trappers,  householders,  and  typical  frontiersmen  to 
acquire  land  leading  to  the  hope  of  fame  and  fortune.  Frederick 
Jackson  Turner  saw  in  this  struggle  and  the  hundreds  of  other 
western  developments  a  process  that  democratized  America  and 
the  persuasiveness  of  his  rhetoric  influenced  American  his- 
tory for  years  to  come.  One  of  Turner's  followers,  Thomas 
Abernethy,  deviated  somewhat  from  Turner's  interpreta- 
tion and  pointed  to  countervailing  trends  in  the  new  lands  of 
Tennessee  and  Kentucky  where  those  who  struggled  to  own 
land  competed  with  the  agents  of  special  privilege  who  profited 
by  the  easy  availability  of  land  far  more  than  those  who  toiled 
upon  it. 

On  April  18,  1783,  before  Claiborne  County  was  organized 
or  Tennessee  was  admitted  to  the  Union,  North  Carolina's 
General  Assembly  granted  Richard  Henderson  and  others 
200,000  acres  of  land  in  Powell  Valley;  starting  at  Lead  Mine 
Bend  on  Powell  River  and  lying  on  both  sides  of  that  river  and  on 
Clinch  River  after  the  juncture  of  the  two  streams.  To  make  it 
more  readily  available  to  eager  buyers,  the  large  grant  was  sur- 
veyed and  divided  into  plots  of  6500  acres  on  Powell  River  and 
4375  acres  on  both  sides  of  the  Clinch,  except  for  the  south- 
ernmost plot  which  ran  to  10,000  acres.  Prior  to  Tennessee's 
admission  to  the  Union,  titles  to  county  lands  continued  to 
exchange  hands.  The  governors  of  North  Carolina  and  Tennes- 
see after  1796  increased  the  number  of  patent  grants  to  indi- 
viduals thus  placing  them  at  a  great  advantage  over  others  who 

14  Tennessee  County  History  Series 

sought  new  homes.  Much  of  what  transpired  in  the  Claiborne 
County  court  for  a  half-century  thereafter  was  concerned  with 
exchanging  land  titles  in  the  Henderson  grant. 

In  another  grant  #642,  the  governor  of  North  Carolina  gave 
to  Stokely  Donelson  and  a  man  named  King  on  January  24, 
1795,  land  that  was  processed  through  the  Washington  County 
land  entry  office,  a  North  Carolina  agency.  James  Glasgow,  who 
dealt  actively  in  Claiborne  County  land  through  his  attorney 
John  Adair  of  Knox  County,  sold  300  acres  of  land  from  the 
Donelson  grant  to  William  Henderson  for  the  sum  of  $450. 
Another  patent  grant  #290,  dated  December  20,  1787,  was 
made  to  William  Cocke,  who  in  turn  sold  a  portion  of  it  to  John 
Cocke  of  Grainger  County.  He  in  turn  sold  a  portion  in  October 
of  1 8 1 0  to  John  Hall  of  Sumner  County.  One  sale  in  the  Tazewell 
area  that  was  derived  from  the  #290  grant  was  made  from  John 
Hall  to  Benjamin  Posey  on  October  22,  1810,  for  $548.  Posey 
played  a  leading  role  in  the  life  of  early  Tazewell.  On  September 
3,18 1 0,  James  Glasgow  sold  1 00  acres  to  Uriah  Coins.  Governor 
William  Blount  followed  the  well-developed  trend  by  granting 
Edward  Shipley  and  heirs  a  parcel  of  land  in  the  District  of 
Hamilton  on  Tye's  Branch. 

In  a  lawsuit  which  grew  out  of  the  Wallen  partnership  dis- 
pute, Joseph  Williams  divulged  the  sale  of  land  from  certain 
other  grants:  640  acres  from  #1590,  640  acres  from  #2209,  and 
440  acres  from  #2255.  The  sale  of  lands  from  these  grants 
covered  most  or  all  of  the  county  area  lying  between  Clinch  River 
and  the  watersheds  of  Russell,  Straight,  and  Barren  creeks. 
During  the  first  20  years  after  the  organization  of  the  county's 
government,  most  of  the  lands  encompassed  in  these  patent 
grants  were  sold  to  those  people  who  came  to  build  homes  and 
establish  businesses. 

Walter  Evans,  on  September  17,  1808,  noted  that  active  land 
trader  Nathaniel  Davis  sold  to  George  Petrie  200  acres  of  land  in 
the  Henderson  grant,  carved  out  of  Lots  D  and  E.  In  November 
of  the  same  year,  he  again  sold  to  Petrie  other  parts  of  the  same 
lots,  which  involved  portions  of  Lead  Mine  Bend  on  Powell 
River.  In  June  of  1808  Thomas  Lane  with  Joseph  Evans  took 
title  for  a  parcel  of  land  in  Lot  F.  On  September  15,  1809, 



Plot  of  the  200,000  acres  on  the  Clinch  River  and  its  tributaries  granted 
to  Richard  Henderson  and  others 

16  Tennessee  County  History  Series 

Thomas  McLane  sold  1 14  acres  for  $400  to  James  Helms  from 
the  Henderson  grant  which  were  described  legally  as  No.  2  in 
Lots  FF  and  GG.  The  lower  lots  belonged  to  the  heirs  of  Noah 
Hart.  On  May  6,  181  l,John  Mclver,  acting  in  behalf  of  the  estate 
of  Josiah  Watson  of  Pennsylvania,  sold  Lots  C  and  D.  One  tract 
was  the  northeastern  section  of  Lot  I,  generally  known  as  the 
Yoakum  Station  tract,  which  amounted  to  3550  acres.  The  seller 
retained  150  to  200  acres  and  later  sold  them  to  William  Maddy. 
The  upper  half  of  Lot  I,  consisting  of  606  acres,  was  also  sold  for 
the  Watson  estate.  Interestingly  enough,  attorneys  for  both  sides 
of  the  transaction  determined  how  payments  were  to  be  made. 
The  Yoakum  Station  tract  had  early  use  as  a  military  bastion 
against  Indian  attacks. 

By  1820  the  brisk  business  of  exchanging  land  titles  had 
become  so  routine  that  an  entry  made  by  a  prospective  buyer  in  a 
land  entry  office  at  Tazewell  would  indicate  the  size,  location, 
and  price  of  the  lot.  This  was  followed  by  a  survey  arranged  for 
by  the  buyer  and  then  closure  of  the  sale. 

Simeon  Frost  made  entry  for  5000  acres  of  land  on  Wallen's 
Ridge,  from  Bailey  Gap  toward  Sycamore  Creek.  The  survey 
was  made  by  James  S.  Norvell  who  served  as  county  surveyor  for 
many  years  and  who  became  the  owner  of  a  considerable 
amount  of  land.  John  Farmer  claimed  5000  acres  of  land  in  the 
Mulberry  Gap  region  and  on  July  19,  1837,  Norvell  surveyed 
4 1 3  acres  to  be  sold  by  Farmer.  On  August  22,  David  Richardson 
and  John  Coke  entered  a  claim  to  2000  acres  of  land  on  Cumber- 
land Mountain.  This  claim  started  with  land  lying  on  the  di- 
viding boundary  of  Claiborne  and  Campbell  counties  and  the 
survey  was  made  by  Norvell  on  September  29,  1837.  William 
Baldridge  entered  a  claim  to  1000  acres  of  land  on  Poor  Valley 
Ridge.  His  claim  was  also  surveyed  by  Norvell  on  February  13, 
1839.  William  Kincaid  entered  large  claims  to  land  adjoining  the 
Henderson  grant,  3000  acres  on  October  6,  1836,  and  5000 
acres  on  August  10,  1838;  Norvell  surveyed  both  claims. 

In  July  of  1848,  Peter  Marcum  and  James  N.  Cheek  entered 
a  claim  to  land  on  the  north  side  of  Powell  River  up  to  the 
headwaters  of  Little  Creek.  The  county  surveyor,  Nathaniel  B. 
Capps,  made  the  survey.  James  Ritter  entered  a  claim  for  4400 
acres  of  land  lying  between  Powell  River  and  Little  Sycamore 


Creek.  Peter  Marcum  surveyed  this  land  in  December  of  1849. 

Among  Tazewell's  leaders  in  merchandising,  building,  law, 
and  local  government  who  invested  wisely  and  extensively  in 
land  during  the  city's  early  years  were  Walter  Evans,  William  and 
Hugh  Graham,  Benjamin  Posey,  Benjamin  Sewell,  and  mem- 
bers of  such  families  as  the  Chadwells,  Fulkersons,  Houstons, 
Hursts,  Wales,  and  many  others.  The  lands  acquired  by  Hugh 
Graham  placed  him  astride  the  Kentucky  Road  and  afforded 
him  a  suitable  site  for  construction  of  one  of  Tazewell's  most 
famous  homes — Castle  Rock.  William,  Hugh's  older  brother, 
acquired  significant  portions  of  Tazewell  on  which  he  built  two 
homes  that  eventually  were  listed  on  the  National  Register  of 
Historic  Places.  He  also  built  the  city's  only  Presbyterian  church. 

Road  building  was  a  major  problem  at  the  county's  beginning 
and  still  is  one  due  to  the  area's  hilly  topography  and  heavy 
rainfall.  From  1801,  the  county  court  recognized  the  importance 
of  roads  in  bringing  many  necessities  of  life  to  this  wilderness 
community  and  in  carrying  the  surpluses  produced  to  the  out- 
side world.  As  early  as  December  of  1802,  the  court  gave  to 
Elnathan  Davis  the  responsibility  for  constructing  and  maintain- 
ing a  road  from  Barren  Creek  at  Sandlick  to  the  Straight  Creek 
Road.  All  able-bodied  males  21  years  old  and  over  along  that 
road  had  as  their  civic  duty  to  furnish  labor  for  five  days.  Some- 
times, upon  petition,  the  court  would  absolve  a  man  from  this 
responsibility  if  his  physical  condition  so  warranted.  In  later 
years  so  many  men  petitioned  for  release  from  this  obligation 
that  the  court  added  the  requirement  of  a  doctor's  certificate. 
In  1801  the  first  court  gave  John  Wallen,  aided  by  Captain 
Huffaker's  company,  the  formidable  job  of  building  and  main- 
taining the  road  from  Powell  River  to  the  top  of  Cumberland 
Mountain.  In  those  days  all  male  citizens  were  assigned  to 
specific  "captains"  to  perform  a  variety  of  civic  duties  such  as 
road  work.  In  its  March  of  1802  session  the  court  appointed  a 
committee,  called  a  jury,  to  lay  out  a  road  from  Old  Town 
Creek  to  John  Bullard's  ferry  on  Clinch  River.  In  November 
of  1819,  the  court  appointed  Peter  Huffaker  to  supervise 
road  work  on  a  road  that  began  at  "William  Elys  to  the  mouth 
of  a  hollow  along  the  old  path  to  the  Kentucky  Road"  and 
from  there  to  Roddy's  Ferry  on  Powell  River. 


Tennessee  County  History  Series 

Surveyor's  drawing 
of  the  Hugh  Graham 
homesite,  Castle 


The  court  clearly  aimed  to  construct  passable  wagon  roads 
throughout  most  of  the  county,  with  Tazewell  being  the  hub  of 
roads  from  Kentucky  to  a  crossing  of  the  Clinch  Mountain,  from 
the  Cedar  Fork  area  of  land,  Little  Sycamore,  and  Big  Sycamore, 
and  down  Little  Barren  Creek  toward  Knoxville,  the  capitol  city. 
Even  at  that  early  date,  Knoxville  gave  promise  of  being  the 
commercial  center  of  East  Tennessee.  The  Kentucky  Road, 
from  Cumberland  Gap  through  Tazewell  and  beyond  the 
Clinch  Mountain  to  connect  with  roads  to  the  south,  was  the 
main  artery  although  Powell  Valley  developed  as  an  important 
artery  of  commerce  due  to  the  productivity  of  valley  farms  and 
the  number  of  settlers  who  came  to  build  homes  on  the  Hender- 
son grant.  A  necessary  part  of  the  area's  primitive  transportation 
system  were  ferries  which  were  approved  to  be  built  across  the 
Powell  and  Clinch  rivers.  Bullards  operated  a  ferry  across  Clinch 
River,  but  in  December  of  1802  the  court  authorized  Robert 
Yauldy  to  build  a  ferry  at  the  point  where  Kentucky  Road 
crossed  Clinch  River.  The  established  allowable  charges  were 
1 2  X/H  for  each  man  and  horse,  50^  for  a  two-wheel  carriage,  and 
6!/4#  for  each  head  of  cattle. 

Occasionally  the  court  recognized  the  need  to  create  public 
places  of  entertainment,  including  places  for  food  and  drink.  In 
February  of  1812,  the  court  authorized  James  A.  Perryman  and 
William  Dobbs  to  operate  such  places  in  Tazewell,  George  Evans 
to  maintain  a  house  of  entertainment  at  the  Clinch  River  ferry, 
and  Christopher  Dawson  to  operate  for  a  period  of  one  year  at 
his  home.  Perhaps  the  most  extensively  used  inn  by  travelers  was 
the  one  built  by  Elijah  Evans  at  the  crossing  of  Clinch  River  and 
Kentucky  Road.  It  had  become  so  well  known  that  many  families 
planned  in  advance  to  stay  there  overnight  or  for  longer  periods 
of  time.  Lively  Welsh  songs  drew  many  people  to  this  pleasant 

Early  County  Development 

By  June  of  1802,  the  Claiborne  County  Court  of  Pleas  and 
Plenary  Sessions  had  settled  into  the  performance  of  routine 
duties,  even  though  this  meeting  was  only  its  third.  Like  the  first 
two  court  sessions,  the  third  meeting  was  held  in  a  home,  that  of 


Tennessee  County  History  Series 

Elisha  Wallen,  Sr.,  at  Tazewell.  Justices  of  the  peace  present 
were  Isaac  Lane,  Abel  Lanham,  Cavender  Newport,  George 
Real,  James  Renfro,  William  Rogers,  and  Joseph  Webster.  To 
defray  the  cost  of  government,  the  court  set  a  real  estate  tax  of 
12V:2C  per  100  acres,  25tf  for  each  black  person,  and  $1  per  capita 
for  white  persons  and  for  each  stud  horse.  In  the  February  of 
1812  court  session,  only  John  Doughterty,  Abel  Lanham,  and 
John  Yanbebber  were  present.  Despite  this,  the  court  proceed- 
ed to  handle  pressing  governmental  requirements,  such  as  ap- 
pointing Salathiel  Martin  to  administer  the  sale  of  the  estate  of 
Samuel  Frit. 

A  necessary  action  near  the  end  of  each  court  session  was  to 
appoint  a  list  of  people  to  serve  on  the  grand  jury  in  February  of 
the  following  year.  The  court  in  November  of  1812  appointed 
Alexander  Bales,  George  Campbell,  Samuel  Cloud,  John 
Condry,  William  Condry,  Robertson  Dobbins,  Lazarus  Dodson, 
Elias  Harrison,  Thomas  Huddleston,  Hardy  Hughes,  Abraham 
Hunter,  Elijah  Hurst,  Amos  Johnston,  Nathaniel  McNabb, 
Thomas  McVey,  David  Morse,  John  Neal,  William  Packer, 
Michael  Pearson,  Peter  Perryman,  John  Rogers,  George  Sharp, 
John  Sumpter,  James  Vanbebber,  Thomas  Whitted,  Samuel 
Wiatt,  and  William  Williams  to  grand  jury  duty. 

The  court  in  1819  appointed  the  following  jurors  to  form  a 
panel  for  the  next  circuit  court:  Peter  Arnwine,  John  Baker, 
William  Barnwell,  Breamt  Breeding,  Alexander  Campbell, 
Michael  Cannon,  Jacob  Castle,  Thomas  Clark,  Samuel  Cloud, 
Daniel  Cofelt,  Robert  Crockett,  John  W.  Dowele,  John  Gravis, 
John  Huddleston,  Joseph  Hunter,  Tideance  C.  Lane,  Leavis 
Morris,  James  Overton,  John  Rhea,  John  Simmons,  James 
Vanbebber,  Jacob  Vandeventer,  and  Beaufort  W.  Woodall.  The 
court  also  appointed  26  men  to  serve  as  jurors  when  needed; 
Isaac  Bullard,  John  Carr,  John  Condry,  George  Ford,  and  John 
Hodges  were  included. 

As  late  as  February  of  1820,  Governor  Joseph  McMinn,  as 
heretofore,  appointed  members  to  the  court.  He  appointed 
William  Graham,  the  architect,  religious  and  educational  leader; 
Archer  Bales,  George  Brock,  John  Brock,  Alexander  Campbell, 
Aaron  Davy,  Mercurious  Cook,  John  Evans,  John  Huddleston, 


John  Hunt,  John  Lynch,  John  Neil,  and  Josiah  Ramsey.  Many 
of  these  men  continued  to  appear  prominently  in  the  county's 
early  history. 

Hugh  Graham  became  known  widely  throughout  his 
adopted  state  of  Tennessee  through  his  real  estate  transactions, 
his  ready  support  of  the  religious  and  educational  activities  of  his 
brother  William,  and  through  purchases  from  the  mercantile 
establishments  in  Philadelphia  and  Baltimore.  The  Grahams 
were  Scottish  Presbyterians  who  lived  for  some  time  in  Northern 
Ireland  before  they  migrated  to  America.  By  1830,  Hugh  had 
carved  a  separate  career  with  emphasis  on  quality  merchandise 
and  intellectual  leadership. 

Throughout  most  of  his  life  as  a  merchant,  Hugh  Graham 
made  use  of  a  new  breed  of  wagon  drivers  to  bring  directly 
to  Tazewell  merchandise  from  such  eastern  port  cities  as 
Philadelphia  and  Baltimore.  Transportation  of  merchandise  be- 
tween these  port  cities  by  means  of  packet  lines  became  routine 
by  1830;  from  Baltimore  to  Tazewell  wagon  trains  were  used. 
The  following  illustrations  reveals  the  costs  of  such  transporta- 
tion. On  June  25,  1833,  the  wagoner  Joseph  Ryan  received 
$179  from  Hugh  Graham  for  hauling  1436  pounds  of  merchan- 
dise from  Baltimore  to  Tazewell.  A  month  later  another  driver, 
James  Barassions,  charged  Graham  $229.89  for  hauling  4319 
pounds  of  merchandise  from  Baltimore  to  Tazewell.  By  the 
1830s  Tazewell  also  had  become  a  stopping  point  on  a  stage  line 
that  came  down  the  Kentucky  Road  to  Tazewell  and  on  across 
Clinch  Mountain  to  southern  points. 

Graham  also  bought  quality  merchandise  from  such 
Knoxville  wholesalers  as  Gammons,  Gaines,  and  Company,  the 
successors  of  Williams  and  Company.  One  such  purchase  orig- 
inated in  Charleston,  South  Carolina,  on  December  25,  1851, 
and  came  part  way  by  railway  freight  on  the  Western  and  Atlan- 
tic Railroad.  Graham  bought  much  of  his  tobacco  merchandise 
from  Andrew  Padlock  of  Harrodsburg,  Kentucky.  One  such 
shipment  occurred  on  June  14,  1833,  consisting  of  nine  boxes  of 
Miles's  "segars"  at  $  1 1 .68  per  box,  eight  dozen  paper  cut  and  dry 
tobacco  at  $8,  and  five  boxes  of  tobacco  at  $84.50 

Despite  the  presence  of  numerous  prime  settlement  loca- 


Tennessee  County  History  Series 

Parkey  House,  built  by  William  Graham  about 
1816;  a  focal  point  on  Kentucky  Road  and  a 
center  of  area  political  life.  Although  the  house  is 
no  longer  standing,  the  site  is  listed  on  the 
National  Register. 

Shell  Hotel  in  Tazewell 


tions  of  salt  licks  in  the  county,  there  was  still  a  strong  demand 
for  imported  salt.  By  1830,  the  county's  population  of  8470 
persons  was  greater  than  that  of  any  neighboring  counties,  ex- 
cept Knox;  therefore,  an  increased  demand  for  the  preservative 
existed.  From  time  to  time,  Graham  bought  many  barrels  of  salt 
from  Hugh  White,  a  well-known  name  in  Tennessee  history. 

The  Graham  brothers,  especially  Hugh,  became  known 
throughout  the  eastern  United  States  as  gentlemen  with  literary 
tastes.  Knowledgeable  people  of  that  time  believed  that  Hugh 
Graham's  personal  library  was  one  of  the  best  in  the  South.  By 
1850,  he  subscribed  to  the  New  York  Journal  of  Commerce,  Puritan 
Recorder,  LitteWs  Living  Age,  American  and  Foreign  Christian  Union, 
Presbyterian  of  the  West,  Missionary  Herald,  British  and  North 
American  Review,  and  magazines  from  Philadelphia  and 
Baltimore,  which  were  for  sale  in  his  store  and  for  his  own  use. 
He  offered  a  wide  assortment  of  books  which  possibly  em- 
phasized religion.  Examples  of  these  books  were  Shield's 
and  Whiteman  Rutter's  Spelling  Books,  Small  Primers,  American 
Primers,  Goddard's  Hymns,  English  Readers,  Hervey's  Meditation, 
Hall's  United  States.  Pilgrim's  Progress,  Walker's  Dictionary  and 
Kirkham's  Grammar.  Edw7ard  Littell,  one  of  the  nation's  best 
known  literary  publishers  and  critics  of  the  time,  enjoyed  a 
vigorous  correspondence  with  Graham,  referring  to  him  as 
"my  ancient  correspondent." 

Sales  at  Graham's  store  were  conducted  on  a  credit  basis 
which  resulted  in  some  debtors  resorting  to  surrender  of  their 
lands  or  chattels.  In  spite  of  this,  the  volume  of  his  business  was 
great  enough  that  he  survived  the  ups  and  downs  of  price  levels. 
There  was  some  evidence  that  by  the  1850s  business  had  slowed 
up  so  that  he  resorted  more  frequently  to  foreclosures;  however, 
most  of  his  customers  remained  solvent.  The  list  of  names  in  his 
account  book  indicated  that  his  store  was  the  leading  institution 
of  its  kind  in  the  county  at  that  time.  In  184(5,  there  were  500 
names  in  his  account  books,  some  of  whom  were  Elizabeth  Buis, 
Martin  Burchfield,  J.  Chadwick,  W.  R.  Evans,  David  Fullington, 
John  Hurst,  David  Lambert,  Joseph  Large,  John  Mason, 
Michael  Montgomery,  John  Pearson,  and  John  W.  White. 

Over  the  period  of  20  years  from    1822  to    1842,   Hugh 


Tennessee  County  History  Series 


&-5K  r 

BRK .         I 


Castle  Rock,  home  of  Hugh  Graham  in  Tazewell.  This  photograph  was 
made  long  after  Graham's  death. 

Graham  continued  to  acquire  land,  especially  in  the  Tazewell 
area  along  Russell  Creek  and  up  to  a  town  spring  at  Academy 
Hollow.  Some  of  this  land,  probably  six  and  one-half  acres,  was 
bought  from  Tennessee  Margraves  and  surveyed  by  Walter 
Evans.  This  location  placed  Graham  in  a  position  to  tap  the 
lucrative  traffic  which  followed  the  Kentucky  Road  and  to  afford 
the  beautiful  home  site  on  which  he  built  "Castle  Rock"  in  1842. 
On  September  27,  of  that  year,  Graham  entered  into  a  con- 
tract with  Wesley  Chittum  to  build  his  castle.  Interestingly 
enough,  the  Chittums  still  remain  well-known  home  builders. 
The  house  was  to  be  a  two-story  brick  structure,  42  feet  long  and 
32  feet  wide,  with  a  two-story  ell  32  feet  by  22  feet.  The  first  floor 
ceiling  was  1 1  feet  and  the  upper  story  ten  feet,  with  a  brick 
cornice  to  the  ell  and  the  main  house.  Two  fireplaces  were  at  the 
south  end  of  the  house  and  two  at  the  north.  Graham  had  as 
many  doors  and  windows  as  he  desired.  The  ell  was  used  as  a 
kitchen  and  dining  room.  The  inside  walls  were  not  to  exceed 
two  courses  of  salmon  brick  laid  together,  and  the  hard  brick 


between  the  outside  courses  were  painted  white.  The  contrac- 
tors fired  the  brick  and  prepared  other  materials  from  local 
sources.  Chittum  built  this  castle  within  12  months  for  the  price 
of  $1400,  that  was  paid  as  follows:  $300  in  12  months,  another 
$300  in  one  year,  $400  in  one  payment,  and  the  remaining  $400 
paid  in  goods  from  Graham's  store. 

"Castle  Rock"  became  a  noted  Tazewell  fixture  and  was 
presided  over  by  Graham  and  his  gracious  wife,  Catherine 
Nenney  Graham,  a  native  of  Bent  Creek,  Tennessee,  whose  ex- 
pensive tastes  set  the  style  for  local  society.  Together  with  the 
Fulkersons,  the  Hughes,  the  Pattersons,  and  the  Sewells,  an  ac- 
tive social  life  in  this  thriving  county  seat  town  was  built  only  to  be 
devastated  too  soon  by  the  fratricidal  strife  of  the  Civil  War. 

Grist  Mill  Communities 

From  1801  to  1901,  life  in  Claiborne  County  revolved,  to  a 
considerable  extent,  around  the  grist  mill.  These  ubiquitous 
facilities,  so  characteristic  of  the  invading  civilization,  sprung  up 
throughout  the  county  wherever  underground  and  run-off  wa- 
ter furnished  enough  power.  The  enumeration  of  each  mill  in 
the  county  and  the  relationship  of  the  mills'  historical  develop- 
ment to  county  life  would  require  extensive  space;  therefore,  a 
limited  number  of  illustrations  will  be  cited. 

The  exploitation  of  water  resources  in  Lonesome  Valley  was 
proof  of  man's  ability  to  use  his  talents  and  to  develop  through 
hard  work  communities  marked  by  industrial  activity,  religion, 
schools,  and  vigorous  social  life.  These  work  communities  re- 
volved around  those  activities  which  served  as  catalysts  to  the 
community  just  as  crossroads  country  stores  did.  It  was  the  triad 
of  school,  church,  and  industry  that  produced  a  thriving  com- 
munity. These  developments  were  initiated  in  Lonesome  Valley 
with  a  grist  mill  built  by  Jonathan  Mayes  who  came  there  in  the 
early  1800s.  Timber  was  abundant,  proving  the  fertility  of  the 
soil,  and  water  was  everywhere  due  to  heavy  rainfall.  Springs, 
some  large  enough  to  pour  2500  gallons  a  minute  into  the  main 
stream,  existed  all  along  the  valley  floor,  Mayes,  a  millwright,  set 
up  a  grist  mill  on  the  Lonesome  Valley  Creek  using  only  the 
normal  flow  of  water  in  the  initial  stages.  Later,  after  he  became 


Tennessee  County  History  Series 

Mayes-Holt  home  in  Lonesome  Valley.  From  this  site 
Jonathan  Mayes  began  his  milling  enterprises.  Several  gen- 
erations of  Holts  and  Mayeses  were  born  here. 

well  established,  he  moved  to  another  location  downstream.  His 
log  home  was  located  on  a  knoll  above  the  creek. 

Mayes  and  his  wife  Polly  had  four  children,  one  of  whom  was 
Jerrield  D.,  born  in  1814.  He  and  his  son,  James,  served  in  the 
Union  Army  during  the  Civil  War.  Before  and  after  his  military 
service,  J.  D.  Mayes  carried  on  the  mill  tradition.  Eventually,  he 
built  a  rolling  mill  that  ran  day  and  night  after  two  dams  were 
built  upstream  to  impound  the  water. 

This  was  not  the  end  of  the  water-powered  saga  because 
Mayes's  upstream  neighbors  also  built  an  impoundment  dam, 
erected  a  grist  mill  operated  by  Dr.  Willis  Baldwin,  and  a  carding 
mill,  operated  by  Andrew  Bellamy,  which  cleaned  wool  from 
sheep  which  were  raised  nearby.  After  the  water  was  used  for 
these  mills,  it  was  directed  across  the  valley  floor  to  the  area 
known  as  the  "sinks."  There,  it  powered  the  sawmill  that  sup- 
plied lumber  and  lumber  products  to  a  wide  area. 

On  the  same  side  of  the  valley  floor  and  across  a  road  which 
led  sharply  upward  to  a  productive  farming  area  was  an  eco- 
nomically important  blacksmith  shop.  This  smithy  used  coke, 
also  produced  on  nearby  family  farms. 


Sarah  C.  Mayes,  daughter  of  J.  D.  Mayes,  married  Newton 
LaFayette  Holt  after  he  had  obtained  the  best  education  avail- 
able in  the  post-Civil  War  period  by  graduating  from  the 
Tazewell  Academy  and  from  the  Abingdon  Academy  at  Abing- 
don, Virginia.  The  sons  of  J.  D.,  Daniel  H.,  and  W.  S.  Mayes  and 
Holt  then  established  a  general  merchandise  store  which  soon 
became  known  as  the  N.  L.  Holt  General  Merchandise  Store.  It 
drew  customers  from  most  of  Claiborne  County,  as  well  as  from 
Virginia  and  Kentucky.  The  grist,  flour,  and  saw  mills,  and  the 
blacksmith  shop  together  provided  irresistible  lures  to  custom- 
ers. In  the  1890s  a  post  office  was  established  in  one  of  the 
two  Holt  store  buildings  and  operated  as  Duo,  Tennessee, 
until  1906. 

Upstream  from  the  Mayes  mill,  Dr.  Willis  Baldwin  estab- 
lished an  essential  part  of  the  growing  Lonesome  Valley  Com- 
munity. He  married  Callie  Bellamy,  daughter  of  Orleana  Mayes 
Bellamy  and  Walker  Bellamy.  When  J.  D.  and  James  Mayes 
entered  the  Union  Army,  they  relied  upon  Bellamy  to  educate 
the  children — Daniel  H.,  William  C,  and  Sara  Katherine — and 
to  teach  them  the  principles  of  Christian  faith.  Writing  from  his 
post  in  Nashville,  Mayes  urged  Bellamy  to  "teach  Katie  her 
letters."  Katie  later  was  known  as  "Aunt  Kate"  to  the  hundreds  of 
customers  who  flocked  to  Holt's  general  store. 

At  least  three  grist  mills  operated  in  the  Barren  Creek  Com- 
munity, one  of  which  was  the  present  Johnson  mill  that  supplies 
water-ground  corn  meal  to  the  passing  public.  Another  mill  was 
located  on  the  John  Chumley  farm,  which  with  the  aid  of  up- 
stream dams,  developed  into  a  flour  mill.  The  third  was  oper- 
ated by  John  Thompson.  In  1917  a  catastrophic  flood  created 
from  a  cloudburst-size  rainfall  burst  the  upstream  dams  and 
swept  away  the  mills.  Sixteen  persons  who  lived  along  the  stream 
were  drowned.  Barren  Creek  recovered  from  this  tragedy  and 
mill  activity  returned.  Forty  years  later,  a  large  embayment  of 
Clinch  River,  which  was  impounded  by  Norris  Dam  in  1936, 
brought  an  altogether  different  life-style  to  the  hundreds  of 
local  and  visiting  people  who  built  homes  along  its  shores  or 
fished  its  waters. 

Grist  mill  economy  greatly  affected  life  in  the  Powell  Valley 
during  the  land  rush  period.  David  William  Rogers  ( 1 799- 1833) 


Tennessee  County  History  Series 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Daniel  H.  Mayes;  he  was  the  grand- 
son of  Jonathan  Mayes. 

Good  friends  and  leading  citizens:  seated  second  from  left,  Pleasant  H. 
Poore,  Duo  postmaster;  seated  third  from  left,  Tom  Lambert;  standing 
extreme  right,  Sam  Richardson,  merchant  and  farmer;  standing  second 
from  right,  Newton  Lafayette  Holt,  merchant  and  farmer. 


was  the  first  of  that  family  to  settle  in  the  valley.  He  and  his  sons 
built  a  log  dam  to  impound  water  and  then  constructed  a  grist 
mill.  This  mill  remained  in  action  throughout  the  century.  In 
1900  the  family  dismantled  the  old  log  dam  and  replaced  it  with 
one  made  from  quarried  limestone.  In  1976  the  Tennessee 
Department  of  Agriculture  awarded  the  family  a  certificate  of 
honor  for  having  farmed  the  same  land  for  at  least  a  century,  so 
designating  the  Rogers  Brothers  Farms  as  a  century  farm.  Other 
century  farms  include  the  Holt  farm  in  Lonesome  Valley,  oper- 
ated by  Edgar  A.  and  Alice  Holt,  and  the  Pearson  farm  on  Little 
Sycamore,  operated  by  Henry  Pearson. 

About  one-half  mile  from  the  "sinks"  of  Lonesome  Valley 
Creek  was  Mayes  Chapel  Methodist  Church.  It  was  built  of  logs 
initially,  then  later  of  wood  siding,  and  finally  of  brick.  This 
church,  along  with  neighboring  Baptist  churches,  taught  area 
people  through  revival  meetings  and  through  a  generally  de- 
voted clergy  who  created  among  the  people  a  lively  sense  of  their 
moral  obligations  to  God  and  to  their  fellow  man. 

Upstream,  above  what  came  to  be  known  as  Holt  Cave,  the 
county  constructed  Mayes  Elementary  School,  a  public  school. 
In  its  early  years,  the  school  term  was  four  or  five  months  long, 
but  by  1900,  as  the  county's  ability  to  finance  increased,  the 
school  year  was  extended  to  eight  or  nine  months.  During  the 
years,  many  parents  subscribed  funds  to  employ  teachers  for 
subscription  schools.  Schools  became  the  center  of  most  com- 
munity-wide activities  such  as  dramas  which  instructed  the 
youth  and  entertained  the  adults.  At  one  time  early  in  the  1900s, 
that  area's  population  was  such  that  more  than  100  pupils  were 
enrolled  in  the  Mayes  Elementary  School.  This  school  and  its 
building  now  have  given  away  to  consolidation,  but  many  of  its 
graduates  have  made  outstanding  contributions  to  county  life, 
and  five  of  them  obtained  doctorates.  A  graduate  of  this 
Lonesome  Valley  school,  Luther  Mayes,  after  receiving  his  de- 
gree from  the  University  of  Tennessee's -College  of  Agriculture, 
served  as  Claiborne  County's  agricultural  agent;  Perry  E. 
DuBusk  and  Walter  E.  Baldwin  both  served  as  county  superin- 
tendent of  schools;  Alfred  Baldwin  served  as  principal  of  the 
Claiborne  County  High  School;  and  James  W.  Baldwin  was  a 
member  of  the  faculty  of  the  University  of  Texas. 


Tennessee  County  History  Series 


Organization  of  Religious  Groups 

Religious  faith  accompanied  the  westward  movement  of 
white  men  into  what  is  now  Claiborne  County.  This  is  not  to  say 
that  all  frontiersmen  were  pious  or  even  observers  of  the  Ten 
Commandments  but  most  of  them  held  to  a  deeply-rooted  faith. 
Organized  religious  practices  varied  from  the  structured  faith  of 
the  Presbyterians  to  the  Baptists  whose  churches  were  congrega- 
tionally  controlled  and  thus  differed  from  one  church  to  the 
other.  Such  tidewater  churches  as  the  Episcopalians  were  few  in 
number  on  the  frontier  and  usually  limited  to  missions.  Among 
all  the  denominations  except  perhaps  the  Episcopal,  the  word  to 
the  faithful  was  carried  by  itinerant  ministers  on  horseback. 
Some,  such  as  Peter  Cartwright,  had  enormous  powers  of  per- 
suasion— sometimes  sufficient  to  quell  the  most  obstinate 
ruffian.  In  contrast  to  Cartwright,  the  frail  Bishop  Asbury  of  the 
Methodist  Episcopal  Church  prepared  the  way,  far  and  wide  for 
the  growth  of  Methodism  on  the  frontier.  The  bishop's  ardent 
belief  in  God's  invitation  to  men  to  turn  away  from  sin  more  than 
compensated  for  his  physical  weakness,  and  he  converted  many. 

During  the  first  20  years  of  the  nineteenth  century,  the  Great 
Awakening  which  began  in  New  England  exercised  enormous 
influence  on  the  New  West.  Many  communities  held  camp  meet- 
ing revivals  attended  by  whole  families  who  brought  food  and 
shelter  for  weeks  of  singing,  shouting,  praying,  and  preaching; 
the  results  of  such  intense  experiences  occasionally  brought 
strange  manifestations  of  the  Holy  Spirit  at  work.  Camp  meet- 
ings did  influence  the  growth  of  churches  of  the  county  with  the 
Baptist  and  Methodist  groups  gaining  number  more  rapidly 
than  the  Presbyterians.  For  that  reason,  the  establishment  of  the 
Presbyterian  church  in  Tazewell  is  significant.  It  was  a  successful 
church  long  past  the  lifetimes  of  its  creators  and  supporters, 
William  and  Hugh  Graham.  William's  considerable  wealth  and 
high  level  of  education  added  to  an  earnest  desire  to  promote 
the  church  and  education.  He  gave  support  to  Tazewell  College 
for  many  years. 

The  establishment  and  growth  of  the  Baptist  church  in 
Tazewell  was  closely  linked  with  that  of  the  Presbyterian  church. 


Tennessee  County  History  Series 

Scene  of  many  Sunday  afternoon  outings,  a  water-powered  sawmill  at 
the  "sinks"  of  the  creek  in  Lonesome  Valley. 

The  Presbyterians  encouraged  their  Baptist  brethren  and  even 
obtained  the  site  for  the  Baptist  church.  Continuing  into  mod- 
ern times,  the  spiritual  descendants  of  Roger  Williams  have 
prospered  in  Claiborne  County.  Almost  every  community  has  a 
Baptist  church. 

It  is  difficult  to  measure  separately  the  effect  of  churches  on 
life  in  Claiborne  County.  What  is  almost  certain  is  that  wherever 
the  practice  of  the  faith  was  combined  with  formal  or  informal 
education  and  industry,  the  results  have  been  good. 

Civil  War  Period 

As  controversy  divided  the  nation  in  the  years  preceding  the 
actual  outbreak  of  Civil  War  violence,  the  people  of  Claiborne 
County  also  were  divided.  The  division  sometimes  erupted  with- 
in families,  and  often  neighbors  took  opposite  sides.  Even  so, 
without  the  compelling  pressure  from  Washington  and  the 
southern  states  which  led  secessionist  sentiment,  the  Claiborne 


people  possibly  would  not  have  taken  arms.  In  the  first  place, 
there  was  strong  Unionist  sentiment  throughout  the  county,  and 
slavery  was  much  less  important  in  the  area  than  in  other  parts  of 
Tennessee  where  larger  plantations  existed.  Furthermore,  the 
county's  economy  was  related  more  to  that  of  its  northern  neigh- 
bor than  to  that  of  Nashville  or  Memphis.  For  many  years,  the 
Whigs  of  East  Tennessee  had  sided  with  northern  Whigs  to 
establish  a  national  banking  system,  to  promote  internal  im- 
provement through  the  use  of  Federal  funds,  and  even  to  sup- 
port a  moderate  protective  tariff.  Except  for  a  relatively  small 
group  of  vocal  abolitionists,  the  anti-slavery  movement  had  not 
yet  been  able  to  dominate  either  the  Democrats,  trje  Whigs,  or 
the  newly  formed  Republican  party. 

However,  the  national  election  of  1860  clearly  indicated  divi- 
sions in  the  political  parties,  and  the  slavery  issue  gained  import- 
ance. It  could  no  longer  be  avoided  even  in  Claiborne  County. 
The  leading  merchant,  Hugh  Graham,  carried  on  a  most  reveal- 
ing correspondence  with  Edward  Littell,  who  regarded  slavery 
as  a  great  moral  wrong  but  thought  that  the  controversy  was  so 
dangerous  to  national  unity  that  politicians  should  not  endanger 
the  Union  by  needless  conflict.  As  a  border  state,  Tennessee 
delayed  its  choice  until  the  very  last  moment  and  then  followed, 
reluctantly,  her  sister  states  into  the  ranks  of  the  Confederacy. 
Ironically,  the  Confederate  leader  Jefferson  Davis  was  born  in 
Kentucky  near  the  birthplace  of  Abraham  Lincoln  who  pledged 
himself  to  save  the  Union. 

The  course  of  economic  and  political  events  in  Claiborne 
County  was  a  matter  for  individual  choice.  Claiborne  County, 
along  with  other  East  Tennessee  counties,  furnished  thousands 
of  troops  to  the  Union  Army.  The  Union  Army  organized  its 
Tennessee  recruits  into  three  cavalry  and  four  infantry  regi- 
ments. On  May  9,  1861,  Tennessee  Governor  Isham  G.  Harris 
organized  a  provisional  army  which  became  part  of  the  Con- 
federate forces  on  July  31,  1861.  Harris  appointed  Gideon  J. 
Pillow  and  Samuel  R.  Anderson  as  major  generals  and  Felix  K. 
Zolicoffer  as  brigadier  general.  Five  infantry  and  one  cavalry 
regiment  were  placed  into  Confederate  service.  The  volunteer 
tradition  clearly  was  upheld  once  again. 

34  Tennessee  County  History  Series 

Company  L  of  the  First  Tennessee  Cavalry  Regiment  was 
first  organized  as  a  six-month  company  in  Claiborne  County  and 
then  was  ordered  into  permanent  service  by  Lieutenant  Ceneral 
James  Longstreet  in  March  of  1864.  Another  county  unit,  Com- 
pany F  of  the  same  regiment,  was  organized  in  the  county  and 
was  commanded  by  R.  Frank  Fulkerson. 

No  major  military  operations  took  place  in  Claiborne  Coun- 
ty, but  there  was  almost  continuous  activity  by  quartermaster 
units  to  supply  fighting  forces.  Company-size  engagements  did 
occur  in  the  Tazewell  area  irregularly  throughout  the  conflict 
and  engagements  between  regiment  forces  took  place  in  the 
Cumberland  Cap  area.  Cumberland  Cap  had  great  strategic 
importance  and,  for  that  reason,  the  defending  force  cleared  the 
approaches  to  the  Pinnacle  and  adjoining  crests  early  in  the  war 
so  as  to  afford  the  defenders  free  fields  of  fire.  Confederate 
troops  also  had  a  cannon,  dubbed  Long  Tom,  which  could 
put  down  destructive  fire  on  targets  as  far  away  as  Patterson's 

The  Confederates  moved  company  units  through  and 
around  Claiborne  County,  usually  to  counter  the  thrusts  of 
Federal  troops  to  insure  control  of  Cumberland  Cap.  On  June 
30,  1862,  a  company  from  Ashby's  Ceorgia  Regiment  defeated  a 
Federal  force  at  Lead  Mine  Bend  on  Powell  River.  Then  on 
August  17  at  Cumberland  Ford,  the  Confederates  attacked  a 
Federal  unit  which  lost  60  men.  The  same  Confederates  on 
August  29  killed  six  men,  wounded  a  like  number,  and  took  19 
prisoners  at  Roger's  Cap.  Apparently,  the  Confederates  under 
the  command  of  Major  Ceneral  John  P.  McCown  at  Cumber- 
land Cap  felt  secure  enough  to  send  Ceneral  Kirby  Smith's 
legion  together  with  units  under  Colonel  Ashby  and  Major 
Slaughter  to  Flat  Lick,  Kentucky. 

Fluidity  characterized  the  battle  situation  of  the  antagonists 
in  many  instances  from  the  start  to  the  end  of  hostilities.  For 
example,  Captain  E.  D.  Baxter's  Tennessee  Light  Artillery  Com- 
pany was  at  Shelby ville  in  December  of  1862  but  moved  to 
Cumberland  Gap  in  January-February  of  1863,  to  Bean's  Sta- 
tion in  April,  to  Cumberland  Gap  in  May,  and  to  Knoxville  on 
June  26,  1863. 


The  lack  of  enough  or  the  right  kind  of  weapons  sometimes 
determined  the  function  or  movement  of  Confederate  troops. 
For  example,  Captain  William  H.  Burroughs  Tennessee  Light 
Artillery  Company  was  mustered  in  Camp  Sneed  at  Knoxille  on 
August  19,  1861,  but  due  to  the  lack  of  artillery  it  was  trans- 
formed to  an  infantry  company  for  a  time.  Weapons  arrived  in 
October  of  1861,  and  the  company  was  ordered  to  Cumberland 
Gap  to  take  charge  of  the  artillery  at  that  post.  This  Company 
was  extremely  active,  fighting  heavy  engagements  on  March  22, 
and  April  9,  1862.  It  remained  at  Cumberland  Gap  until  June 
18,  1862,  when  it  moved  to  Cedar  Fork,  Tennessee.  As  a  part  of 
Taylor's  Brigade,  it  was  under  fire  in  Tazewell  without  having  an 
assigned  battle  mission.  When  General  Kirby  Smith  invaded 
Kentucky,  this  company  moved  back  to  Cumberland  Gap  to 
withstand  a  siege. 

Again,  this  light  artillery  company  illustrated  the  mobility  of 
smaller  units  in  the  Claiborne  County  area.  In  October,  its  sta- 
tion was  Sevier,  but  in  December  of  1 862  it  was  again  at  Cumber- 
land Gap,  where  it  remained  until  April  of  1863  when  it  was 
transferred  to  Brigadier  General  A.  E.Jackson's  Brigade  under 
General  Zolicoffer's  command.  It  then  moved  to  Bluff  City, 
but  remained  with  Zollicoffer  until  September  of  1863. 
Burrough's  Company,  one  of  the  first  companies  organized  in 
East  Tennessee,  fought  almost  four  years  in  East  Tennessee  and 
served  throughout  the  war  under  the  same  captain. 

As  the  Federal  noose  tightened  around  the  Confederacy  in 
other  sections,  it  became  impossible  to  hold  Cumberland  Gap. 
As  its  commander,  Brigadier  General  Frazier,  fought  the  last 
days  of  the  war  in  this  bastion,  he  had  under  his  command, 
besides  infantry  units,  Karn's  Battery  armed  with  two  12-pound 
and  two  six-pound  guns  commanded  by  Lieutenant  O'Conner. 
General  Frazier  surrendered  his  forces  at  Cumberland  Gap  to 
General  Burnside  on  September  9,  1863. 

Before  the  final  confrontation  at  the  Gap,  the  activities  of 
other  units  in  the  county  contributed  to  that  event.  Early  in  1 862, 
Companies  A,  B,  C,  D,  and  E  of  the  First  Tennessee  Infantry 
Regiment  left  their  Knoxville  station  and  went  to  Cumberland 
Gap  to  serve  under  Major  General  Kirby  E.  Smith.  On  August  6, 

36  Tennessee  County  History  Series 

1862,  units  of  the  59th  Tennessee  Infantry  Regiment  defeated 
Federal  troops  under  Colonel  John  F.  DeCoursy  near  Tazewell. 
Records  of  the  Tazewell  Baptist  Church  reported  weekly  visits 
by  Federal  troops  that  forced  the  church  to  close  for  months. 

From  the  Tazewell  engagement  this  unit  of  the  59th  went  to 
aid  in  the  defense  of  Cumberland  Gap  after  which  they  went  to 
Kentucky  with  General  Braxton  Bragg's  army.  It  is  likely  that  the 
Tazewell  battle  with  Colonel  DeCoursey's  troops  resulted  in  the 
great  Tazewell  fire  of  1 862.  It  was  watched  with  dismay  by  Hugh 
Graham,  whose  "Castle  Rock"  home  escaped  destruction  but 
afforded  a  ringside  seat  for  the  battle.  A  friend  visiting  there 
looked  from  a  window  and  thought  the  world,  as  he  knew  it, 
was  lost. 

The  17th  Tennessee  Infantry  Regiment  entered  Confeder- 
ate service  at  Big  Creek,  Campbell  County,  and  in  August  of 
1861  came  under  the  command  of  Zollicoffer  at  Cumberland 
Gap,  where  it  remained  until  February  of  1862.  This  regiment 
fought  an  engagement  at  Rock  Castle,  Kentucky,  on  October  2 1 , 
1862,  and  at  Fishing  Creek,  Kentucky,  on  November  17  and  19. 
The  17th  and  19th  Regiments  were  at  Jacksboro;  the  19th  went 
to  Wild  Cat,  Kentucky,  but  not  to  battle.  It  fought  a  heavy 
engagement  at  Fishing  Creek  on  January  17  where  Zollicoffer 
was  killed  and  Colonel  Camrin  took  command.  Legend  tells  that 
by  accident  some  of  Zollicoffer's  own  men  met  him  in  heavy 
brush  and  accidentally  killed  him. 

The  physical  devastation  of  Claiborne  County  that  resulted 
from  the  Civil  War  was  considerably  less  that  what  occurred  in 
other  parts  of  the  South  where  large  forces  engaged  in  bloody 
combat.  Throughout  large  portions  of  the  South,  society  was  in 
almost  complete  chaos,  so  a  first  requisite  was  maintenance  of 
order.  In  such  instances,  this  was  insured  to  some  degree  by  the 
presence  of  Federal  troops. 

Tennessee  had  seceded  long  after  other  border  states,  and 
furthermore  a  large  segment  of  its  population  had  remained 
loyal  to  the  Union.  These  circumstances  led  to  the  decision  by 
the  Republican  party  to  nominate  Andrew  Johnson  of  Green- 
ville as  its  candidate  for  the  vice-presidency.  The  political  pur- 
pose of  this  ploy  was  not  only  to  reward  those  who  had  remained 



Cumberland  Gap  in  1862,  with  the  mountainsides  cleared  for  battle. 

Photograph  courtesy  of  the  National  Park  Service. 

loyal  to  the  Union  but  to  remove  from  the  Republican  Party  the 
radicalism  which  clung  to  the  Free  Soilers.  Andrew  Johnson  had 
served  as  governor  of  Tennessee,  at  least  in  those  parts  under 
the  control  of  Federal  troops.  It  was  only  natural  and  in  keeping 
with  Johnson's  views  on  the  constitution  that  he  took  rapid  steps 
toward  the  restoration  of  Tennessee  to  the  Union. 

In  1864  Lincoln  perceived  that  a  presidential  election  must, 
at  all  costs,  be  held  even  in  the  midst  of  war.  Some,  like  Horace 
Greeley,  had  urged  negotiation  and  of  course  there  were  those 
who  were  bitterly  critical  of  President  Lincoln.  The  Democratic 
Party  was  divided  badly  and  the  majority  of  its  members  prob- 
ably voted  for  the  National  Union  Party,  so  designated  for  the 
election,  because  of  Johnson's  appeal  as  a  life-long  Democrat. 
However,  General  George  B.  McClellan  had  a  magic  appeal 
because  of  his  war  record  and  received  3,600,000  popular  and 
21  electoral  votes  as  compared  with  Lincoln's  4,000,000  popular 
votes  and  212  electoral  votes. 

Confederate  soldiers  came  back  to  Claiborne  County  after 

38  Tennessee  County  History  Series 

their  commands  surrendered  as  did  those  who  had  served  in  the 
Union  Army.  The  people  of  the  county  were  ready  to  work  as 
thev  had  before  the  war.  In  the  light  of  the  prevalence  of  feuding 
as  a  method  of  settling  immediate  disputes  in  the  Appalachian 
region,  it  is  remarkable  that  Union  and  Confederate  veterans 
for  the  most  part  established  peaceable  relations  with  each  other. 
These  veterans  often  met  together  at  the  N.  L.  Holt  General 
Merchandise  Store  in  Lonesome  Valley  where  the  closest 
approach  to  physical  combat  occurred  in  very  serious  horseshoe 
pitching  contests.  Among  the  returned  veterans  in  Lonesome 
Valley  were  Jerrield  D.  and  James  D.  Mayes. 

Slave  labor  had  been  only  a  small  part  of  the  county's  labor 
force;  most  slaves  had,  in  fact,  been  household  servants.  Legend 
has  it  that  when  owners  freed  their  slaves  prior  to  the  war,  the 
new  freedman  were  permitted  to  live  on  the  end  of  the  farms 
which  covered  the  Hoop  Creek  Community,  a  prosperous  farm- 
ing community  where  a  small  population  of  blacks  still  lives.  All 
other  black  citizens  in  1865,  as  well  as  now,  resided  in  the  two 
Tazewells.  The  total  population  of  blacks  in  the  county  has 
remained  small — a  total  of  314  in  1965. 

The  long-range  effects  of  the  Civil  War  on  Claiborne  County 
are  difficult  to  gauge  except  for  the  overwhelming  industrial 
development  that  followed  throughout  the  Northeast,  the  Mid- 
West  and  the  West.  In  fact,  the  war  unleashed  dreams  of  railroad 
builders,  manufacturers,  and  bankers.  Claiborne,  like  other  East 
Tennessee  counties,  was  left  in  a  backwash.  Consequently,  the 
population  growth  was  lessened  by  the  drainage  of  people  to  the 
West  and  the  new  lands.  However,  the  county's  population  con- 
tinued to  increase  slowly  due  to  the  high  birth  rate,  and  this 
trend  continued  until  World  Wars  I  and  II  witnessed  a  decline. 

With  only  a  slight  bow  to  the  National  Union  Party  beneath 
whose  banner  Lincoln,  the  railsplitter,  and  Johnson,  the  tailor, 
won  the  election  of  1865,  the  new  party  dropped  the  war  win- 
ning name  and  returned  to  the  name  of  the  Republican  party.  It 
remained  dedicated  to  protection  against  foreign  imports,  west- 
ward expansion,  assistance  to  railroads,  and  a  system  of  national 
banks  geared  to  the  needs  of  an  expanding  economy.   In 


Claiborne  County,  the  most  effective  party  appeal  was  to  the 
aura  of  Abraham  Lincoln  who  was  assassinated  by  actor  John 
Wilkes  Booth  at  Ford's  Theater  on  Good  Friday  of  1 865.  This  act 
rendered  Lincoln  a  martyr  of  the  causes  for  which  he  labored  so 
effectively,  especially  for  the  Union  and,  at  long  last,  for  free- 
dom to  the  slaves. 

There  ensued  a  period  when  allied  and  divergent  trends 
took  form  based  partly  on  a  recognition  of  Lincoln's  heartfelt 
aims  including  the  restoration  of  the  Union.  There  was,  how- 
ever, a  vindictive  view  held  by  radical  Republicans  that  the 
rebellion  should  be  crushed  forever  by  bringing  to  trial  the  chief 
leaders  of  the  Confederacy.  Before  they  could  have  full  con- 
frontation with  Lincoln,  he  was  assassinated,  and  Johnson  be- 
came president.  Lincoln's  natural  sympathy  for  those  who  had 
borne  the  shock  of  battle  and  remained  loyal  to  the  Union  had 
been  expressed  to  a  military  aide,  General  Oliver  Otis  Howard, 
when  he  said  that  those  in  East  Tennessee,  especially  those  in  the 
Cumberland  Gap  area,  should  be  rewarded  by  receiving  a  school 
for  the  mountain  people.  This  view  was  kept  alive  and  eventually 
led  to  the  establishment  of  Lincoln  Memorial  University. 

Annanias  Honey cutt  versus  the  State  of  Tennessee 

In  the  period  of  unrest  following  the  war,  assaults  against 
people  or  property  were  not  uncommon  in  Claiborne  County.  It 
was  characteristic  of  the  hill  people  to  defend  themselves  against 
real  or  fancied  wrongs  and  to  show  considerable  reluctance  in 
calling  upon  others  for  protection.  Among  the  many  assault  and 
battery  cases  presented  to  the  county  court  was  one  which 
changed  from  common  assault  to  murder  and  which  was  to  have 
far-reaching  effects  because  it  ended  in  a  public  execution.  In  a 
1965  article  in  the  Tennessee  Conservationist  Earl  Shaub  noted  that 
the  pressures  to  abolish  capital  punishment  had  been  influenced 
by  the  "horrible  public  executions  of  the  past."  He  cited  as  the 
most  outstanding  public  hanging  in  Tennessee  the  execution  of 
Annanias  Honeycutt  in  Claiborne  County  in  1875. 

The  hanging  was  witnessed  by  5000  to  6000  people,  many 
arriving  in  family  wagons  supplied  for  a  picnic.  According  to 

40  Tennessee  County  History  Series 

legend,  Frank  James  came  from  Missouri  to  visit  friends  and  to 
see  the  hanging  which  took  place  in  "Academy  Hollow"  near  the 
Kentucky  Road.  Widespread  disapproval  followed  the  event 
because  of  its  public  nature  and  the  fact  that  Honeycutt  pro- 
tested his  innocence  to  the  last. 

Considerable  excitement  and  some  confusion  surround- 
ed the  incident  and  confession  of  Honeycutt  to  the  killing  of 
Thomas  Ausmus.  Ausmus  and  Honeycutt  were  both  residents 
of  Powell  Valley.  Honeycutt  was  arrested  about  a  week  after  the 
murder  in  a  location  about  100  miles  from  Powell  Valley.  When 
told  that  he  was  being  arrested  for  the  murder  of  Ausmus,  he 
stated  that  his  actions  had  been  in  self-defense  following  a  dis- 
pute with  Ausmus  over  a  hog.  He  stated  that  he  had  hit  Ausmus 
with  a  rock  three  times  but  did  not  kill  him  and  that  he  had  left 
Ausmus  with  another  man  named  Greenlee.  During  the  trip 
back  to  Claiborne  County,  Honeycutt  repeated  this  story  with 
accompanying  details.  During  the  initial  hearing,  it  was  proved 
that  Greenlee  had  not  been  with  the  two  men.  While  being 
questioned  at  the  scene  of  the  murder,  Honeycutt  was  reported 
to  have  confessed  planning  to  kill  Ausmus,  but  others  present 
during  this  time  later  testified  that  they  did  not  hear  Honeycutt 
make  this  confession.  On  the  way  back  to  Tazewell  from  Powell 
Valley,  Honeycutt  volunteered  the  information  that  he  had 
killed  Ausmus  for  his  money. 

Honeycutt  sought  a  change  of  venue  on  the  grounds  of 
undue  excitement  at  the  time  of  the  incident,  but  the  court  ruled 
that  there  was  no  evidence  of  such  excitement  at  the  time  of  the 
trial  and  therefore  a  change  was  not  justified.  Honeycutt  also 
requested  the  court  to  set  aside  confessions  which  he  had  made 
on  the  grounds  that  they  were  made  out  of  fear  and  in  order  to 
gain  clemency,  but  the  court  held  that  such  statements  were 
admissable  as  evidence.  Other  evidence  included  the  nature  of 
the  wounds  on  Ausmus's  head  which  could  have  been  made  by 
rocks  and  the  fact  that  bloody  rocks  were  found  on  the  ground 
near  the  body.  Although  the  ground  was  wet  and  soft,  there 
was  nothing  indicating  a  scuffle.  Ausmus  and  Honeycutt  were 
tracked  from  the  road  to  the  hollow  where  the  killing  occurred, 


and  Honeycutt  fled  from  the  area  the  same  evening.  In  spite  of 
Honeycutt's  appeals,  the  guilty  verdict  was  upheld,  and  the  court 
ordered  the  sentence  carried  out. 

Many  of  the  spectators  grew  impatient  for  the  hanging  as 
they  waited  around  noontime  in  "Academy  Hollow,"  site  of  the 
Posey  spring.  Fifty  guards  surrounded  the  wagon  when  it 
appeared  with  the  doomed  man  on  his  coffin  accompanied  by 
two  preachers.  The  wagon  stopped  immediately  under  the 
noose  and  the  proceedings  were  opened  by  the  Reverend  Billy 
Crutchfield  with  Bible  reading  and  a  hymn,  followed  by  prayer 
and  an  hour  long  sermon  with  vivid  descriptions  of  heaven  and 
hell.  Then  the  Reverend  Greer  took  over  and  exhorted  the 
crowd  until  after  2:00  p.m. 

The  prisoner  was  then  asked  to  speak.  Standing  beside  his 
coffin,  he  invited  the  crowd  to  meet  him  in  heaven.  Greer  gave 
him  a  white  handkerchief  and  requested  him,  if  he  were  inno- 
cent, to  shift  it  from  hand  to  hand  during  his  dying  moments. 
Honeycutt  then  shook  hands  with  the  preachers  and  told  the 
sheriff  that  he  was  ready.  The  sheriff  placed  a  black  cap  over  the 
prisoner's  head  and  face  and  adjusted  the  noose.  Then  the 
wagon  moved  forward  leaving  the  prisoner  struggling  in  the  air 
but  shifting  the  handkerchief  from  hand  to  hand.  At  about  2:30 
p.m.  the  body  was  cut  down,  and  Honeycutt's  family  took  it  home 
for  burial.  Since  that  day  in  1875,  no  person  has  suffered  capital 
punishment  in  Claiborne  County. 


Claiborne  County  began  the  first  century  of  its  existence  with 
the  benefit  of  a  large  proportion  of  educated  citizens  whose 
schooling  and  experience  had  been  gained  in  the  tidewater 
regions  of  the  original  thirteen  colonies  or  in  continental  or 
British  schools.  Educated  gentlemen  of  the  day  and  time  usually 
had  the  advantage  of  classical  backgrounds,  including  Latin  and 
Greek,  and  were  grounded  firmly  in  mathematics.  Formal 
education  gained  in  American  schools  usually  was  the  result  of 
tutelage  in  church-connected  academies  and  colleges.  Most  of 
these  institutions  had  been  established  primarily  to  educate 

42  Tennessee  County  History  Series 

prospective  ministers  or  secondly  to  educate  young  people  to  the 
extent  that  they  could  understand  and  act  favorably  on  religious 
instruction.  The  reading  of  early  deeds,  wills,  and  court  records 
indicate  that  the  level  of  education  was  higher  in  1801,  when 
Claiborne  County  first  gained  its  corporate  existence,  than  in 
1860  when  the  nation  was  on  the  edge  of  the  Civil  War.  More 
citizens  signed  their  names  with  an  x  in  1850,  for  example,  than 
in  1801.  Personnel  of  the  first  courts  were  appointed  by  the 
governor,  and  it  was  only  natural  that  the  more  literate  members 
of  his  acquaintance  would  be  selected.  There  usually  were  polit- 
ical and  economic  connections  as  well. 

Throughout  the  county's  first  50  years  of  existence  tax- 
supported  schools  rarely  existed,  public  consensus  being  in 
favor  of  placing  the  responsibility  on  parents  alone  for  the 
education  of  their  children.  However,  there  were  schoolmasters 
wandering  through  the  backcountry  who  made  themselves 
available  for  modest  tuition  charges.  In  more  affluent  communi- 
ties of  the  seaboard  or  in  the  plantation  south,  after  the  rise  of 
cotton,  many  wealthy  planters  sent  their  sons  to  theological  or 
military  schools  while  their  daughters  learned  the  requirements 
of  polite  society  in  female  institutions.  These  areas,  however, 
were  quite  unlike  the  hill  country  of  the  Appalachian  South. 
Quite  clearly  the  effects  of  the  old  Tazewell  College,  created  by 
private  donations  of  such  high-minded  men  as  William  Graham 
in  the  1830s,  helped  to  maintain  some  learning  in  Claiborne 

Lincoln  Memorial  University 

It  truthfully  may  be  said  that  Lincoln  Memorial  University 
had  its  beginning  in  the  autumn  of  1863  during  discussions 
between  General  Howard  and  President  Lincoln.  With  his  hand 
placed  upon  Howard's  shoulder,  Lincoln  made  the  following 

Howard,  if  you  come  out  of  all  this  horror  and  misery  alive, 
and  I  hope  that  you  may,  I  want  you  to  do  something  for  these 
people  who  have  been  shut  out  from  all  the  world  all  these 
years.  If  I  live,  I  will  do  all  I  can  to  aid  you  and  between  us  we 


may  do  them  the  justice  they  deserve.  Please  remember,  and  if 
God  is  good  to  us  we  may  he  able  to  speak  of  it  later! 

Howard  remembered  and  in  due  time  the  desire  of  the  Great 
Emancipator  reached  its  fruition. 

When  the  Civil  War  closed,  the  men  returning  to  this  region 
found  their  families  and  their  homes  suffering  from  the  ravages 
of  war.  They  found  themselves  little  better  off  than  had  been  the 
early  settlers  during  the  time  of  Daniel  Boone  and  John  Sevier. 
People  naturally  thought  of  food,  clothing,  and  shelter  before 
education;  so  it  was  not  surprising  that  for  several  years  little 
provision  was  made  for  schools.  Many  children  of  the  1870s 
grew  up  without  the  benefit  of  schooling;  some  never  learning  to 
read  or  to  write  even  their  names. 

Within  this  mountain  region  large  enough  for  a  small  empire 
was  a  territory  untouched  by  railroads  until  the  late  1880s  or 
early  1890s.  Almost  the  only  locomotion  was  by  foot  or  horse- 
back. The  surface  of  the  country  was  a  succession  of  ridges  and 
valleys,  and  often  the  people  in  one  valley  knew  little  about  those 
on  the  opposite  side  of  the  ridge.  There  was,  in  fact,  scarcely  any 
land  suitable  for  cultivation  except  south  of  the  Cumberland 
Mountains,  and  the  coal  and  timber  interests  had  not  been 
developed  yet.  But  here  in  this  vast  region  were  the  people 
whose  hardy  men  had  been  among  the  first  to  answer  their 
country's  call. 

Churches  from  the  commercial  and  manufacturing  sections 
of  the  North  and  East  saw  the  opportunity  for  noble  service.  The 
Congregational  Church,  under  the  management  of  the  Amer- 
ican Missionary  Association,  and  its  leaders  preached  the  Gospel 
and  organized  elementary  schools  throughout  the  rural  areas 
and  high  schools  in  the  small  towns.  The  success  of  these  workers 
cannot  be  measured  accurately,  but  certainly  their  tireless 
efforts  had  much  to  do  toward  training  boys  and  girls  to  become 
useful  citizens  and  leaders  of  their  own  people. 

About  1877,  the  American  Missionary  Association  sent  the 
Reverend  A.  A.  Myers  from  Wisconsin,  a  Congregational  minis- 
ter, to  further  the  church's  work.  Myers  was  the  right  man  for 
the  task;  since  he  had  the  physical  strength  necessary  to  adjust  to 
the  pioneer  life  of  the  region,  a  thorough  education,  and  a 

44  Tennessee  County  History  Series 

natural  gift  of  oratory  that  won  him  many  loyal  friends  and 
followers.  He  entered  into  his  work  wholeheartedly  and  spent  30 
years  of  his  life  serving  the  people  he  loved  and  respected.  He 
went  from  house  to  house,  sharing  the  hospitality  of  the  moun- 
tain people,  sitting  by  their  firesides  and  talking  with  them  of  the 
most  intimate  experiences  of  their  lives.  In  this  manner,  he 
learned  firsthand  their  needs  and  discovered  their  aspirations. 
He  held  prayer  meetings  and  preached  the  Gospel  wherever 
people  assembled,  and  wherever  he  could,  he  organized 
elementary  schools.  Beginning  first  in  the  vicinity  of  Berea, 
Kentucky,  he  worked  his  way  east  and  south,  and  for  awhile 
made  his  headquarters  at  Williamsburg,  Kentucky. 

In  1888,  Myers  and  his  wife  first  came  to  Cumberland  Gap, 
where  at  a  Wednesday  evening  prayer  meeting  he  introduced 
himself  to  the  leader,  saying  that  he  had  come  to  see  if  there  was 
a  chance  to  open  a  school  there.  As  a  result,  he  opened  an 
elementary  school  in  the  village,  where  his  wife  taught  while  he 
made  his  rounds  as  a  minister. 

It  was  about  this  time  that  the  L  &  N  Railroad  was  put 
through  to  Shawanee,  Tennessee,  and  afterwards  to  Norton, 
Virginia,  and  the  road  to  Knoxville  also  was  opened.  These 
developments  brought  many  changes  and  generated  many 
ambitious  projects.  The  coal  mines  and  their  interests  developed 
rapidly.  All  things  seemed  to  point  to  Middlesboro's  becoming 
a  manufacturing  city,  as  well  as  the  center  of  the  coal  indus- 
try. Cumberland  Gap  seemed  destined  to  become  a  thriving 
town  with  Harrogate  as  a  residential  suburb  for  Middlesboro 

Promoters  were  so  confident  that  the  capitalists  spent  some 
$2  million  to  make  Harrogate  into  a  great  health  and  pleasure 
resort.  The  extravagant  Four  Seasons  Hotel  was  said  by  its 
promoters  to  be  the  largest  hotel  in  the  United  States  at  that 
time.  Built  at  a  cost  of  $75,000,  it  was  four  stories  high  with  a 
frontage  of  700  feet,  a  lobby  of  75  square  feet,  and  a  dining  room 
50  by  160  feet.  A  railroad  to  be  used  for  private  cars  was  built 
from  Arthur  to  where  the  Lincoln  University  now  stands.  Not 
content  to  stop  there,  the  promoters  built  the  Cumberland  Gap 


Hotel  and  another  hotel,  Harrogate  Inn,  where  the  Grace 
Nettleton  home  once  stood.  The  latter  resort  opened  in  1892, 
but  was  doomed  for  failure  within  a  year.  After  being  sold  to  a 
contractor  for  $25,000,  the  beautiful  Four  Seasons  Hotel  was 
dismantled  and  moved  away  to  Chicago  piece  by  piece.  The 
other  buildings  fell  into  disuse  and  the  600-acre  farm  was  rented 

One  man's  loss  was  another's  gain  and  the  Reverend  Myers 
saw  the  possibility  of  using  these  buildings  for  schools.  He 
purchased  the  hotel  at  Cumberland  Gap  and  turned  it  into 
Harrow  Hall  High  School.  The  elementary  schools  already  set 
up  served  as  feeders  for  this  school,  but  Myers  sought  a  place 
where  these  students  could  receive  a  college  education.  One 
building  left  on  the  grounds  of  the  Four  Seasons  Hotel,  the 
Sanatorium,  was  used  by  Myers  to  start  operations  for  college 
studies.  The  school  would  expand  as  it  was  able,  and  the  large 
farm  would  furnish  work  for  the  boys.  He  proceeded  to  ascer- 
tain the  market  value  of  the  property,  and  took  an  option  on  it. 
Here  should  be  a  college  within  the  reach  of  every  earnest  youth 
of  the  area. 

In  his  autobiography,  General  Howard  wrote  of  being  called 
to  Cumberland  Gap  for  a  lecture  in  1895.  According  to  his 
account,  the  Honorable  Darwin  R.  James  of  New  York,  the 
Reverend  Fred  B.  Avery  of  Ohio,  and  Howard,  with  some 
others,  sat  one  evening  on  the  Harrow  School  porch  discussing 
what  should  be  done  with  the  school  since  it  was  in  financial 
distress.  The  discussion  probably  brought  to  mind  the  request 
Lincoln  had  made  in  1863,  whereupon  Howard  remarked: 
"Friends,  if  you  will  make  this  school  a  larger  enterprise  I  will 
take  hold  and  do  what  I  can." 

On  February  12,  1897,  Myers  met  with  M.  F.  Overton,  C.  F. 
Eager,  A.  B.  Kesterson,  and  Dr.  Macaulay  Arthur  to  draft  a 
charter  and  to  apply  for  incorporation  for  an  institution  to 
be  called,  at  General  Howard's  suggestion,  Lincoln  Memorial 
University,  a  living  memorial  to  Abraham  Lincoln. 

This  venture  of  faith  supported  by  earnest  prayer,  without  a 
dollar  in  its  treasury,  backed  by  no  church,  fraternity  brother- 

"*"  Tennessee  County  History  Series 

hood,  or  class  was  formed  into  a  plan  sufficient  to  meet  the  needs 
of  a  collective  vision.  The  following  is  an  excerpt  from  this 

To  establish  and  maintain,  under  the  name  aforesaid,  at  or 
near  the  town  of  Cumberland  Gap,  in  the  county  of  Claiborne, 
State  of  Tennessee,  United  States  of  America,  an  educational 
institution  comprising  various  departments  or  branches  bear- 
ing names  or  other  designations  to  be  chosen  by  said  corpora- 
tions, and  some  of  said  departments  or  branches  being,  at  the 
discretion  of  said  corporation,  located  elsewhere  than  at  or 
near  said  town  of  Cumberland  Gap. 

Said  institution  shall  be  founded  and  maintained  by  the  cor- 
poration of  a  grateful  people  as  a  monument  or  memorial  to 
Abraham  Lincoln  .  .  .  and  as  an  expression  of  renewed  good 
will,  and  fraternal  feeling  between  the  people  of  sections  of  this 
country  once  opposed  to  each  other  in  Civil  War,  and  said 
institution  shall  promote  research,  investigation,  and  experi- 
ment for  the  extension  and  application  of  knowledge  and  shall 
impart  instruction  in  the  various  branches  of  education,  sci- 
ence, art,  and  industry.  .  .  . 

After  receiving  the  charter  from  Nashville,  and  with  the 
certificate  of  incorporation,  the  signers  proceeded  without  delay 
to  organize  as  a  board  of  directors  and  elected  Colonel  R.  F. 
Patterson,  a  Confederate  veteran,  as  the  sixth  member  of  the 
board.  They  secured  a  deed  to  the  Harrogate  property  and 
began  preparing  the  school.  Cyrus  Kehr  of  Illinois  was  chosen  as 
president  for  three  years  during  which  time  he  prepared  the 
property.  In  1900,  Dr.  John  Hale  Larry  of  Providence,  Rhode 
Island,  was  chosen  as  acting  president  and  proceeded  to  organ- 
ize the  school  in  the  old  sanatorium,  then  named  Grant-Lee 
Hall,  suggesting  that  in  this  place  the  North  and  South  united.  In 
this  building,  300  feet  long,  and  for  part  of  its  length,  four  stories 
high,  were  housed  the  teachers,  students,  and  all  classrooms. 
The  furnishings  and  equipment  were  little  more  than  that  of  an 
immigrant  family.  An  entire  university  under  a  blue  and  gray 
flag  in  one  building;  but  zeal  and  enthusiasm  made  up  for  what 
was  lacking  in  physical  equipment.  In  the  meanwhile,  the  school 



48  Tennessee  County  History  Series 

at  Harrow  was  operated  as  a  "Preparatory  School  to  Lincoln 
Memorial  University,"  as  printed  in  its  commencement 

General  Howard,  in  the  beginning  a  member  of  the  board  of 
directors,  succeeded  Dr.  Gray  of  Chicago,  who  was  the  first 
president  of  the  board,  as  managing  director.  In  1907,  Howard 
wrote  in  his  autobiography  of  this  greater  responsibility: 

I  reluctantly  consented,  but  began  to  work  with  all  the  strength 
I  could  muster.  I  have  had  associated  with  me  some  noble  men, 
and  the  institution  has  been  steadily  progressing  until  more 
than  500  youth  of  the  mountains  are  receiving  excellent  and 
systematic  training.  The  organizing  of  the  institution,  the  rais- 
ing of  funds  for  its  plant,  the  establishment  of  an  endowment, 
and  keeping  up  the  running  expenses  have  been  for  eleven 
years  a  decided  labor  of  love.  The  continued  success  of  this 
enterprise  as  a  last  work  of  an  active  life  I  greatly  desire  and 
earnestly  pray  for. 

General  Howard  was  indeed  a  man  of  great  ability  and 
proved  to  be  the  life  of  the  institution  and  was  a  life-long  friend 
of  education.  During  the  many  years  he  served  as  commissioner 
of  the  Freedmen's  Bureau,  he  had  established  or  helped 
to  establish  70  schools  for  both  whites  and  blacks — Howard 
University  was  one  of  the  first. 

Howard  talked,  lectured,  and  wrote,  appealing  to  those  peo- 
ple who  were  able  to  contribute  to  this  work.  He  appealed  to 
their  respect  for  President  Lincoln  to  help  build  a  living  me- 
morial perpetually  shaping  young  lives.  He  brought  into  the 
board  a  number  of  influential  and  wealthy  men,  among  whom 
were  E.  O.  Achorn  of  Boston,  Dr.  R.  James  of  New  York,  B.  B. 
Herbert  of  Chicago,  the  Reverend  F.  B.  Avery  of  Ohio,  Samuel 
P.  Avery  of  Connecticut,  and  A.  L.  Seligman  of  New  York.  On 
February  11,  1 90 1 ,  he  held  a  celebration  of  Lincoln's  birthday  at 
Carnegie  Hall  in  New  York  City,  that  was  attended  by  a  large 
number  of  the  country's  leaders  of  business,  politics,  and  so- 
ciety. It  was  at  this  meeting  that  he  set  forth  the  plans  and  pur- 
poses of  the  university.  This  work  resulted  in  a  great  variety 
of  contributions  from  many  sources.  The  aggregate  from  these 
sources  was  not  large  in  today's  terms,  but  it  enabled  the  man- 



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Members  of  Philomathean  Literary  Society  at  Lincoln  Memorial  Uni- 
versity about  1917. 

agement  to  meet  current  expenses  and  to  build  slowly.  Thus, 
General  Howard  went  for  some  12  years  seeking  to  tap  every 
available  source  of  funds  for  the  school.  During  these  years,  he 
paid  for  the  original  plant,  built  Avery  Hall,  purchased  the  old 
Arthur  home  to  be  used  for  the  conservatory  of  music,  built 
the  Carnegie  library,  erected  six  cottages,  and  left  the  institu- 
tion clear  of  debt. 

For  many  years  LMU  operated  without  accreditment  by  the 
Southern  Association  of  College  and  Secondary  Schools,  the 
regional  accrediting  association,  but  it  did  have  the  approval  of 
the  Tennesee  Department  of  Education,  which  sufficed  for 
those  graduates  who  taught  in  Tennessee  schools  or  in  those 
states  which  held  reciprocal  arrangments  with  Tennessee. 
Graduates  who  were  appointed  to  teaching  positions  in  other 
states  had  to  meet  the  qualifications  of  those  states.  However, 
accreditment  in  1935  removed  that  problem.  During  the  1920s, 
LMU  acquired  the  services  of  a  group  of  young  academic  enthu- 
siasts to  the  enormous  benefit  of  such  aspiring  writers  as  Jesse 
Stuart  and  James  Still.  The  high  literary  standards  of  Dean  Boyd 
A.  Wise  were  easily  confirmed. 

50  Tennessee  County  History  Series 

Iona  Holt  Goin,  county  teacher,  about 
1907;  wife  of  John  L.  Goin  and  mother 
of  Dorothy,  another  long-time  county 

In  the  1960s  and  early  1970s,  LMU  acquired  several  new 
buildings  and  renovated  older  ones;  East  and  West  Dormitories, 
a  student  center,  and  the  Lincoln  Museum  were  completed.  An 
aggressive  new  president,  Dr.  Frank  Welch,  undertook  to  bring 
the  university  closer  to  the  people  it  served  by  widening  the 
courses  of  study.  By  1978,  the  total  enrollment  had  grown  to 
1067  which  included  non-credit  and  part-time  students.  In  addi- 
tion to  liberal  arts  courses  LMU  now  offers  non-traditional 
courses  which  lead  to  the  baccalaureate  degree. 

Educational  Achievements  and  Achievers 

A  prime  mover  in  the  creation  of  a  tax-supported  high 
school,  Attorney  General  P.  G.  Fulkerson,  combined  William 
Graham's  insight  into  public  needs  with  a  standing  in  the  county 
which  enabled  him  and  others  to  bring  into  existence  the 


Claiborne  County  High  School  in  1910.  Fulkerson  gave  the  land 
on  which  it  was  built,  watched  over  it,  and  inspired  faculty  and 
students  with  an  occasional  address.  An  early  graduate  was  Lon 
Francisco  who  returned  to  teach  there  following  completion  of  a 
baccalaureate  at  Carson-Newman  College.  For  some  years,  most 
of  the  teachers  came  from  the  University  of  Tennessee. 

Within  a  short  period  of  time,  the  educational  harvest  from 
the  new  high  school  was  revealed  by  the  selection  of  young 
graduates  to  positions  of  leadership.  An  early  illustration  was  the 
selection  of  Elmer  Baldwin  and  Luther  Mayes  to  help  hold 
a  Republican  primary  election  at  the  Lonesome  Valley  Steel 
Trestle  voting  precinct  on  August  1,  1918.  Both  men  were  also 
graduates  of  Lonesome  Valley  Elementary  School.  At  the 
January  of  1919  session  of  the  quarterly  court,  James  W. 
Baldwin,  who  went  to  Lonesome  Valley  School  and  the  county 
high  school  and  college,  was  elected  county  school  superinten- 
dent. Baldwin  later  received  a  doctorate  degree  and  became, 
until  his  retirement,  a  professor  of  education  at  the  University  of 

In  January  of  1929,  a  graduate  of  Lincoln  Memorial 
University,  Ethel  Hamilton  of  Shawanee,  was  selected  by  the 
quarterly  court  to  head  the  county  schools.  She  served  for  a 
number  of  years  distinguishing  herself  by  attempts  to  raise  the 
standards  of  academic  excellence  and  by  ridding  the  school 
system  of  the  patronage  influence  which  beset  it. 

As  the  present  century  progressed,  there  were  others  from 
the  county  schools  who  rose  to  eminence  and  richly  contributed 
to  the  history  of  this  area.  Walter  E.  Baldwin  from  the  Lonesome 
Valley  school  graduated  from  the  county  high  school,  received  a 
baccalaureate  degree,  served  in  the  armed  forces  in  World  War 
I,  and  became  superintendent  of  schools  for  a  short  time.  Later, 
he  turned  to  civil  service  for  a  notable  career,  climaxed  by  service 
in  California.  Perry  E.  DeBusk  also  became  the  superintendent 
for  some  years.  Later,  he  went  into  the  insurance  business,  and 
still  later,  with  the  able  assistance  of  his  wife,  Ethel  Mary,  he 
established  a  lucrative  antique  business  in  Morristown  and  in 
Galtinburg.  DeBusk  recalled  the  rich,  vital,  and  sometimes  col- 
orful instruction  in  English  literature  he  had  received  from 

52  Tennessee  County  History  Series 

Helen  E.  Galbreath,  one  of  the  really  great  teachers  at  Claiborne 
County  High  School.  Another  graduate  of  the  high  school, 
Jefferson  Davis  Earl,  was  and  is  held  in  esteem  by  all  who  have 
listened  to  him  speak  on  any  one  of  the  many  topics  which 
fascinated  him.  Earl  served  heroically  in  World  War  I  and  has 
recorded  in  his  memoirs  events  in  the  pivotal  battle  of  the 
Hindenburg  Line.  He  now  lives  in  Knoxville  with  his  wife  and 
three  daughters. 

Conversation  among  students  going  to  and  from  high  school 
was  filled  with  enthusiasm  which  flowed  from  what  was  learned 
in  the  classrooms.  Love  of  learning  dominated  the  lives  of  stu- 
dents, especially  a  love  of  English  and  American  classics  in  lit- 
erature which  was  acquired  from  talented  Helen  Galbreath, 
a  graduate  of  the  University  of  Tennessee.  Among  the 
many  admirers  of  Galbreath's  teaching  was  Thomas  Fugate, 
now  of  Ewing,  Virginia.  Fugate's  life  was  influenced  deeply 
by  Galbreath.  He  attended  the  University  of  Tennessee,  then 
Lincoln  Memorial  University,  and  became  a  very  successful 
banker  at  Ewing,  a  widely  known  and  respected  farmer,  and 
finally  a  member  of  the  U.S.  Congress  from  his  legislative  district 
in  southwestern  Virginia.  Fugate  died  September  22,  1980. 

Another  student  who  profited  enormously  from  the  excel- 
lent staff  of  high  school  teachers  was  Sam  Atkin  of  Lone  Moun- 
tain. Atkin's  chief  field  of  learning  was  agriculture,  in  which  he 
took  a  degree  from  the  University  of  Tennessee  and  a  doctorate 
from  Cornell  University.  His  wife  was  the  former  Berniece 
Chumley,  daughter  of  John  Chumley  of  the  Barren  Creek 
neighborhood.  Others  in  his  class  were  John  Greer  who  became 
a  dentist  and  practiced  in  Tazewell;  Milt  Brooks  who  along  with 
his  brother  Hilt  also  became  a  dentist  in  Middlesboro;  Nannie 
Mae  Carr  of  Tazewell;  Lois  and  Charlotte  Kivette,  the  former 
being  an  ardent  student  of  literature  and  a  writer  and  Charlotte 
being  especially  strong  in  vocal  music;  Bryan  Catherine  Percival 
of  New  Tazewell  who  took  a  bachelor  of  arts  degree  from  LMU 
and  a  masters  from  Ohio  State  University;  and  Loalles  Lynch 
who  married  John  DeBusk,  a  successful  farmer  and  horseman. 

The  curriculum  at  the  Claiborne  County,  Powell  Valley,  and 
Forge  Ridge  high  schools  was  mainly  college  preparatory.  The 



54  Tennessee  County  History  Series 

acknowledged  reason  for  domination  by  liberal  arts  subjects  was 
that  the  program  was  to  prepare  graduates  for  entrance  to  a 
college  or  university.  The  thrust  for  widening  the  curriculum 
came  from  a  great  increase  in  student  enrollment  and  the  long 
neglected  laws  relative  to  attendance,  which  began  to  be  en- 
forced during  the  1920s  by  truant  officers.  The  trend  toward 
consolidation  of  school  districts,  which  depended  on  free  trans- 
portation of  students  from  their  homes  to  the  consolidated 
school,  also  produced  wide  variations.  The  argument  for  con- 
solidation was  persuasive  and  eventually  successful  to  the  point 
that  in  1978  there  were  no  single  school  districts.  The  precon- 
solidation  group  emphasized  that  the  teacher  in  a  one-room 
school  taught  everything  from  first  grade  through  eighth  with  a 
required  "expertness"  in  all  subjects.  Literally  interpreted,  this 
was  impossible  inasmuch  as  most  teachers  at  that  time  had  pro- 
gressed, academically  speaking,  only  a  little  pace  beyond  their 
students.  Moreover,  a  one-room  school  was  noisy  because  each 
student  was  located  only  paces  away  from  the  class  being  taught 
at  that  particular  hour.  In  spite  of  these  drawbacks,  however, 
many  educational  miracles  were  accomplished.  Furthermore,  as 
consolidation  proceeded,  the  enrollment  also  increased  beyond 
the  expected  proportion  and  teachers  still  found  themselves 

All  these  developments  took  place  at  different  periods  and 
were  influenced  by  the  development  of  national  educational 
programs.  The  writings  of  John  Dewey  exercised  potent  in- 
fluences on  the  making  of  curricula  at  all  levels  from  the  first 
grade  through  college.  Previously,  the  emphasis  had  been  on  the 
belief  that  education  consisted  primarily  in  handing  down  to  the 
present  generation  knowledge  of  the  past,  in  every  discipline 
such  as  language,  mathematics,  history,  and  science  so  that  the 
mind  of  the  citizen-to-be  would  be  able  to  understand  the  world 
in  which  he  lived.  Then,  John  Dewey  proposed  that  learning 
consisted  in  doing  those  things  which  most  interested  the 
learner.  The  way  was  thus  opened  to  experimentation  of  all 
sorts;  in  a  sense,  formal  education  flew  off  in  all  directions. 
Vocational  education  flourished,  while  liberal  education,  includ- 
ing the  former  college  preparation  programs,  suffered  and  only 
now  is  recovering. 


Graduates  of  Claiborne  County  high  schools  had  available  to 
them  a  considerable  number  of  church-related  colleges  nearby 
such  as  Tusculum,  Hiwassee,  Carson-Newman,  and  Maryville. 
Lincoln  Memorial  University,  non-denominational,  was  next 
door  and  offered  higher  education  at  costs  competitive  with 
tax-supported  institutions  of  higher  education.  Until  recently,  it 
also  allowed  students  to  work  and  pay  much  of  the  costs  of  their 
own  education.  Students  seeking  further  education  benefited 
from  the  large  number  of  graduate  programs  at  the  University 
of  Tennessee  in  Knoxville. 

Roads  and  Bridges 

Being  close  neighbors  of  their  constituents — the  voters  of 
Claiborne  County,  members  of  the  county  court  were  always 
under  pressure  to  improve  roads  and  bridges.  Not  until  the 
middle  of  the  1890s  did  the  two  present  railway  systems  con- 
struct roads  through  the  county.  Road  building  was  a  must  and 
for  the  first  time  in  the  experience  of  local  citizens,. it  was  possible 
to  construct  a  top  which  would  last  a  little  longer  than  soil  mixed 
with  the  ever  present  chert.  Macadam  was  the  magic  word!  For 
the  first  time  in  the  history  of  road  building  in  Claiborne  County 
there  was  available  a  method  and  materials — limestone  rocks — 
which  could  free  people  from  the  ubiquitous  mud  which  met 
them  on  every  step,  except  during  dry  weather  when  clouds  of 
dust  replaced  the  mud.  Local  limestone  was  crushed  into  various 
sizes  ranging  from  two-inch  stones  to  one-quarter-inch  size,  then 
rolled  into  the  crushed  stone  and  small  pebbles,  and  placed  on  a 
graded  and  rounded  road  bed.  By  bonding  together,  a  fairly 
firm  top  was  formed.  The  Legislature  then  encouraged  all  coun- 
ties to  macadamize  their  roads  to  the  extent  of  their  ability  to  sell 
road  bonds.  The  ordinary  citizen  wanted  out  of  the  mud,  the 
road  builders  wanted  contracts,  and  many  politically-minded 
road  promoters  saw  a  way  to  make  easier  money  than  that  to 
which  they  had  been  accustomed. 

When  informed  by  the  state  that  it  could  issue  $75,000  in 
road  bonds,  the  court  took  action  by  appointing  John  Ausmus, 
P.  G.  Fulkerson,  and  F.  F.  Overton  to  market  them.  After  an 
initial  lack  of  success,  the  Fulkerson  committee  sold  bonds  in 

J"  Tennessee  County  History  Series 

1880  to  McDaniel,  McCoy,  and  Company  of  Chicago  at  four  and 
one-half  percent  interest,  which  made  the  county  the  only  one  in 
the  state  at  that  time  selling  bonds  at  the  low  rate.  At  that  time, 
the  county  planned  construction  of  five  roads:  from  Cumber- 
land Gap  to  Tazewell;  from  its  intersection  with  that  road  down 
Powell  Valley  to  the  Campbell  County  line;  from  Tazewell  to  the 
Union  County  line  on  the  Knoxville  Road;  from  Tazewell  to 
Grainger  County  on  the  Old  Kentucky  Road;  and  from  that 
intersection  up  Sycamore  Creek  Valley  to  the  county  line. 

Construction  of  roads  in  the  county  financed  by  interest 
bearing  bonds  promptly  led  to  misunderstandings,  at  least,  and 
probably  to  dishonesty  in  the  use  of  public  funds.  Even  the  initial 
bond  issue  led  to  trouble.  The  court  appointed  J.  L.  Buis,  R.  F. 
Carr,  and  J.  P.  Kivett  as  a  committee  to  supervise  the  pike  roads. 
This  committee  reported  that  it  did  not  have  the  expertise  to 
make  findings  from  the  reports  of  the  contractors.  The  court 
then  authorized  the  employment  of  Knoxville  civil  engineer 
W.  A.  Park  to  aid  the  committee  with  a  14-page  report  which 
covered  only  part  of  the  construction,  even  though  they  were 
directed  to  cover  the  entire  program.  Park  prepared  a  devastat- 
ing analysis  of  slip-shod  construction  and  contractor  reporting 
with  many  errors.  Charges  of  overpayment  and  incorrect 
charges  were- abundant.  In  the  January  of  1910  session,  as  a 
result  of  additional  investigation,  the  court  ordered  payments  to 
the  contractor. 

J.  H.  S.  Morrison  of  Cumberland  Gap  became  judge  of  the 
court  in  August  of  1910  and  immediately  tried  to  restore  a 
semblance  of  order  and  honesty  to  the  county  financial  records. 
Justices  at  the  October  of  1910  session  were  James  Barnard, 
H.  F.  Bostic,  R.  F.  Carr,  B.  M.  Fletcher,  J.  P.  Goin,  John  M.  Hurst, 
Frank  Jennings,  J.  B.  Lambert,  J.  F.  Lynch,  J.  W.  Maddox,J.  H. 
Neeney,  G.  S.  Nevils,  James  H.  Riley,  G.  W.  Rosenbalm,  and  B.  F. 
Schultz.  At  that  session,  despite  Morrison's  best  efforts,  he  was 
unable  to  give  a  full  financial  report  since  the  records  were 

By  the  June  of  1911  session,  Morrison  reported  that  he  and 
the  county  revenue  commissioners  had  made  earnest  efforts  to 
ascertain  the  outstanding  indebtedness  of  the  county.  The  dif- 


ficulty  was  compounded  because  some  warrants,  when  paid, 
were  not  cancelled  on  the  warrant  register.  Therefore,  it  was 
impossible  to  make  an  exact  determination  of  the  county  debt; 
however,  he  was  certain  the  county  owed  less  than  $16,546.79, 
excluding  highway  warrants,  Cumberland  Mountain  pike  war- 
rants, and  school  warrants.  The  total  indebtedness  was  summa- 
rized as  follows:  county  proper,  $16,546.79;  highway,  $9,250; 
Cumberland  Mountain  pike  warrants,  $17,500;  and  schools, 
$13,799.80;  for  a  total  of  $41,346.59.  Judge  Morrison  also 
found  that  tax  assessments  were  incorrect  and  that  the  previous 
year  in  many  parts  of  the  county,  the  assessor  had  not  been  seen. 
Each  year  the  court  was  "overwhelmed"  by  reports  of  "wrong 
assessments"  and  delinquent  polls,  and  he  was  certain  that  100 
square  miles  of  land  had  not  been  taxed  at  all. 

Due  to  pressure  from  the  state  and  the  conscientious  and 
expert  work  of  such  officials  as  Judges  Hughes,  Morrison,  and 
others,  the  county  instituted  an  improved  method  of  managing 
its  financial  resources.  Primarily,  this  improvement  was  the 
establishment  of  specific  funds  in  the  trustee's  office  to  which 
incoming  revenue  was  paid  and  from  which  it  could  be  paid 
by  specific  authorization  from  the  court,  through  verification 
by  the  judge. 

Until  Claiborne  County  finally  adopted  a  budget  system  for 
holding  and  disbursing  its  revenues,  there  was  a  continuing 
problem  of  holding  each  trustee  to  a  faithful  and  honest 
accounting  for  money  entrusted  to  his  care.  Such  a  problem 
arose  in  1873  when  the  outgoing  trustee  withheld  the  book  of 
settlement  from  the  court  and  his  successor  until  forced  to 
relinquish  it.  In  the  1920s  much  larger  sums  of  money  were 
entrusted  to  the  trustee,  who  was  bound  by  higher  bonds  than 
was  previously  required  and  still  further  guaranteed  by  those 
who  served  as  his  securities.  Even  so,  one  trustee  left  office 
without  making  a  settlement  and  four  and  one-half  months  later 
the  county  judge  reminded  him  of  his  obligations.  Finally,  in 
October  of  1923,  the  court  appointed  attorneys  William  I.  Davis 
and  J.  R.  Ketron  to  bring  suit  in  chancery  court  which  resulted  in 
the  matter  eventually  being  compromised. 

The  first  issue  of  road  bonds  did  not  go  very  far  with  respect 

58  Tennessee  County  History  Series 

to  the  construction  of  lasting  roads,  but  the  results  were  enough 
to  excite  demands  for  more  roads.  The  Legislature  felt  this 
pressure  which  came  from  all  over  the  state  and  in  April  of  1914, 
on  the  eve  of  World  War  I,  it  authorized  the  counties  to  issue 
more  bonds.  On  April  18,  1913,  by  a  vote  of  17-4,  the  county 
court  voted  to  issue  $355,000  worth  of  bonds  at  interest  rates  not 
to  exceed  six  percent.  Those  voting  for  the  measure  were  R.  F. 
Carr,  J.  H.  Chumley,  J.  M.  Cunningham,  A.  P.  Delozier,  John 
Edwards,  W.  F.  Fortner,  L.  T.  Jennings,  John  Keck,  Noah 
Manning,  W.  E.  Mayes,  F.  F.  Overton,  C.  H.  Parkey,  H.  H. 
Pursifull,  S.  R.  Robertson,  J.  C.  Thomas,  W.  S.  Thomas,  and  J.  S. 
Yoakum;  voting  against  the  action  were  William  Bolinger, 
I.  R.  Dunn,  G.  W.  Greer,  and  A.  M.  Moss.  The  bonds  were  to 
mature  in  30  years  beginning  July  6,  1914. 

Altogether,  710  bonds  were  to  be  offered,  each  in  the 
amount  of  $500.  Money  from  these  bonds  was  used  to  build  the 
following  roads:  14  miles  from  Lone  Mountain  via  Howard's 
Quarter  to  the  Hancock  County  line,  ($45,000);  from  the 
Hancock  County  line  near  Buchanan's  Ford  via  Cedar  Fork  to 
Tazewell,  13  miles  ($45,000);  from  Springdale  to  Tazewell, 
three  miles  ($10,000);  from  Union  County  line  via  Big  Valley 
Road  and  Barren  Creek  and  Sandlick  to  Tazewell,  .14  miles 
($40,000);  from  Cumberland  Gap  to  Tazewell,  12  miles 
($50,000);  from  Patterson's  Cross  Roads  to  Campbell  County 
line,  18  miles  ($55,000);  from  Lone  Mountain  to  Walker's  Ford 
($20,000);  from  the  Powell  River  bridge  to  Powell  Valley  Road 
($50,000);  from  Harrogate  via  Shawanee  to  the  Virginia  line 
($5,000);  from  Springdale  via  Little  Sycamore  to  Hancock 
County  line,  12  miles  ($30,000).  The  court  met  in  special  session 
on  May  3,  1915,  to  make  provision  to  finance  a  road  from 
Harrogate  to  the  Virginia  line. 

Bridges  across  the  two  major  rivers,  Powell  and  Clinch,  were 
matters  demanding  court  action.  One  court  had  chosen  Greasy 
Hollow  across  the  Powell  River  for  a  bridge  to  connect  the 
county  seat  area  with  the  lower  Powell  Valley  (the  old  Jacksboro 
Road),  but  the  January  of  1914  court  reconsidered  the  matter 
and  ordered  that  a  bridge  be  built  across  the  Powell  River  at 
Bunch  Hollow.  By  1914  a  bridge  had  been  constructed  across 



Bunch  Hollow  Bridge  across  the  Powell  River,  prior  to  its  demolition 
for  Norris  Lake 

the  Powell  River  located  on  the  Old  Kentucky  Road,  out  of 
Cumberland  Gap.  It  was  financed  promptly  through  a  tax  levy 
and  the  issue  of  interest  bearing  warrants. 

The  region  around  Clairfield  at  that  time,  as  now,  felt  neg- 
lected. Because  of  an  absolute  need,  the  court,  in  January  of 
1915,  appropriated  $300  to  build  a  bridge  across  the  Clear  Fork 
River,  It  is  very  significant  that  after  funds  had  been  allocated 
for  some  ten  roads,  a  special  session  of  the  court  was  called  to 
consider  the  diversion  of  funds  from  the  Powell  Valley  Road  to 
Clairfield  via  the  best  route  available.  The  court  appointed  a 
committee  to  investigate  and  to  report,  but  that  was  the  end  of 
the  transmontane  road  for  the  time  being.  From  that  time  to  the 
present,  travel  from  the  county  seat  to  Clairfield  must  cross  the 
mountain  into  Middlesboro,  then  follow  a  circuitous  and  some- 
times dangerous  road  across  Fonde  Mountain  into  the  Clear 
Fork  Valley,  an  extra  distance  of  more  than  30  miles. 

It  seemed  absurd  then,  as  now,  that  there  was  no  regularly 
used  road  from  the  valley  into  the  coal  producing  portion  of 
Claiborne  County.  This  need  was  heightened  by  the  absence  of 
hospitals;  a  need  which  was  answered  in  part  by  cooperation 

60  Tennessee  County  History  Series 

between  the  Claiborne  County  Community  Action  Committee 
(OEO)  and  private  groups  led  by  Roman  Catholic  nuns  and 
Presbyterian-financed  doctors  and  nurses  who  established  a 
valuable  health  clinic. 

The  Community  Action  Agency  used  much  time  and  effort 
to  convince  the  state  that  it  should  finance  an  all-weather  road 
across  the  mountain  through  Carr,  Wilson,  or  other  gaps.  No 
road  yet  has  been  built,  and  the  need  is  more  acute  than  ever. 
The  coal  produced  in  this  area,  both  deep  and  surface  mines,  is 
carried  to  market  by  rail  and  trucks.  Vast  quantities  of  coal 
produced  at  the  Tackett  Creek  mine  by  the  Consolidation  Coal 
Company  is  shipped  direct  by  rail  to  the  Georgia  Power  and 
Light  Company. 

On  June  30,  1917,  the  county  judge  reported  that  for  the 
quarter  ending  on  that  date,  the  county  fund  stood  at  $  1 ,427.58, 
the  school  fund  at  $9,056.38;  thejudgment  fund  (the  fund  from 
which  judgments  against  the  county  were  paid),  $40.50;  the 
bond  interest  fund,  $15,261.30;  the  sinking  fund,  $3,0 15,75;  the 
road  fund  (not  inclusive  of  funds  for  major  expenditures  such  as 
the  pikes),  $1,502.98;  bridge  fund,  $75.47;  high  school  fund, 
$761.48;  and  the  pike  fund,  $60,396.47,  of  which  $50,605  was 
for  sales  from  road  bonds. 

Judge  Morrison  presided  at  a  special  session  of  the  court  on 
August  27,  1917,  to  consider  what  action  should  be  taken  to 
encourage  the  routing  of  the  Dixie  Highway  over  the  route  of 
the  old  Kentucky  Road  from  Cumberland  Gap  to  Tazewell,  then 
over  what  is  now  State  Route  33  from  Tazewell  to  New  Tazewell, 
Sandlick,  and  Barren  Creek  to  the  Union  County  line.  Quick 
action  was  desirable  because,  it  was  reported,  some  other  route 
might  be  chosen  if  there  were  a  delay.  The  court  took  affirmative 
action  and  authorized  the  judge  to  issue  $25,000  in  six  percent 
bonds.  A  special  tax  levy  was  imposed  for  the  years  1918-1922. 

Throughout  the  first  decades  of  this  century,  the  construc- 
tion and  maintenance  of  adequate  roads  continued  to  trouble 
the  county  citizens  and  their  governing  body.  Demands  support- 
ing roads  continued  during  the  decade  after  World  War  I,  and 
in  September  of  1920  the  court,  with  Judge  L.  G.  Payne  pre- 
siding, approved  the  issue  of  $42,500  to  keep  roads  in  repair. 



Courthouse,  which  burned  in  1932 

The  court  approved,  by  a  16-7  vote,  the  sale  of  these  bonds  to 
Caldwell  and  Company  of  Nashville.  As  1921  began,  the  court 
consisted  of  T.  H.  Ball,  James  Barnard,  J.  S.  Coleman,  W.  N. 
Day,  W.  S.  Jaynes,  A.  B.  Keeny,  S.  E.  Mathis,  Marion  Mayes, 
W.  E.  Mayes,  C.  E.  Mink,  C.  H.  Minton,  G.  S.  Nevils,  W.  C. 
Parkey,  J.  D.  Riley,  C.  G.  Rogers,  G.  S.  Sharp,  W.  S.  Thomas, 
and  J.  S.  Yoakum. 

The  use  of  county-owned  road  machinery  was  a  bone  of 
contention  by  persons  who  attempted  to  deny  its  use  by  the 
county  or  other  groups  on  other  roads.  In  April  of  192 1  a  special 
session  of  the  court  was  called  to  consider  what  should  be  done  to 
make  the  county's  pike  road  machinery  available  because  such 
machinery  was  then  being  detained  by  "certain  citizens  living  on 
or  near  Cedar  Fork."  The  court  approved  a  resolution  to  employ 
counsel  "and  to  take  such  actions  as  may  be  required  in  order  to 
restore  such  machinery  to  the  County."  The  county  asserted  its 
rights  to  control  its  own  machinery  but  at  the  cost  of  wasted  time. 

In  July  of  1921,  the  court  accepted  a  plan  by  the  Tennessee 
State  Highway  Commission  that  the  county  change  from  maca- 
dam specifications  to  a  hand-laid  base,  or  Telford  method,  con- 


Tennessee  County  History  Series 

Present  county  courthouse,  built  in  1933 

sisting  of  rock  laid  in  varying  sizes  from  the  base  to  the  top  where 
small  rocks  were  to  be  used  and  followed  by  a  bituminous  sur- 
face. This  method  was  slow  and  somewhat  more  expensive,  but 
more  resistant  to  wear.  With  the  county's  acceptance,  the  state 
and  federal  governments  would  be  responsible  for  subsequent 
maintenance.  This  change  applied  only  to  the  Dixie  Highway 
section.  The  county  accepted  the  proposal,  and  to  this  date  that 
section  of  the  highway  has  stood  the  stress  of  heavy  traffic. 

County  Welfare  and  Human  Services 

In  the  poor  house  concept  of  earlier  years  governmental 
responsibility  for  care  of  the  needy  was  placed  in  the  hands  of 
the  lowest  bidder.  In  some  respects,  this  was  better  than  nothing 
at  all,  but  the  net  effect  was  reprehensible.  The  passage  of  the 
Social  Security  Act  in  1935  descended  to  the  county  level  by  a 
January  of  1937  act  of  the  Legislature.  Public  assistance  in  the 
form  of  money  and  other  support  became  immediately  avail- 
able, and  the  first  problem  to  solve  was  the  assembling  of  a 
professional  staff.  This  was  not  an  easy  task  since  few  universities 


had  followed  the  example  of  the  University  of  Chicago,  which 
had  pioneered  in  social  work  under  the  leadership  of  Jane 
Addams  at  Hull  House. 

This  movement  was  represented  ably  by  Vanderbilt  Uni- 
versity and  by  Scarrett  and  Peabody  colleges.  Even  so,  there  were 
not  enough  trained  students,  and  Claiborne  County  initially  had 
to  recruit  high  school  graduates.  Requirements  have  gradually 
risen  so  that  today  new  recruits  must  have  27  hours  of  behavioral 

Jacob  Walker,  the  present  director  of  the  Department  of 
Human  Services,  listed  a  number  of  the  current  functions  of  the 
department:  to  work  with  juvenile  courts  and  law  enforcement 
officials  to  protect  children  from  abuse  and  neglect;  to  provide  a 
wide  range  of  services  for  the  blind;  to  accept  on  court  order 
custody  of  children;  to  provide  foster  care;  to  study  and  approve 
homes  for  adoption  of  children;  to  determine  eligibility  for 
medicaid  services;  to  operate  a  food  stamp  program;  and  to 
elevate  the  losses  of  the  poor  and  needy  by  application  of  proved 

Hazel  Davis,  the  county  welfare  officer,  and  Wilma  Beaty 
were  active  in  the  transition  from  the  almshouse  concept  to  the 
present  type  of  public  assistance  which  met  initially  with  some 
very  vocal  resistance  from  community  leaders.  The  strongest 
opposition  came  from  those  who  objected  to  assistance  to  depen- 
dent children  in  homes  where  no  father  was  evident.  Eventually, 
Davis  and  her  co-workers  were  successful  in  convincing  most 
critics  that  the  care  of  such  children  was  governmental  responsi- 
bility. The  entire  staff  was  dominated  with  the  concern  for  the 
less  fortunate  and  with  the  best  techniques  to  ameliorate  the 
problems  for  these  people. 

Health,  throughout  the  last  half  of  the  nineteenth  century 
and  during  the  first  three  decades  of  the  present  century  was 
considered  generally  to  be  the  responsibility  of  the  individual 
and  the  family.  Dietary  requirements  were  not  adhered  to  con- 
sistently but  the  consequences  were  not  as  disastrous  as  could  be 
expected,  simply  because  most  people  lived  close  to  the  soil  and 
grew  most  of  their  own  food.  The  supply  was  abundant  and  most 

64  Tennessee  County  History  Series 

tables  were  loaded  beyond  normal  capacities.  Most  people  pro- 
duced what  they  ate  and  obesity  was  not  the  problem  it  has  come 
to  be  at  the  present. 

Consequently,  contagious  diseases,  such  as  smallpox,  consti- 
tuted the  greatest  challenge  to  the  health  and  even  survival  of 
people  in  Claiborne  County.  Immunization  had  not  yet  come  to 
be  practiced  generally  with  the  result  that  outbreaks  came  sud- 
denly and  with  devastating  effects.  Almost  every  session  of  the 
county  court  in  the  close  of  last  century  and  in  the  beginning  of 
this  century  undertook  to  stop  the  plague's  spread  or  to  diminish 
its  effects.  One  of  the  most  effective  presiding  offices  of  the  court 
in  the  history  of  the  county  was  Judge  J.  H.  Hughes,  who  sought 
to  maintain  fiscal  responsibility  and  yet  effectively  to  meet  the 
problems  of  the  hour.  The  court  which  met  on  January  2,  1905, 
was  under  Judge  Hughes  and  was  composed  of  W.  E.  Buis,  R.  F. 
Carr,  B.  M.  Fletcher,  H.  H.  Friar,  E.J.  Gibson, J.  P.  Goin, John 
M.  Hurst,  John  Keck,  J.  B.  Lambert,  Millard  Moyers,  P.  H. 
Poore,  W.  B.  Rogers,  B.  F.  Schultz,  and  I.J.  Sharp.  At  this  court 
money  was  appropriated  to  pay  White  Lyons  Company  for 
vaccine  points  and  to  repay  Yellow  Creek  Coal  Company  for 
setting  up  and  maintaining  smallpox  "camps"  where  the  victims 
were  isolated  and  usually  guarded  to  maintain  security. 

When  this  court  assembled  in  July  of  1905,  the  smallpox 
epidemic  had  worsened.  Other  court  members  present  at  this 
term  were  W.  H.  Jones,  J.  C.  Rogers,  and  D.  C.  Swab.  Court 
action  resulted  in  more  vaccine  points  being  bought;  Dr.  F.  L. 
Lynch  being  paid  for  expenses  at  the  Mingo  smallpox  camp;  and 
Nicholson  Coal  Company  being  paid  for  taking  care  of  smallpox 
patients  for  14  days.  A  claim  from  the  Yellow  Creek  Coal  Com- 
pany for  expenses  involved  in  smallpox  care  was  referred  to  the 
judge.  In  the  January  of  1906  session,  the  court  allowed  A.  J. 
Greer  $36  for  guarding  a  smallpox  camp  for  a  period  of  1 8  days; 
Lewis  Lambert  was  awarded  $48  for  guarding  smallpox  victims; 
and  M.  V.  Widner  was  paid  $44  for  similar  duty. 

The  county  and  individual  communities  took  other  precau- 
tions to  stop  the  spread  of  smallpox,  such  as  the  establishment  of 
"pest  houses,"  and  the  postponement  of  revivals,  church  gather- 
ings, and  other  public  meetings.  Gradually,  through  these  and 


other  measures  smallpox  was  brought  under  control.  By  the 
1920s,  Claiborne  County  was  practically  free  of  the  disease. 

Childhood  diseases,  such  as  measles  and  whooping  cough, 
were  also  problems.  Scarlet  fever  sometimes  struck  with  deadly 
effect.  Typhoid,  a  deadly  menace,  usually  resulted  from  con- 
taminated water  supplies  and  outbreaks  took  place  in  Tazewell 
and  in  Harrogate.  Concerted  action  by  the  health  officer  and 
those  who  operated  water  supplies  brought  this  disease  under 

The  Claiborne  County  Hospital 

Until  1959,  Claiborne  County  lacked  a  properly  licensed 
hospital  although  in  previous  years  a  small  facility  operated 
adequately  within  its  limitations  at  New  Tazewell.  In  recognition 
of  the  great  need  for  such  a  health  facility,  the  county  court  in  a 
July  of  1952  special  session  passed  a  resolution  which  in  effect 
was  an  application  for  the  use  of  federal  funds  to  construct  a 
hospital.  The  court  applied  for  $650,000  from  the  Hill-Burton 
Act  and  pledged  itself  to  pay  24  percent  of  the  total  amount 
required,  with  the  federal  and  state  governments  paying  the 
remainder.  The  resolution  was  approved  by  the  entire  court. 

By  1958,  the  county  was  advised  that  funds  soon  would  be 
available  and  that  a  hospital  board  should  be  appointed.  The 
board  was  to  be  composed  of  the  county  judge  as  an  ex-officio 
member,  a  member  from  the  county  court,  a  banker,  a  church 
representative,  a  farmer,  a  businessman,  and  a  member  from 
another  occupation  or  profession.  Its  members  were  charged 
with  the  administration  and  management  of  the  hospital  in 
accordance  with  good  management  policies,  with  establishment 
of  rates,  and  with  the  hiring  and  firing  of  employees. 

James  D.  Estep,  Jr.,  was  county  judge  when  the  hospital  was 
built;  the  building  committee  was  composed  of  Will  A.  Fugate, 
chairman;  G.  B.  Hodges,  Hugh  McNeeley,  Dr.  George  L.  Rea, 
and  William  D.  Hurst,  secretary.  Lindsay,  Maples,  and  E.  R. 
Clayton  were  the  architects  who  designed  the  building  which  was 
constructed  by  Anderson  and  Watson. 

The  first  wing  which  contained  40  beds  was  constructed  in 
1959;  two  other  wings  and  a  nursing  home,  immediately  adja- 

66  Tennessee  Comity  History  Series 

cent  to  the  hospital,  were  added  later.  In  compliance  with  the 
requirements  of  federal  legislation  it  was  possible,  as  need  arose, 
to  add  to  the  hospital  facilities  on  a  self-liquidation  basis.  Such 
needs  did  arise  and  two  wings  were  added  including  an  intensive 
care  unit,  an  obstetrical  and  a  surgical  wing.  By  the  end  of  1974 
there  were  40  beds  in  the  first  wing,  built  in  1959;  21  in  the  East 
Wing,  built  in  1965;  25  in  the  West  Wing,  built  in  1974;  and  50 
beds  in  the  nursing  home,  built  in  1968.  By  1978,  the  licensed 
beds  in  the  Claiborne  County  Hospital  had  increased  to  86. 
There  now  are  110  hospital  beds  and  the  nursing  home  im- 
mediately adjacent  to  the  hospital  has  50  beds. 

By  1978,  the  hospital  had  come  to  play  a  major  role  in  the 
economic  life  of  the  county  and  the  entire  Tri-State  area.  By  that 
year  it  held  total  assets  of  $2,674,804.58,  of  which  $1,541,270.46 
were  in  the  plant.  Of  the  latter  its  land  had  a  net  worth  of 
$36,679.25,  its  buildings  a  net  worth  of  $1,342,958.56  and  its 
equipment  $  149,979.56.  The  hospital  had  $8 1 ,22 1 .3 1  in  cash  on 
deposit,  and  $40,000  in  savings.  Accounts  receivable  for  the 
hospital  were  $928,537.38  and  from  the  nursing  home 
$139,025.95.  The  total  operating  expenses  of  $2,309,259.76  of 
the  hospital  presented  a  graphic  picture  of  its  place  in  the  coun- 
ty's economy.  The  expense  of  the  nursing  home,  came  to 
$171,582.68  which  created  a  loss  of  $129,406.75.  Nursing  serv- 
ice for  the  hospital  came  to  $557,353.99;  housekeeping  costs 
came  to  $11 1,051.58. 

From  1959  to  June  30,  1978,  the  hospital  management  left 
the  general  fund  in  a  stable  and  healthy  condition,  standing  at 
$951,520.89  on  that  date.  The  ambulance  service  was  improved 
vastly  through  the  training  of  one  of  its  operators  as  a  paramedic 
at  the  University  of  Tennessee.  The  ambulance  unit  has  now 
added  a  coronary  reporting  system  to  insure  adequate  care  of 
heart  attack  victims  en  route  to  the  hospital. 

Claiborne  County  in  Two  World  Wars 

In  harmony  with  the  long  established  volunteer  spirit  in 
Tennessee,  young  men  from  the  county  hastened  to  join  the 
military  services  during  the  two  world  wars  of  this  century.  Many 


of  them  did  not  wait  for  "Greetings"  from  the  draft  board. 
However,  when  in  1917  the  United  States  entered  World  War  I 
on  the  side  of  England  and  France,  Selective  Service  was  chosen 
as  the  chief  method  of  building  a  defense,  and  the  Draft  Board 
in  Claiborne  County  had  strong  public  support.  Members  of  the 
board  were  M.  B.  Carr,  chairman;  James  J.  Kivett,  secretary; 
William  H.  Hodges,  chief  clerk;  and  Robert  T.  Ketron,  member. 
A  legal  advisory  board  was  composed  of  J.  H.  S.  Morrison, 
George  W.  Montgomery,  and  J.  E.  Rogers.  From  June  5,  1917,  to 
September  12,  1918  the  Claiborne  County  board  selected  4649 
men  to  go  to  induction  camps,  mostly  to  Camp  Oglethorpe  in 
Georgia.  Of  these,  253  were  disqualified,  84  were  given  limited 
service,  and  303  were  classified  for  general  service.  During  the 
course  of  the  war  41  were  wounded  and  the  following  22  men 
were  killed: 

Leonard  T.  Brewer  William  Hobart  Leach 

Robert  B.  Carpenter  Ballard  Columbus  Linch 

Fred  Cawood  Estell  William  Look 

Oscar  P.  Cupp  Harvey  Miracle 

Lafayette  Day  Hagan  Moore 

Samuel  H.  Duncan  William  F.  Moore 

Major  G.  Ellison  William  C.  Parkey 

James  I.  Francisco,  Jr.  Lewis  F.  Pearson 

Carben  A.  Keck  Onie  Sanford 

Arthur  V.  Kilbert  George  W.  Singleton 

William  Lasley  Henry  V.  Soard 

When  the  attack  on  Pearl  Harbor  shocked  the  nation  in  194 1 , 
public  opinion  united  strongly  in  support  of  the  United  States' 
entry  into  World  War  II.  Again,  as  in  the  previous  war,  there  was 
no  opposition  to  the  Draft  Board  which  was  headed  by  John  L. 
Goin  with  Hugh  Trent  Ramsey  as  secretary.  Draftees  and  volun- 
teers together  met  the  needs  of  an  enormous  and  rapidly  grow- 
ing military  attempting  to  recover  in  the  Pacific  and  to  land  on 
the  European  continent  against  a  strongly  entrenched  foe.  The 
world-wide  conflict  ended  in  victory  for  the  United  States  and 
her  allies,  but  the  casualty  list  for  Claiborne  County  was  much 
greater  than  in  World  War  I.  Nine  Navy  men  from  the  county 

58  Tennessee  County  History  Series 

lost  their  lives:  William  Brooks,  Charles  L.  Echols,  Roscoe  L. 
Former,  Robert  N.  Johnson,  James  Thomas  Lynch,  Lillon 
Buford  Lynch,  Clifford  Osborne,  Charles  H.  Patterson,  and 
Kermit  C.  Taylor.  In  the  Army,  which  included  the  Army  Air 
Forces  (until  1947),  59  men  were  lost. 

William  J.  Aye 
Lee  Berry 

Sherman  H.  Braden 
Lowell  E.  Brockman 
Wesley  L.  Brooks 
Harry  L.  Buis 
Cleo  Cain 
Rov  L.  Campbell 
Bill  J.  Clark 
Millard  O.  Cline 
Ross  T.  Collingsworth 
George  J.  Davis 
Harold  D.  Douglass 
Edward  G.  Douglass 
Neil  England 
Nathan  E.  Fisher 
Austin  S.  Francisco 
Lonnie  E.  Grady 
Ernest  Griffen 
James  E.  Hamblin 
Roy  E.  Hatfield 
Henry  A.  Hopper 
Samuel  L.  Houston 
Neil  E.  Ingle 
Ralph  C.  Jordon 
Claude  B.  Keyes 
Kels  Laws 
Conley  Leach 
Austin  M.  Long 
John  Manning 

Tom  Messer 
John  H.  Miracle 
Owen  Money,  Jr. 
Maynard  L.  Nunn 
Edwin  E.  Overton 
Cordell  Partin 
Evert  W.  Pierce 
Loyd  J.  Powers 
Aaron  Rains 
Carl  R.  Reece 
Kenneth  B.  Robinson 
Vernon  W.  Robinson 
James  M.  Rogers 
Ernest  E.  Seal 
Elvert  E.  Shiflet 
Edward  R.  Shugart,  Jr. 
Roy  W.  Sivils 
Riley  L.  Sutton 
Clyde  S.  Taylor 
Cecil  C.  Terry 
Louis  W.  Treece 
Harold  C.  Turpin 
William  Weaver 
Daniel  Weaver 
Harold  W.  Welch 
Pat  M.  Williams 
A.  F.  Wolfenbarger 
Woodrow  W.  Wright 
John  D.  Yeary 

Among  the  survivors  of  both  wars  many  served  heriocally 
and  made  outstanding  records.  The  following  examples  are 


representative  of  these  Claiborne  County  men.  Jefferson  Davis 
Earl,  named  after  his  father,  was  an  early  graduate  of  Claiborne 
County  High  School  and  Lincoln  Memorial  University.  He 
volunteered  for  the  duration  of  the  war  in  the  59th  Tennessee 
Brigade  of  the  30th  Division  which  was  the  spearhead,  with 
British  aid,  that  broke  the  Hindenburg  Line.  Earl's  intensive 
study  of  many  histories  of  the  Civil  War  made  him  reflect 
throughout  his  participation  in  the  bloody  engagement  how  the 
daily  events  illustrated  the  classical  principles  of  warfare.  Earl 
returned  to  the  county  to  rear  his  family  and  serve  in  the 
teaching  profession  and  in  the  civil  service  until  retirement. 

Clarence  T.  Holt,  entering  service  on  September  20,  1917, 
was  trained  initially  in  the  artillery  but  was  switched  to  the 
ambulance  service  under  the  commander  of  the  30th  Division 
and  served  with  British  units  in  Belgium  and  France.  Holt  was  an 
early  victim  of  gas  attacks,  but  was  not  hospitalized,  continuing 
on  active  duty  until  the  Armistice.  He  returned  home  in  the 
spring  of  1919  to  become  a  farmer  and  merchant.  He  and  his 
wife,  Pearlie,  had  two  sons,  Leon  and  Lester. 

John  Alston,  son  of  Harvey  Alston,  served  his  country  well  in 
France  and  Cermany  from  April  of  1918  until  his  return  in  the 
spring  of  1920.  Unfortunately,  Alston  died  of  a  fever  in  Decem- 
ber of  that  year. 

John  Minton  did  not  make  the  headlines  as  did  the  famous 
rifleman,  Alvin  York,  but  as  an  artilleryman  he  fought  valiantly 
in  the  Chateau-Thierry  drive  and  the  battle  of  the  Hindenburg 
Line.  He  was  helping  to  man  guns  in  Battery  D  when  a  German 
shell  landed  on  his  group,  killing  his  lieutenant  and  killing  or 
wounding  20  others.  Alston's  left  foot  and  right  leg  were  severe- 
ly injured.  Immediate  aid  was  delayed  by  the  rage  of  battle,  and 
he  spent  almost  two  days  in  heavy  rain  in  a  shell  hole  before 
rescue  was  possible.  He  returned  in  January  of  1919  to  settle 
down  on  a  hill  farm  and  marry  Katherine  Poor,  daughter  of 
Ewin  Poore. 

James  Carl  Breeding  served  in  the  Navy  before  and  after 
World  War  II.  After  Pearl  Harbor,  he  participated  in  a  series 
of  engagements  in  the  western  Pacific  and  at  Dutch  Harbor, 
Alaska.  After  the  war  he  participated  in  the  test  of  atomic 

70  Tennessee  County  History  Series 

power  conducted  by  the  United  States  at  Enewetok.  Breeding 
and  his  loyal  Navy  wife,  Alma,  had  a  son,  Stanley,  who  also 
served  in  the  Navy  until  his  retirement. 

Paul  H.  Cline,  descended  from  a  long  line  of  Claiborne 
County  Clines,  entered  the  Infantry  from  Knoxville  in  Decem- 
ber of  1941  and  served  until  November  14,  1945.  He  was  trained 
in  the  use  of  small  arms  and  participated  in  the  landing  on  the 
Normandy  beaches.  He  was  involved  in  a  number  of  battles  in 
the  First  Army  under  General  Bradley  and  in  the  Third  Army 
under  General  Patton,  and  he  suffered  a  broken  ankle  in  com- 
bat. Following  the  war  he  returned  to  Claiborne  County  to  live. 

The  Twin  Cities 


In  December  of  1843  elections  had  been  held  within  the 
corporate  limits  to  select  a  mayor  and  aldermen  to  govern 
Tazewell  in  accordance  with  Tennessee  law.  The  members-elect 
assembled  in  the  county  courthouse  the  following  year,  took  the 
oath  of  office,  and  launched  the  new  government.  The  historic 
first  government  of  the  city  of  Tazewell  consisted  of  James  P. 
Evans,  mayor;  William  Neil  (active  then  and  later  in  the  Baptist 
church),  Wesley  Chittum,  William  Kirkpatrick,  Jesse  B.  Lane, 
A.  A.  McAmis,  and  Joseph  White  as  aldermen.  The  council 
named  Lane  as  constable  and  gave  him  some  necessary  duties  to 
perform  in  transforming  a  frontier  community  into  an  accept- 
able corporation. 

As  the  Civil  War  approached,  the  docket  record  of  the  city 
seemed  to  become  more  and  more  sparse  which  indicated  inde- 
cision and  uncertainty  with  regard  to  the  future.  Then  after  the 
very  brief  record  of  March  19,  1860,  there  is  a  gap  in  the 
available  docket  with  many  pages  cut  out;  it  then  resumes  on 
August  3,  1868.  The  mayor  at  the  time  the  gap  appeared  in  the 
records  was  William  Houston  and  council  members  were  A.  C. 
Hansard,  Thomas  P.  Graham,  James  B.  Neil,  and  C.  Y.  Rice. 
During  the  Civil  War,  military  operations  destroyed  much  of  the 
city  and  caused  widespread  disruption  of  church  services.  The 


records  of  the  Baptist  church  noted  that  the  church  was  "visited" 
so  often  that  Sunday  services  were  abandoned  for  much  of  the 
war  period.  The  docket  record  for  Tazewell  begins  in  August  of 
1868  with  P.  G.  Fulkerson  as  mayor  and  Newton  Cowan,  N.  C. 
Hodges,  J.  W.  Parine,  N.J.  Treece,  and  N.  U.  White  as  alder- 
men. Other  city  records  from  the  postwar  years  to  1950  are 
not  available. 

The  city  of  Tazewell  regained  its  corporate  existence  in  1954 
and  functioned  well  for  several  years  with  a  prominent  educator, 
Marshall  Dyer,  as  mayor.  Aldermen  were  elected  and  served 
under  the  restrictions  then  existing  with  regard  to  sources  of 
revenue.  Use  of  real  property  as  a  source  of  operating  funds  was 
restricted  for  all  practical  purposes  to  the  county  and  state  gov- 
ernments, but  the  city  did  receive  a  small  amount  of  revenue 
from  the  state  on  its  levy  of  the  sales  tax  and  especially  from  its 
gasoline  tax.  Dyer's  services  as  mayor  could  be  characterized  as 
strict  adherence  to  what  he  considered  to  be  the  law  of  the  land. 
During  the  next  few  years,  E.  J.  Hardin,  III,  served  at  various 
times  as  mayor;  he  and  his  alderman  were  signally  successful  in 
making  use  of  all  available  state  and  federal  aids  to  local  govern- 
ment. Without  such  aids,  Tazewell  could  not  have  re-ordered  its 
downtown  areas  through  the  Urban  Renewal  project  by  razing 
buildings,  residence  or  public,  which  could  not  be  made  to 
comply  with  the  requirements  of  health  and  aesthetics. 

Urban  Renewal  specifically  meant  the  removal  of  some 
dwellings  which  could  not  be  improved  economically,  the  paving 
of  specified  streets  in  the  renewed  area,  compliance  with  health 
regulations  with  respect  to  sewage  and  water,  development  of  a 
city  park,  the  construction  of  low-rent  housing  to  take  care  of  the 
absolute  needs  of  those  whose  homes  were  deleted,  and  the 
construction  of  a  senior  citizens  building  with  the  aid  of  New 
Tazewell,  federal  funds,  and  civic  organizations.  The  senior 
citizens  building  has  become  one  of  the  most  thoroughly  used 
and  appreciated  of  the  new  facilities  in  the  burgeoning 
Tazewells  and  indeed  in  the  county.  The  proportion  of  the 
elderly  to  the  youth  in  Claiborne  County  is  greater  than  in  any- 
similar  area.  Senior  citizen  activities,  stimulated  by  a  capable 
staff  under  the  enthusiastic  leadership  of  Ray  Epperson  and 


Tennessee  County  History  Series 

Paul  E.  Divine,  lawyer  and  man-about-town,  Tazewell 

with  strong  support  from  the  East  Tennessee  Council  on  Aging, 
have  enlisted  enthusiastic  support  from  both  the  elderly  and  the 
entire  county. 

Throughout  most  of  the  life  of  the  revived  Tazewell  city 
government  its  activities  have  centered  around  the  able  record- 
er, Douglas  Overton,  until  he  resigned  in  1979  to  be  succeeded 
by  Douglas  Harbin.  Overton  not  only  kept  the  books  on  what 
had  happened  in  meetings  of  the  council,  but,  by  means  of 
several  years  of  tenure  under  different  mayors,  he  furnished  a 
continuity  which  worked  to  the  great  advantage  of  Tazewell 
which  found  itself  in  competition  with  many  other  towns  strug- 
gling to  improve.  Tazewell  apparently  was  indeed  fortunate 
during  the  administrations  of  Marshall  Dyer,  Eph  Gose,  Joe 
Frank  Essary,  Delbert  Brooks,  and  E.  J.  Hardin,  III. 

New  Tazewell 

New  Tazewell  dates  from  the  completion  in  1890  of  what  is 
now  the  Southern  Railroad  running  from  Knoxville  to  Middles- 
boro,  Kentucky.  Its  route  meanders  considerably  in  the  New 


Tazewell  area,  being  chosen  in  the  final  analysis  so  as  to  avoid 
steep  grades  and  special  engineering  obstacles.  The  railroad  was 
built  primarily  to  tap  what  was  expected  to  be  a  great  manufac- 
turing area  with  coal  and  iron  ore  as  the  principal  ingredients 
and  with  English  capital  as  the  stimulus.  At  its  nearest  point  the 
railroad  was  about  two  miles  from  the  county  seat  of  Tazewell. 

The  projected  railroad  from  Knoxville  to  Middlesboro  was 
built  at  the  instigation  and  with  the  financial  assistance  of  the 
American  Association,  Limited,  an  English  firm,  aided  at  every 
turn  by  Alexander  A.  Arthur  who  foresaw  riches  to  flow  from 
coal  and  iron  lying  in  close  proximity  to  each  other  in  the 
Cumberland  Gap-Middlesboro  area.  The  railroad  was  later 
known  as  the  Knoxville,  Cumberland  Gap,  and  Louisville  Rail- 
road Company  and  still  later  as  the  Southern  Railway  System 
through  a  reorganization  and  purchase  by  Southern.  The  rail- 
road's 63.56  miles  in  length  from  Knoxville  to  Cumberland  Gap 
was  completed  in  1890;  later  it  was  stalled  for  a  time  in  reaching 
Middlesboro  by  construction  problems  in  tunnelling  through 
Cumberland  Mountain.  In  the  same  year,  a  spur  track,  3.65 
miles  long,  was  built  from  Cumberland  Gap  to  a  point  known  as 
Ore  Bed  Junction  north  of  the  Watts  Ore  mine.  The  ore  from 
this  mine  was  freighted  until  1907  to  Middlesboro,  where  it  was 
used  to  manufacture  pig  iron. 

During  the  boom  days  which  followed,  Alexander  Arthur 
built  a  home  for  his  family  in  Harrogate,  so  named  because  of  his 
dreams  of  Harrogate,  England,  which  attracted  wealthy  people 
for  rest,  recreation,  amusement,  and  for  health-giving  results, 
whether  real  or  fancied,  from  the  use  of  its  mineral  waters.  In 
Harrogate,  Tennessee,  efforts  were  made  to  create  a  resort.  The 
700-room  Four  Seasons  Hotel  was  built,  which  was  reached  by 
means  of  a  3.43  spur  line  from  Arthur.  The  hotel  had  a  casino 
and  a  sanitarium,  the  latter  eventually  being  used  by  Lincoln 
Memorial  University.  English  money  was  severely  curtailed  to 
the  area  after  the  financial  failure  of  the  Baring  Brothers  in 
London  in  1892. 

With  the  completion  of  the  railroad,  Claiborne  County  com- 
merce was  freed  from  complete  dependence  on  wagons,  and 
loading  and  off-loading  points  were  established  at  what  became 


Tennessee  County  History  Series 

The  British  built  this  famous  house  in  Harrogate,  Tennessee,  about 
the  time  of  the  railroad  expansion  to  Middlesboro,  Kentucky.  It  is  now 
owned  by  Judge  and  Mrs.  William  I.  Davis. 

New  Tazewell,  earlier  called  Cowan  City  for  a  prominent  mer- 
chant, S.  A.  Cowan,  who  with  I.  N.  Cowan  had  sold  land  to  the 
railroad  company.  The  Cowan  City  area  had  been  chartered  as  a 
municipal  corporation  on  March  24,  1890.  In  1954  this  rapidly 
growing  mercantile  community  was  incorporated  as  New 

New  Tazewell's  city  government  consisted  of  mayor  and 
aldermen.  Charles  Torbett  was  mayor  from  the  time  of  the  city's 
incorporation  until  December  of  1960  when  he  was  followed  by 
Bill  DeBusk  who  served  until  December  of  1 96 1 .  Harry  D.  Rowe 
then  became  mayor  and  served  until  December  of  1967;  he  was 
followed  by  Edward  Duncan.  Following  Duncan,  Bill  DeBusk 
again  served  until  August  of  1970  when  he  became  clerk  of 
circuit  court.  Charles  Chadwell  became  mayor  in  October  of 
1979  and  is  serving  presently  in  this  capacity.  Like  the  Tazewell 
city  government,  that  of  New  Tazewell  fortunately  has  had  the 


services  of  an  earnest  and  able  city  recorder,  Herschel  Beeler, 
who  has  helped  the  city  to  take  advantage  of  federal,  state,  and 
other  sources  of  financial  and  professional  assistance. 

Like  its  neighbor  the  county  seat,  New  Tazewell  relied 
strongly  on  the  building  code  approved  by  the  state  and  on  a 
comprehensive  plan  drawn  under  the  aegis  of  the  East  Tennes- 
see Office  of  the  State  Planning  Commission,  published  as  HUD 
project  No.  Tenn  P— 64.  Transportation  for  New  Tazewell  is 
furnished  by  the  Southern  Railway  and  by  State  Route  33  from 
Knoxville  to  its  juncture  with  Highway  25  East  in  Tazewell  which 
follows  Highway  25  East  as  far  as  Big  Sycamore  where  it  turns 
upstream  by  a  two-lane  road  to  Sneedville  and  thence  to 
Virginia.  Electricity  is  furnished  by  the  Powell  Valley  Electric 
Co-op  derived  from  TVA.  Water  is  supplied  by  the  Claiborne 
County  Utility  District  and  is  derived  from  the  Ball  Creek 
Spring,  a  source  that  will  meet  the  needs  of  a  population  of 

Some  residential  areas  are  served  by  two-inch  pipes  which 
are  inadequate  in  the  event  of  such  large  scale  use  of  water  as  for 
fire.  Adequate  pressure  also  is  lacked  in  a  few  spots  which  would 
require  the  installation  of  additional  pumpers.  On  December  2 1 , 
1940,  New  Tazewell  experienced  its  second  major  fire  in  five 
years.  This  fire  began  in  the  S.  H.  Flynn  garage  next  to  the  New 
Tazewell  Methodist  Church  which  became  the  first  great  loss  in 
the  outbreak;  then  it  continued  consuming  about  one-half  the 
entire  business  district.  Dorene  Hufstedler,  night  operator  of 
the  New  Tazewell  telephone  company,  became  the  heroine  of 
this  tragedy  by  remaining  on  duty  and  sounding  the  alarm  until 
intense  heat  forced  her  to  leave.  After  the  Claiborne  County 
Utility  District  constructed  water  and  sewage  lines,  New 
Tazewell  began  to  flourish  beyond  the  expectations  of  its  most 
sanguine  citizens. 

The  only  actual  deficiency  experienced  in  utilities  developed 
with  respect  to  electricity  in  1978  when  an  unprecedented  snow 
storm  disrupted  electric  power  lines  throughout  the  county 
which  lasted  in  some  areas  almost  72  hours.  Many  persons  came 
close  to  panic  but  the  maintenance  personnel  of  the  Powell 


Tennessee  County  History  Series 

Cumberland  Gap,  with  L  &  N  and  Southern  tracks  leading  the  tunnel 
under  the  mountain.  Photograph  courtesy  of  the  National  Park  Service. 

Valley  Electric  Company  worked  day  and  night  until  power  was 
restored.  The  Power  Company  then  began  re-working  its  lines 
to  prevent  or  reduce  the  chances  of  a  reoccurrence. 

County  Growth  and  Development 

By  1960,  economic  life  in  Claiborne  County  had  sunk  to  its 
lowest  point  after  World  War  II.  Young  peole  continued  their 
trek  to  cities,  both  north  and  south,  and  many  continued  to  obey 
Horace  Greeley's  injunction  to  go  west.  The  county's  population 
had  declined  to  slightly  over  19,000,  and  the  end  of  the  tragic 
decline  did  not  appear  to  be  in  sight.  Agriculture  was  the  pri- 
mary vocation  of  more  than  80  percent  of  the  population.  Ex- 
cept for  tobacco,  there  was  little  or  no  cash  inducement  to  grow 
most  traditional  crops,  and  tobacco  warehouses  determined  the 
outcome  of  the  chief  cash  crop.  Dairy  products,  mostly  class  C 
milk,  were  next  in  importance.  Requirements  for  marketing 
grade  A  milk  imposed  a  barrier  which  most  farmers  could  not 


overcome.  However,  by  1978  some  dairymen,  especially  in 
Powell  Valley,  were  markedly  successful. 

Other  than  such  industries  as  warehousing,  tied  closely  to  the 
marketing  of  farm  products,  only  two  small  industries  offered 
jobs  to  the  young.  Fortunately,  during  the  1950s,  the  county 
court  approved  legislation  which  led  to  the  creation  of  a  utility 
district  in  the  Tazewell  area.  Prior  to  the  1960-1978  period, 
home  construction  was  limited  to  the  absolutely  necessary  re- 
placement of  structures,  most  of  which  had  long  outlived  their 
usefulness.  Construction  of  public  facilities  had  been  limited  to 
the  three  high  schools,  Claiborne  County  High  School  in 
Tazewell,  Powell  Valley  High  School  near  Speedwell,  and  the 
Forge  Ridge  High  School  in  the  extreme  northeast  section  of  the 
county.  It  appeared  to  the  county's  leading  citizens  that  some- 
thing drastic  must  be  done  to  stay  the  decline. 

The  drive  to  resuscitate  economic  life  in  Claiborne  County 
was  led  by  an  earnest  group  of  citizens  acting  on  their  own 
individual  senses  of  urgency,  the  Claiborne  County  Chamber  of 
Commerce,  the  county  court  at  critical  moments,  and  the 
Claiborne  County  Community  Action  Committee.  This  commit- 
tee grew  out  of  the  National  War  on  Poverty  program  as  exem- 
plified in  the  Office  of  Economic  Opportunity.  This  effort  of 
OEO  on  the  local  level,  however,  was  preceded  by  the  individual 
efforts  of  leading  citizens,  the  Chamber  of  Commerce,  and  by 
actions  of  the  utility  district  in  the  Tazewell-New  Tazewell  area. 

From  its  start  in  1964,  the  Community  Action  Agency  in 
Claiborne  County  was  a  single-county  organization  which  stood 
against  pressure  from  OEO  echelons  at  the  at  the  state,  regional, 
and  federal  levels  to  join  in  a  multi-county  organization.  This 
question  was  placed  before  the  governing  board  of  the  agency  at 
numerous  sessions,  but  the  board  expressed  a  strong  preference 
for  "going  it  alone." 

Other  counties  to  the  south  with  stronger  economies  and 
higher  per-capita  incomes  wanted  to  collaborate  with  Claiborne 
for  the  simple  reason  that  the  allocation  of  federal  funds,  to  a 
large  extent,  was  based  on  need  as  illustrated  by  what  was  at  that 
time  designated  as  poverty  level  income  for  families  of  four.  In 
1966,  36.7  percent  of  Claiborne  County's  families  had  annual 

78  Tennessee  County  History  Series 

incomes  of  less  than  $10,000  and  78.64  percent  had  incomes  of 
less  than  $3000. 

The  Economic  Opportunity  Act  of  1964  had  the  primary 
objective  of  ridding  the  nation  of  poverty.  This  extremely  ambi- 
tious piece  of  legislation  was  based  on  certain  assumptions  which 
undergirded  the  program  from  the  top  level  in  Washington  to 
the  grass  roots  level  in  each  operating  unit.  The  Community 
Action  Committee  was  composed  of  certain  ex-officio  members 
including  the  superintendent  of  schools,  county  judge,  county 
attorney,  mayors,  appointed  representatives  of  the  county  court, 
board  of  education,  practicing  physicians,  business  leaders,  and 
those  selected  by  vote  from  each  district.  Edgar  A.  Holt  served  as 
the  executive  director  from  1965  to  1968  for  this  extremely 
difficult  but  worthwhile  program.  To  be  sure,  poverty  was  not 
abolished,  though  the  poverty  level  during  the  1960s  rose  per- 
ceptibly, due  perhaps  to  the  efforts  of  CAA  improvements  in  the 
national  economic  picture.  It  is  evident,  however,  that  much  of 
the  improvement  in  the  county  stemmed  from  the  growth  of 
local  industry.  Abundant  supplies  of  water  and  sewage  facilities 
made  possible  a  phenomenal  economic  growth. 

The  Headstart  Program  in  Claiborne  County  perhaps 
attracted  the  greatest  local  and  national  attention.  It  was  de- 
signed to  give  underprivileged  children,  who  constituted  the 
core  of  school  enrollments,  a  chance  to  catch  up  with  their  peers 
whose  experiences  came  closer  to  statewide  levels  of  education. 
This  "catching  up"  process  would  occur  earlier  than  the  normal 
enrollment  age  in  schools  and  thus  give  to  these  youngsters  a 
head  start  for  what  would  be  expected  of  them  in  the  first  grade. 

Headstart  education  began  in  the  county  in  1965  as  an 
abbreviated  summer  program.  Emma  Jo  Hurst,  who  had  been 
serving  the  public  schools  in  special  education,  became  coordi- 
nator for  the  program.  She  was  an  almost  instant  success  because 
she  attracted  to  the  program  those  youngsters  who  most  needed 
that  kind  of  help  and  because  she  welded  into  daily  activities  the 
natural  enthusiasm  of  the  children  and  the  cooperation  of  their 
parents.  Hurst,  the  scores  of  capable  teachers,  and  aides  sup- 
plied the  magic  that  within  one  year  brought  state  and  national 
attention  to  the  program. 


The  effectiveness  of  the  Headstart  program  was  proved  by 
the  fact  that  Headstart-educated  children  performed  one  grade 
point  higher  than  their  peers.  The  New  Tazewell  Center  was 
operated  by  Catherine  Carr  for  a  brief  period,  then  by  Dewey 
Marsee,  followed  by  Faye  Harkleroad  and  Edna  Loope.  The 
Arthur  Center  was  operated  by  Elaine  Ely  and  the  Clairheld 
Center  by  Orville  Petree,  Jean  Luce,  Tommy  Jordan,  and  Marie 
Cirillo.  Marie  Cirillo  performed  herculean  tasks  for  her  adopted 
community  both  then  and  now. 

By  1967,  the  Washington  office  of  OEO,  yielding  to  pressure 
from  more  conservative  elements,  required  that  even  100  per- 
cent federally  aided  counties  like  Claiborne  must  increase  their 
contribution  to  20  percent  of  the  cost  of  operation  after  July  1, 
1967.  OEO  grants  to  the  county  included  funds  for  the  creation 
and  operation  of  neighborhood  centers  which  were  soon  estab- 
lished in  New  Tazewell,  Arthur,  and  Clairfield.  In  addition, 
satellite  aid  stations,  manned  by  one  or  two  aids  were  created  to 
work  in  conjunction  with  their  nearest  neighborhood  center. 
The  purposes  of  the  centers  and  aid  stations  were  to  improve  the 
lot  of  those  whose  incomes  fell  below  the  poverty  designation, 
which  of  course  changed  as  the  effects  of  the  program  and 
improvements  in  the  national  economy  took  effect. 

Although  the  neighborhood  facility  in  Tazewell  did  not  be- 
come a  reality  during  this  period,  it  did  result  eventually  in  the 
construction  of  the  civic  center  located  on  the  site  of  the  former 
Soldier's  Memorial  School.  Planners  estimated  that  the  total  cost 
of  the  project  would  come  to  $652,438  and  the  development 
costs  to  $567,100. 

In  1972  the  two  Tazewells  responded  to  the  need  and  on 
December  1,  1972,  the  council  awarded  the  contract  to  W.  B. 
Browning  Construction  Company  for  $283,200.  The  two  cities 
applied  their  revenue  sharing  payments  to  this  project  that 
became  a  reality,  and  it  now  performs  the  widespread  function 
of  a  civic  center.  It  is  located  close  to  such  educational  facilities  as 
the  Vocational  School,  the  Little  Red  School  for  the  Retarded, 
and  not  far  away  from  the  Claiborne  County  High  School 
complex.  A  little  farther  up  the  hill  is  the  new  Soldiers 
Memorial  School. 

80  Tennessee  County  History  Series 

Staffing  of  the  county's  OEO  program  was  accomplished  by 
adherence  to  federal  guidelines  which  empowered  certain 
appointees  to  be  classified  as  professionals  who  could  be 
appointed  from  any  income  level  while  most  of  the  remainder 
were  to  be  drawn  from  the  targeted  population.  Training  pro- 
grams were  put  into  operation  to  enable  all  those  below  the 
professional  level  to  improve  their  status.  Natural  differences 
developed  in  the  employment  of  those  below  the  professional 
level.  These  differences  grew  out  of  tradition  based  on  kinship 
or  the  performance  of  past  or  expected  future  favors.  Executive 
Director  Edgar  A.  Holt,  Assistant  Director  Clyde  Huffaker, 
Secretary  Lizzie  Mae  Morley,  a  former  county  trustee,  and  the 
majority  on  the  governing  board  insisted  on  adherence  to  the 
federal  guidelines. 

In  order  to  improve  the  income  level  of  the  county's  farm 
population  which  constituted  more  than  90  percent  of  the  total, 
the  CAA  staff  worked  closely  with  the  marketing  elements  of  the 
University  of  Tennessee's  College  of  Agriculture  to  establish  a 
cooperative  farmers'  market.  The  plan  never  reached  fruition  in 
this  time  period  due  to  three  major  obstacles:  the  producers  had 
to  be  educated  to  produce  only  high  quality  vegetables,  especial- 
ly in  the  initial  stages;  a  knowledgeable  and  well-known  expert 
director  would  have  to  market  and  be  furnished  electronic  com- 
munication to  provide  immediate  shipments;  a  well-equipped 
warehouse  to  store  the  produce  and  appropriate  rail  or  truck 
facilities  were  necessary.  It  was  agreed  by  the  market's  planners 
that  Arthur  would  be  the  most  accessible  community  to  all  parts 
of  the  county  and  to  its  farm  neighbors.  Although  the  plan  was 
not  put  into  operation  at  that  time,  it  was  feasible,  and  it  would 
have  contributed  much  to  the  economic  strength  of  the  entire 
tri-state  area.  Eventually,  under  the  leadership  of  Luther 
Whitaker,  county  agricultural  agent,  a  farmers'  market  became  a 
reality.  This  market  was  aided  by  a  grant  from  HUD  and  strong 
professional  assistence  from  the  University  of  Tennessee. 

Through  the  years  the  Claiborne  County  CAA  obtained 
sizeable  grants  from  the  federal  government  to  raise  the  income 
level  of  those  on  the  lowest  rung  of  the  economic  ladder.  The 
grant  and  its  accompanying  program  for  the  year  starting  Janu- 


ary  31,  1969,  illustrated  the  effort  at  perhaps  its  peak  year.  It 
called  for  an  expenditure  of  $402,689,  of  which  $47,442  was 
donated  on  the  local  level  predominately,  from  "in-kind"  avail- 
able facilities.  The  federal  share,  or  80  percent,  equalled 
$355,237— $23,323  for  conduct  and  administration;  $63,259 
for  multi-service  centers;  $38,778  for  summer  Headstart;  and 
$269,036  for  year-long  Headstart. 

Area  Redevelopment  Act  and  Other  Assistance:  Economic  Renaissance 

In  the  late  1950s  and  early  1960s,  those  who  watched  closely 
the  increasing  indications  of  economic  decay,  however,  noted 
also  that  those  who  had  gone  north  or  even  to  southern  cities 
longed  to  return  to  their  beloved  hills.  Claiborne  County  does 
have  an  aesthetic  lure  to  all  who  have  gone  away  and  to  many 
who  pass  through.  When  John  F.  Kennedy  visited  the  Appa- 
lachian area  during  the  campaign  of  1960,  he  vowed  to  help  the 
area  if  he  were  elected  president.  The  result  was  the  passage  of 
a  law  entitled  the  Area  Redevelopment  Act  which  made  funds 
available  to  redevelopment  districts.  The  Claiborne-Campbell 
County  area  was  among  the  first  to  qualify  for  these  funds. 

The  offer  of  help  came  none  too  soon  for  at  that  time  only 
two  small  industrial  firms  existed  in  the  Tazewell  area — Donlin 
Sportswear  and  Brooks  Furniture  Manufacturing  Company. 
Lack  of  adequate  sewage  disposal  almost  ended  the  sportswear 
company  and  lack  of  an  adequate  water  supply  did  not  permit 
the  furniture  factory  to  install  a  sprinkler  system,  thus  forcing 
them  to  pay  exorbitantly  high  insurance  rates.  Brooks  would 
have  to  close  unless  a  new  water  system  was  installed. 

The  Brooks  factory  was  established  by  a  local  man,  Dr.  Hilt 
Brooks,  a  graduate  of  Claiborne  County  High  School,  who  was 
determined  to  remain  in  the  area  if  at  all  possible.  Due  to  lack 
of  adequate  water,  he  could  not  expand  at  that  time.  Donlin 
Sportswear  of  Union  City,  New  Jersey,  was  owned  by  Meyer  and 
Seymour  Arnstein  who  agreed  to  operate  in  the  Tazewell  area  if 
a  factory  was  provided  for  them.  Leading  citizens,  led  by  Lee 
Dan  Stone,  J.  M.  Campbell,  and  others  raised  $65,000  to  build 
the  factory. 

Director  of  State  Planning  and  State  Deputy  Coordinator  for 

82  Tennessee  County  History  Series 

Area  Redevelopment  Linzy  Albert  contacted  local  leaders  in 
Claiborne  and  Campbell  counties,  and  in  August  of  1961 
Tennessee's  first  OEDP  (Overall  Economic  Development  Pro- 
gram) was  published.  This  OEDP,  required  by  the  federal  gov- 
ernment, contained  an  analysis  of  social  and  economic  condi- 
tions in  the  two  counties,  a  statement  of  future  goals,  and  specific 
suggestions  and  plans  by  which  local  leaders  hoped  to  achieve 
those  goals. 

A  requirement  of  the  OEDP  was  the  establishment  of  local 
planning  commissions  which  were  set  into  motion  in  the  two 
Tazewells  with  the  aid  of  the  State  Planning  Commission  in 
1963.  The  local  planning  agency  published  a  land  use  plan 
which  evaluated  the  area,  pointed  their  resources  and  problems, 
and  suggested  planned  solutions  which  might  encourage  an 
orderly  economic  development.  A  second  purpose  of  ARA  was 
to  lend  or  give  economic  assistance  to  enable  depressed  areas  to 
achieve  lasting  improvement  through  diversified  local  activities. 

The  Tazewells  fulfilled  dramatically  the  purposes  of  ARA. 
An  engineering  study  of  existing  facilities  such  as  warehouses 
was  made  together  with  an  estimate  of  present  and  future  needs 
for  water  and  sewage.  This  study  was  sent  to  Washington  and 
was  supported  by  delegations  from  the  Tazewell  area  who  made 
eloquent  and  persistent  pleas  for  assistance.  Federal  officials 
finally  concluded  that  loans  and  grants  to  finance  water  and 
sewage  developments  could  be  given.  In  July  of  1962  the 
Tazewells  received  a  $250,000  grant  for  their  water  systems,  and 
in  October  a  $465,000  grant  and  a  $243,000  loan  for  a  new 
sewage  facility.  Later  an  additional  $  14,000  loan  was  received  on 
the  sewage  facility  bringing  the  total  expenditures  for  water  and 
sewage  to  $972,000  of  which  $257,500  was  a  recoverable  loan. 

The  results  of  this  carefully  placed  investment  in  the  county 
economy  were  mind  boggling.  Between  July  of  1962  and 
November  of  1965  new  construction  activities  amounted  to 
approximately  $9,500,000.  By  1966  new  jobs  created  by  this 
renaissance  in  the  county  economy  rose  to  more  than  700.  The 
two  Tazewells  grew  from  2032  in  1962  to  2757  in  November 
of  1965. 

In  1 967  a  movement  to  create  an  airport  in  the  Tazewell  area 


























a  £ 
















































































84  Tennessee  County  History  Series 

came  to  a  climax.  The  local  chamber  of  commerce  worked  close- 
ly, through  its  Executive  Secretary  William  R.  Stanifer,  the 
mayor  of  New  Tazewell,  the  Claiborne  County  Quarterly  Court, 
and  the  state  office  of  the  Federal  Aviation  Commission  to  obtain 
permission  and  financial  aid  from  both  the  FAA  and  local 
sources.  During  those  years  local  leaders  stressed  the  import- 
ance of  an  airport  to  attract  new  industries  to  the  county.  On 
December  1,  1967,  the  council  approved  a  plan  for  financing  as 
follows:  50  percent  from  the  FAA,  25  percent  from  the  state, 
and  25  percent  from  Tazewell  and  New  Tazewell. 

Until  the  slowdown  in  the  national  economy  during  1979, 
county  population  continued  to  increase.  Growth  in  population 
and  economic  activity  also  developed  in  the  upper  Powell  Valley 
sparked  perhaps  by  the  estalishment  of  a  utility  district  for  that 
area  sponsored  by  the  Farmers  Home  Administration.  Water 
was  drawn  from  Powell  River  and  stored  in  tanks  on  higher 
elevations  so  that  pressure  was  guaranteed.  Harrogate,  Arthur, 
and  Shawanee  were  no  longer  dependent  on  water  from  Cudjo's 
Cave;  the  need  for  water  had  increased  beyond  the  normal 
capacity  of  this  source.  Homes  were  constructed  at  a  greatly 
accelerated  pace  to  meet  the  needs  of  incoming  population  from 
the  north  and  the  south,  to  furnish  homes  for  those  who  worked 
in  Middlesboro  and  for  restored  operations  in  the  coal  mines  of 
Kentucky  and  Tennessee.  Plainly  there  was  a  near  boom  period 
in  the  upper  portion  of  Powell  Valley. 

Prior  to  the  arrival  of  assistance  from  the  federal  and  state 
governments,  strenous  efforts  were  made  by  Claiborne  County 
leaders  to  awaken  the  county's  life.  For  several  years  the  Gose 
family — C.  W.,  Kelly,  and  Eph — had  operated  a  small  cabinet 
manufacturing  company  on  State  Route  33,  below  New 
Tazewell.  They  were  high  quality  cabinet  makers  and,  in  a  small 
way,  were  highly  successful.  Taking  note  of  the  high  skills  of 
their  carpenters  and  noting,  too,  the  success  of  the  manufactur- 
ers of  mobile  homes  and  recreation  type  vehicles,  the  family 
decided  to  venture  on  their  own.  They  first  bought  enough 
supplies  to  build  a  limited  number  of  mobile  homes,  built  them, 
and  then  sold  them  successfully.  With  the  capital  derived  from 
their  own  factory,  they  then  proceeded  to  step  up  production. 


Again,  they  succeeded  but  with  a  familiar  handicap,  the  high 
cost  of  insurance  due  to  the  supply  of  water  at  that  time  not 
permitting  a  sprinkler  system.  Action  by  Congress  established 
the  Area  Redevelopment  Administration,  and  the  rest  is  history, 
except  that  the  family's  success  led  to  an  offer  by  the  Midas 
Corporation  to  buy  Norris  Homes  and  leave  the  Gose  family  in 
operation  for  a  three-year  period  while  Midas  prepared  to  take 
over  the  actual  operation.  Local  people  operating  from  scratch 
had  proved  that  they  could  compete  with  the  outside  world. 

Another  local  family  who  also  succeeded  was  that  of  Charlie 
England  and  his  talented  sons.  They  began  manufacturing  furn- 
iture with  three  carpenters  who  were  supplemented  by  their 
own  family.  Within  three  years  they  had  grown  to  150  employees 
with  a  new  plant  located  on  Highway  25  East  on  Tazewell's  north 
side.  They  also  had  the  problem  with  high  insurance  rates  until 
the  Claiborne  County  Utility  District  brought  water  in  abun- 
dance, together  with  a  sewage  system  which  made  possible  a  far 
reaching  expansion  in  their  output  and  in  their  market.  Initially, 
England  Manufacturing  Company  supplied  its  own  store,  pri- 
marily with  upholstered  furniture  and  also  furniture  for  the 
mobile  homes  built  at  the  Norris  Homes  plant  below  New 
Tazewell.  By  1978  they  had  a  work  force  of  more  than  300  and 
distributed  their  products  throughout  the  midwest. 

The  Tazewell  Textile  Industry  has  been  justly  described  as 
the  "Million  Dollar  Prize,"  costing  initially  $1,226,000  and  em- 
ploying 225  persons  with  expansion  planned  to  600  when  train- 
ing can  be  completed  in  the  operation  of  the  machinery.  Reid 
Murphy,  president  of  Dri-Set,  Incorporated,  and  owner  of  a 
plant  in  Chattanooga  in  1963,  explained  why  the  company  had 
gone  to  Tazewell.  First,  there  was  an  adequate  supply  of  highly 
trainable  work  force;  second,  there  was  an  excellent  water  sup- 
ply which  would  supply  at  least  100,000  gallons  of  water  daily  for 
a  factory;  third,  there  was  a  good  sewage  system  for  the  disposal 
of  industrial  waste;  and,  last,  and  most  important  of  all,  there 
was  an  aggressive  leadership  in  the  area. 

New  Tazewell  attracted  Claiborne  Textile,  Incorporated, 
headed  by  Clyde  Nevils,  Luther  Shipley,  and  Harold  Higdon. 
This  plant  started  operations  in  April  of  1976  at  the  facilities  of 

86  Tennessee  County  History  Series 

the  former  H.  T.  Hackney  Wholesale  Grocery.  After  one  year  of 
successful  operations  there,  Claiborne  Textiles  leased  an  adjoin- 
ing tobacco  warehouse  and  by  late  1979  further  expansion  and 
the  construction  of  a  storage  warehouse  was  being  considered. 
On  the  initial  day  of  operation  the  new  industry  had  one  experi- 
enced machine  operator;  the  next  day,  two;  and  within  a  short 
time  50  other  experienced  machine  operators  were  added  to  the 
work  force.  By  October  of  1979  the  total  work  force  came  to  225, 
including  a  few  positions  filled  by  male  employees.  The  effect  of 
this  plant  on  the  New  Tazewell  economy  was  immediate  and 
continuing.  The  weekly  payroll  is  from  $20,000  to  $30,000;  the 
annual  payroll  is  $6,000,000.  Clearly,  this  mill  is  prospering  and 
is  so  managed  that  it  can  expand  at  any  time.  A  key  point  in  the 
operation  of  this  mill  is  the  contract  between  Claiborne  Textiles 
and  Oneita  Knitting  Mills  of  Andrews,  South  Carolina.  Oneita 
sells  basic  materials  to  Claiborne  and  then  sends  trucks  to  pick  up 
finished  products.  Mill  operations  have  the  protection  of  a  water 
sprinkler  system  which  lowers  the  insurance  rate,  making  opera- 
tions costs  competitive  with  other  mills. 

Donlin  Sportswear,  New  Tazewell's  first  industry  outside  its 
numerous  tobacco  warehouses,  expanded  through  the  building 
of  a  new  facility  in  the  Tazewell-New  Tazewell  Industrial  Park. 
This  park  was  acquired  by  aid  from  the  county. 

Investment  in  productive  new  factories  exerted  a  multiplier 
effect  on  the  economy  of  the  entire  county.  Other  important 
expansions  resulting  from  ARA  funding  enabled  the  power 
company  to  report,  from  July  of  1962  to  November  of  1965,  80 
new  residential  connections  in  the  towns  and  288  outside  the 
cities.  At  the  same  time  there  were  30  new  commercial  and 
industrial  connections.  Two  new  low  rent  housing  projects,  one 
in  Tazewell  for  $408,000  and  one  in  New  Tazewell  for  $485,000, 
were  built  in  1965.  Claiborne  County  High  School  added  a 
$325,000  building  and  the  hospital  added  a  $50,000,  20-bed 
addition.  At  the  same  time  private  investment  in  construction, 
not  including  new  homes,  came  to  $3,902,000.  Total  invest- 
ments, public  and  private,  came  to  $9,47 1 ,000.  Topping  all  these 
exploits,  an  industry  operated  by  Rufus  Giles  first  located  direct- 
ly west  of  the  Claiborne  County  High  School,  then  later  at 


88  Tennessee  County  History  Series 

Middlesboro,  Kentucky,  and  then  on  Route  33  within  New 
Tazewell.  The  Giles  family  provided  another  local  success  story. 
The  growth  of  residences  and  industries  in  the  Tazewells 
and  in  the  upper  portion  of  Powell  Valley  has  indeed  been 
phenomenal,  but  overall  county  growth  is  apparent  on  any  road 
reaching  out  from  the  major  areas  as  moden  new  homes  have 
appeared.  Building  permits  issued  by  the  county  remained  high 
through  late  1979  when  high  construction  costs  and  interest 
rates  appreciably  affected  both  builders  and  buyers. 

What  Next  for  Claiborne  County? 

When  Claiborne  County  began  its  existence  in  1801,  its  gov- 
erning body  was  known  as  the  Quarterly  Court  and  Plenary 
Sessions  and  its  presiding  officer  as  the  Judge,  at  other  times  as 
the  Chairman.  Now,  as  the  decade  of  the  eighties  begins,  the 
highest  legislative  body  has  been  re-designated  as  the  County 
Commission  composed  of  elected  representatives  from  each  civil 
district.  Its  presiding  officer  is  now  called  the  Executive  Officer. 
In  1980,  as  in  1801,  the  scope  of  local  legislative  authority  has 
been  defined  by  the  Tennessee  State  Legislature.  Over  the  past 
century  the  tendency  has  been  to  prescribe  local  functions  in  a 
more  detailed  fashion.  From  1801  to  1835,  members  of  the 
Court  were  appointed  by  the  governor;  now  they  are  elected  by 
local  citizens. 

Inflation  and  a  decline  in  the  economy  of  the  nation  have 
created  difficult  problems.  A  certain  degree  of  lawlessness,  no- 
tably burglary,  has  beset  the  county.  Home  building  has  lagged. 
However,  the  citizens  of  Claiborne  County  are  a  tough  breed  of 
people;  it  is  expected  that  they  will  solve  local  problems.  Those 
who  now  tackle  local  government  in  search  of  solutions  for  these 
problems  are  led  by  the  Executive  Officer,  William  D.  Hurst, 
who  has  a  B.S.  degree  from  East  Tennessee  State  University  and 
a  LL.B.  degree  from  LaSalle.  He  served  one  term  in  the  Legisla- 
ture and  four  years  as  the  county  sheriff.  Sixteen  others  are 
elected  from  specific  civil  districts.  These  men  are  Marvin  Sharp, 
Cumberland  Gap;  Rondal  Pete  Cosby,  Ronald  Fultz,  Marshall  L. 
Gilbert,  J.  R.  Vannoy,  and  Joe  Whitt  Welch  from  Harrogate;  Bill 


M.  Brooks,  Jack  Munsey,  Earnest  Walker,  Haskell  Wells,  and 
Kenneth  D.  Simmons  from  New  Tazewell;  Iveron  Grubb  and 
Wade  Hunter  from  Speedwell;  Clyde  Breeding,  Charlie  Haynes 
McDaniel,  and  Paul  D.  Singleton  from  Tazewell. 

Legacies  and  Memories 

Many  old  personal  papers,  letters,  business  records,  and 
wills,  in  addition  to  diaries,  are  a  rich  source  of  information  for 
historians,  revealing  values,  beliefs,  and  practices  of  the  writers 
and  the  times  in  which  they  lived.  Family  Bibles,  traditions,  and 
memorabilia  provide  other  clues  about  those  who  preceded 
current  Claiborne  County  citizens  and  who  played  significant 
roles  in  the  settlement  and  development  of  the  area.  There  were 
many  deserving  of  note,  but  only  a  few  can  be  mentioned  here. 
Among  the  outstanding  leaders  of  the  early  days  were  the 
Graham  brothers,  Hugh  and  William,  and  Benjamin  Sewell. 
William,  an  architect  who  built  two  famous  homes,  later  placed 
on  the  National  Register  of  Historic  Places,  and  Tazewell's  Pres- 
byterian Church,  was  also  a  leader  in  religion  and  education,  and 
he  owned  large  tracts  of  land  in  the  county.  His  will,  which 
follows,  has  been  copied  from  Claiborne  County  Will  Book  "A," 
1836-1847.  The  text  follows,  as  closely  as  possible,  Graham's 
original  spelling,  capitalization,  and  punctuation.  His  bequests 
particularly  reveal  his  attitudes  toward  religion,  education,  and 
slavery,  as  well  as  the  extent  of  his  land  holdings  and  other 

Last  Will  and  Testament  of  William  Graham 

I,  William,  Graham,  of  the  County  of  Claiborne  in  the  State 
of  Tennessee,  do  make  and  publish  this  as  my  last  will  and 
testament  hereby  revoking  and  making  null  and  void  all 
other  wills  by  me  at  any  time  made. 

1st,  I  direct  that  my  funeral  expenses  and  all  my  debts  be 
paid  as  soon  after  my  death  as  is  possible  out  of  any  monies 
that  I  may  die  possessed  of  or  that  may  first  come  to  the 
hands  of  my  executors. 

2nd,  I  give  and  bequeath  unto  my  beloved  wife,  Margaret 



Graham,  the  following  named  property  to  have,  hold,  and 
enjoy  the  same  to  her  only  use  and  benefit  and  behalf 
forever  to  dispose  of  as  she  may  think  proper-vis:  The 
southwest  half  of  the  home  tract  of  land  being  the  tract 
whereon  I  now  live  dividing  the  said  tract  in  two  equal  parts, 
beginning  at  a  point  upon  the  Straight  Creek  road  and 
running  westwardly  to  Huddleston's  line  so  as  to  include  the 
Spring  where  Francis  Graham  now  lives-with  the  apperti- 
nances  thereto  belonging  or  in  any  wise  appertaining-The 
boundaries  of  the  home  tract  of  land  above  refered  to  are 
described  as  follows:  Beginning  where  the  Kentucky  road 
crosses  Russels  Creek  thence  across  the  Upper  Blue  hole  to 
the  top  of  the  bank  of  the  ravine  leading  in  to  it  thence  along 
the  edge  of  said  bank  until  a  due  west  line  will  strike  the  east 
end  of  Austin's  north  west  line  thence  with  said  line  to 
Huddleston's  field,  thence  with  Austin's  line  northeast  to 
Marcum's  corner  thence  northwest  to  Barron  Creek  Road 
thence  along  said  road  to  Cocke  and  Jack's  line,  thence  with 
it  and  the  line  of  the  Town  of  Tazewell  to  Russels  Creek  and 
the  place  of  beginning.  I  further  give  and  bequeath  unto  my 
said  wife  to  dispose  of  in  her  own  right  as  she  may  think 
proper  and  to  her  own  use  and  benefit  as  many  of  the  farm 
horses,  mules,  and  together  with  gearing  and  farming  uten- 
sils as  she  may  claim  or  want-also  as  many  milch  cows  as  she 
may  choose  to  keep  out  of  my  stock  of  cattle, — together  with 
all  or  as  much  as  she  may  want  of  the  household  and  kitchen 
furniture.  I  further  give  and  bequeath  unto  my  aforesaid 
wife  One  hundred  dollars  annually  during  her  natural  life 
to  be  paid  to  her  Quarterly  by  my  Executors.  Also  I  give  her 
ten  shares  of  my  stocks  in  the  Union  Bank  of  Tennessee  to 
dispose  of  as  she  may  think  proper.  The  following  described 
property  I  give  and  bequeath  unto  my  aforesaid  wife 
Margaret  for  and  during  her  natural  life-vis:  The  northeast 
half  of  the  home  tract  of  land  as  above  described  with  the 
buildings,  hereditrements  and  appertanances  thereto  be- 
longing or  in  any  wise  appertaining,  also  following  named 
negroes,  to-wit:  Stephen,  Eliza,  Cynthia,  and  James.  Also 
my  Library  of  books,  etc. 

92  Tennessee  County  History  Series 

3rd,  I  direct  that  my  slaves,  namely,  Phil  and  Lewis  be  set 
free  at  my  death.  I  further  direct  that  at  the  death  of  my 
aforesaid  wife  Margaret  that  Eliza,  Cynthia,  above  named, 
and  their  increase  if  there  should  be  any,  and  also  James, 
above  named,  be  all  of  them  set  free.  I  hereby  enjoin  it 
particularly  upon  my  executors  hereafter  to  be  named,  that 
they  will  as  soon  as  possible  after  my  death  and  the  death  of 
my  wife,  comply  with  the  requisitions  of  the  laws  of  this  state 
in  relation  to  the  Emancipation  of  Slaves  and  carry  that  part 
of  my  will  in  to  execution  by  freeing  the  aforesaid  negroes  in 
the  manner  pointed  out  by  law. 

4th,  I  direct  that  my  executors  pay  to  the  negro  slave 
Stephen  above  named  the  sum  of  thirty  dollars  per  annum 
during  his  natural  life,  my  motive  for  making  this  last  and 
forth  bequest  is  that  although  Stephen  is  bound  to  serve  his 
mistress  during  his  natural  life,  if  he  should  be  the  longest 
liver  yet  he  is  old  and  a  cripple  and  after  her  death  will 
probably  not  be  able  to  make  a  living  and  a  support  for 
himself  without  some  assistance,  and  I  am  not  willing  that  he 
should  be  a  charge  upon  any  other  person.  I  further  direct 
that  should  said  Phil  or  Lewis  become  crippled  or  from  any 
other  misfortune  be  unable  to  make  a  living  and  a  support 
for  themselves,  that  my  executors  allow  them  or  either  of 
them  as  the  case  may  be  a  comfortable  support  out  of  my 
Estate  about  which  my  said  Executors  may  exercise  their 
own  discretion  as  to  the  amount  to  be  allowed  them  or  either 
of  them. 

5th,  I  give  and  bequeath  unto  my  nephew  William  Houston 
that  part  of  my  farm  lying  west  of  Barron  Creek  Road 
agreeable  to  the  lines  thereof  also  and  half  of  my  far 
meadow  including  the  lower  end  provided  he,  the  said 
William  Houston,  will  take  upon  himself  the  burden  and 
trouble  of  executing  my  will  as  one  of  the  Executors  thereof. 
Bounded  as  follows:  Beginning  on  Stewart's  line  near  two 
sugar  trees  where  the  fence  crosses  the  branch  thence  a 
direct  course  to  the  fence  as  to  divide  the  Spring  equally 
thence  down  the  fence  to  a  point  near  the  bores  in  the 


straight  creek  road  thence  down  the  road  to  the  Kentucky 
road  thence  along  the  Kentucky  Road  to  Hugh  Graham's 
line  and  to  Stewart's  line  thence  along  Stewart's  line  to  the 
beginning  with  the  appertanances  and  to  hold  the  same  to 
himself  and  his  heirs  and  assigns  forever. 

7th,  I  give  and  bequeath  unto  my  sister  Jane  McNealance 
for  and  during  her  natural  life  and  after  her  death  to  the 
heirs  of  her  body  forever  the  following  described  tract  or 
parcle  of  land  being  the  same  place  on  which  she  and  the 
family  now  live -beginning  at  a  point  in  the  Strait  Creek 
Road  near  the  said  road  thence  along  the  line  up  the 
fence  and  through  the  aforesaid  Spring  to  Stewart's  line 
thence  along  Stewart's  line  to  the  upper  corner  thence  along 
Stewart's  and  Hall's  line  to  Harper's  road  and  a  line  with  the 
same  to  the  Strait  Creek  road  thence  along  said  road  to  the 
beginning  with  the  appertanances  thereto  belonging  or  in 
any  way  appertaining  forever. 

8th,  I  give  and  bequeath  unto  James  Fulkerson  and  Frances 
his  wife  their  heirs,  etc.  forever  the  northeastern  half  of  my 
home  tract  of  land  as  herinbefore  described  to  take  the  same 
after  the  death  of  my  aforesaid  wife  Margaret  with  the 
appertenances  thereto  belonging  or  in  any  way  appertain- 
ing. My  wife  aforesaid  having  a  life  time  Estate  in  the  said 
premises  I  also  give  and  bequeath  to  said  James  Fulkerson 
and  Francis  his  wife  a  tract  of  land  containing  twentyfour 
acres  lying  upon  Walden's  Ridge  adjoining  the  Hurst  place 
with  the  appertenances  etc.  to  them  and  their  heirs  forever, 
also  my  library  books-together  with  all  my  household  and 
kitchen  furniture  of  every  kind  and  description,  whatever 
except  such  part  as  my  aforesaid  wife  may  choose  to  claim  in 
her  own  right  for  her  benefit  exclusively  agreeable  to  the 
bequest  of  her  hereinbefore  stated.  The  books  and  furni- 
ture to  remain  in  the  possession  and  enjoyment  of  my 
aforesaid  wife  during  her  natural  life,  the  said  James 
Fulkerson  and  Frances  his  wife  is  to  take  the  bequest  to 
them  subject  to  a  lien  of  three  hundred  dollars  to  be  paid  to 
Hugh  Houston  or  his  heirs  in  three  annal  instalments  the 

94  Tennessee  County  History  Series 

first  hundred  dollars  to  be  paid  in  twelve  months  from  the 
time  said  James  Fulkerson  and  his  wife  Frances  shall  take 
the  possession  of  the  farm  and  premises  herein  bequeathed 
to  them.  I  here  in  further  direct  that  my  negro  man 
Stephen  have  the  privilege  and  enjoy  the  possession  of  the 
house  in  which  he  now  lives,  and  a  part  of  the  barn  field 
for  a  truck  patch  and  to  be  free  from  the  call  of  every  per- 
son to  render  labour  or  services  of  any  kind. 

9th,  I  give  and  bequeath  to  any  regular  Old  School  Presbyte- 
rian Minister  of  the  Gospel  who  will  live  and  reside  on  the 
land  and  preach  regularly  to  the  Congregation  of  the  Pres- 
byterian Church  in  Tazewell  the  use  and  occupation  of 
the  following  described  tract  or  parcel  of  land  to-wit:  The 
farm  on  which  Wanakoff  now  lives,  bounded  as  follows:  By 
Harper  and  the  Old  Garrisson  Roads  and  Stewart's  and 
Hall's  lines  and  a  line  from  the  upper  part  of  the  road  near 
where  Bullards  road  joins  it  thence  a  direct  line  to  the 
Straight  Creek  Road  thence  with  said  road  to  the  line  of 
the  tract  of  land  herein  bequeathed  to  Jane  McNealance, 
etc.,  etc.  The  better  to  carry  into  effect  my  will  in  the  fore- 
going bequest,  I  here  by  Vest  the  Legal  title  to  the  foregoing 
described  tract  of  land  in  my  Executors  here  after  to  be 
named  to  hold  the  same  in  trust  for  the  uses  above  named 
viz:  For  the  benefit  of  any  regular  Old  school  Presbyterian 
Minister  of  the  Gospel,  but  should  any  one  take  possession 
of  said  farm  or  tract  of  land  for  the  purposes  above  stated, 
and  afterwards  fail  or  neglect  to  preach  regularly  to  the 
congregation  at  the  Presbyterian  Church  in  Tazewell,  he 
is  to  be  turned  off  by  the  trustees  hereafter  to  be  named 
and  some  other  of  like  persuasion  placed  in  possession  who 
will  in  a  Christian  like  manner  comply  with  requisitions  of 
said  bequest.  My  executors  who  are  also  made  trustees  in 
this  case  are  hereby  impowered  to  Convey  said  tract  of  land 
to  any  incorporated  Body  or  the  Elders  of  said  Church  in 
Trust  nevertheless  for  the  purposes  aforesaid-as  said 
Trustees  may  think  proper  and  expedient.  But  if  no 
Minister  of  the  Gospel  as  aforesaid  will  come  and  reside 
upon  said  land  for  the  purposes  aforesaid-it  shall  be  the 


duty  of  said  Trustees  to  rent  or  lease  out  said  land  and 
the  monies  arising  there  from  to  be  applied  to  paying  a 
Salary  to  some  Presbyterian  Preacher  of  the  Gospel  as 
above  stated  to  preach  at  the  Presbyterian  Church  in 

10th,  I  give  and  bequeath  to  my  sister  Mary  Wier  the 
Wallace  farm  lying  between  the  line  of  the  last  above  de- 
scribed tract  the  Old  Garrisson  road,  Stewart's  line  to  his  be- 
ginning thence  with  his  beginning  line  reversed  to  where  it 
strikes  a  west  line  of  my  house  tract  thence  along  it  east- 
wardly  to  the  East  bank  of  the  ravine  to  the  Blue  hole  and 
thence  along  the  line  crossing  the  blue  hole  to  the  be- 
ginning with  the  same  unto  herself,  her  heirs  and  as- 
signs forever. 

1  lth,  I  give  and  bequeath  unto  my  nephew  Thomas  Wier 
the  Dunn  tract  of  land  bounded  as  follows  to-wit:  by  a 
straight  line  extended  westwardly  with  the  course  of  the 
fence  built  by  Townsley  in  the  spring  of  1 84 1 ,  across  the  end 
of  the  Hurst  field  to  the  outside  line  thence  eastwardly  the 
same  course  to  the  back  line  to  include  all  the  land  lying 
south  of  said  line-to  have  and  to  hold  the  same  with  the 
appertenances  thereto  belonging  or  in  any  way  appertain- 
ing to  himself,  his  heirs  and  assigns  forever. 

12th,  I  give  and  bequeath  unto  my  Brother  John  Graham 
the  ballence  of  the  Hurst  tract  of  land  not  herein  before 
bequeathed  and  described  by  .  .  .  and  boundaries  .  .  .  with 
the  appertinances  thereto  belonging  and  in  any  way  apper- 
taining to  himself  and  his  heirs  forever. 

13th,  I  give  and  bequeath  unto  Maria  Graham  the  house 
and  lot  on  which  she  now  lives  Bounded  as  follows:  By  Hall's 
line,  Russel's  creek,  the  Kentucky  road  and  Hugh  Graham's 
line,  with  the  appertinances  thereto  belonging  or  in  any  way 
appertaining  to  have  and  to  hold  unto  herself,  her  heirs  and 
assigns  forever.  I  further  give  and  bequeath  unto  said  Maria 
Graham,  her  heir  and  assigns,  two  shares  in  the  Northern 
Bank  of  Kentucky. 

96  Tennessee  County  History  Series 

14th,  I  give  and  bequeath  unto  Francis  Graham  fifty  dollars 
to  relieve  him  of  debt.  I  further  direct  that  if  no  Minister  of 
the  Gospel  should  come  to  occupy  the  place  whereon  said 
Wanakoff  now  lives,  or  until  the  same  is  leased  or  rented  out 
by  Trustees  agreeable  to  a  former  part  of  this  will,  I  desire 
that  the  said  Francis  Graham  be  permitted  to  occupy  said 
place  free  from  the  payment  of  rent. 

15th,  I  give  and  bequeath  10  shares  of  my  Stocks  in  the 
Memphis  Bank  of  Tennessee  to  the  old  School  Foreign 
Missionary  Society. 

16th,  I  give  and  bequeath  10  shares  of  my  Stock  in  the 
Memphis  Bank  of  Tennessee  to  the  Trustees  of  the  Old 
School  home  Missionary  Society. 

17th,  I  give  and  bequeath  five  shares  of  my  stock  in  the 
Memphis  Bank  of  Tennessee  to  the  Bible  Society. 

18th,  I  give  and  bequeath  five  shares  of  my  stock  in  the 
Memphis  Bank  of  Tennessee  to  the  foreign  tract  Society. 

19th,  I  give  and  bequeath  to  the  Trustees  of  Washington 
College  in  the  County  of  Washington,  East  Tennessee,  ten 
shares  of  my  stock  in  the  Memphis  bank  of  Tennessee  for 
the  use  and  benefit  of  said  College  provided  it  should  re- 
main old  School  but  on  change  to  new  school  to  refund  the 
money  or  transfer  the  stocks  back  to  my  Executors  here 
after  to  be  named. 

20th,  I  give  and  bequeath  ten  shares  of  my  stock  in  the 
Memphis  Bank  of  Tennessee  to  the  old  School  Dokes 
[Doake's]  Theological  Seminary  when  it  goes  into  full  and 
successful  operation  in  Greene  County,  Tennessee-should 
said  institution  not  go  into  operation  for  five  (5)  years  then 
the  ten  shares  of  stock  bequeathed  to  said  institution  is 
hereby  given  and  bequeathed  to  the  Washington  College,  if 
it  should  be  in  successful  operation  under  the  Old  School 
restriction.  Should  said  Washington  College  not  be  in  suc- 
cessful operation  as  aforesaid  under  the  Old  School  restric- 
tions then  and  in  that  case  five  of  the  shares  aforesaid  of 
Stock  in  the  Memphis  Bank  is  hereby  bequeathed  to  the 


Trustees  of  Speedwell  Academy  in  the  County  of  Claiborne, 
and  the  other  five  shares  is  hereby  bequeathed  to  the  Com- 
mon School  fund  of  Claiborne  County  to  be  appropriated 
for  the  benefit  of  Common  School  in  the  County  of 
Claiborne  aforesaid. 

21st,  I  give  and  bequeath  unto  the  Trustees  of  Speedwell 
Academy  in  the  County  of  Claiborne  and  their  Successors 
five  shares  of  my  stock  in  the  Memphis  Bank  of  Tennessee 
for  the  use  and  benefit  of  said  academy  together  with  the  lot 
of  Ground  for  an  Academy  lying  between  Kentucky  road, 
Maria  Graham's  lot  and  Hall's  lines,  with  the  appertinances 
to  them  and  their  successors  forever  for  the  use  and  pur- 
pose aforesaid. 

22nd,  I  give  and  bequeath  unto  the  Common  School  fund 
of  Claiborne  County  the  remaining  five  shares  of  my  stock 
in  the  Memphis  Bank  of  Tennessee  for  the  use  of  Common 
Schools  in  the  County  of  Claiborne.  Also  I  hereby  bequeath 
a  sufficient  quantity  of  the  ground  described  in  the  gift  to 
the  Trustees  of  Speedwell  Academy  the  County  of 
Claiborne  to  build  a  Common  house  upon  for  the  use  of 
Common  Schools  aforesaid. 

23rd,  I  give  and  bequeath  to  my  sister  Jane  McNealance  the 
dividend  on  five  shares  of  my  stock  in  the  Union  Bank  of 
Tennessee— and  at  her  death  the  said  five  shares  of  Stock  in 
the  Union  Bank  is  to  be  equally  divided  among  the  children 
of  said  Jane  McNealance  together  with  the  farm  upon  which 
they  live  as  herein  before  bequeathed. 

24th,  I  give  and  bequeath  unto  my  Brother  John  Graham 
the  dividend  on  three  shares  of  my  stock  in  the  Union  Bank 
of  Tennessee  to  be  paid  him  by  my  executors  in  suitable 
articles  of  merchandise  for  the  use  of  his  family  (no  money) 
and  at  his  death  the  said  three  shares  of  Union  Bank  Stock 
to  be  equally  divided  amongst  his  children. 

25th,  I  give  and  bequeath  unto  William  G.  Eaton  one  hun- 
dred dollars  to  be  paid  him  by  my  executors  three  years 
after  my  death. 

98  Tennessee  County  History  Series 

26th,  I  give  and  bequeath  unto  my  Brother  Hugh  Graham 
five  shares  of  my  stock  in  the  Union  Bank  of  Tennessee. 

27th,  I  give  and  bequeath  unto  my  nephew  William  G. 
Patterson  the  remaining  two  shares  of  Stock  in  the  Union 
Bank  of  Tennessee. 

28th,  I  give  and  bequeath  unto  my  sister  Mary  Wier  the 
dividend  on  five  shares  of  my  stock  in  the  Northern  Bank  of 
Kentucky,  and  at  her  death  I  give  and  bequeath  the  five 
shares  of  Stock  in  the  Northern  Bank  of  Kentucky  aforesaid 
to  the  children  of  said  Mary  Wier  to  be  equally  divided 
among  them.  I  further  direct  that  the  tract  of  land  herein 
before  described  and  bequeathed  to  said  Mary  Wier  at  her 
death  be  sold  and  the  money  arising  from  said  sale  be 
equally  divided  amongst  her  children. 

30th,  I  give  and  bequeath  unto  my  sister  Nancy  Patterson 
the  dividend  on  five  shares  of  my  stock  in  the  Northern 
Bank  of  Kentucky  to  be  paid  to  her  by  my  executors  and 
at  her  death  I  direct  that  said  five  shares  of  Bank  Stock 
be  equally  divided  amongst  the  children  of  said  Nancy 

31st,  I  direct  that  my  executors  pay  to  each  of  my  slaves 
herein  directed  to  be  set  free  the  sum  of  ten  dollars  as  soon 
as  they  are  emansipated  to  enable  them  to  leave  this  State 
and  go  to  a  free  State. 

32nd,  I  direct  that  should  my  money  on  hand  and  available 
debts  be  not  sufficient  with  remaining  dividends  to  meet  my 
bequests  recourse  must  be  had  to  my  Stock  in  the  Northern 
Bank  of  Kentucky  and  my  Executors  are  hereby  impowered 
and  directed  to  sell  as  much  of  said  Stock  as  may  be  neces- 
sary to  make  up  any  deficiency  of  funds  to  meet  all  of  my 
bequests.  But  should  my  money,  debts  and  remaining  di- 
vidends be  sufficient  to  meet  all  my  bequests  and  pay  all  my 
debts,  then  the  remaining  Stock  in  the  Northern  Bank  of 
Kentucky  and  the  dividends  to  be  a  fund  to  meet  any  con- 
tingency for  and  during  the  natural  life  of  my  aforesaid  wife 
Margaret  Graham.  I  further  direct  that  her  funeral  ex- 


penses  be  paid  by  my  executors  after  the  death  of  my  wife  all 
expences  and  claims  having  been  paid.  Then  twenty  shares 
of  my  Stock  in  said  Northern  Bank  of  Kentucky  together 
with  the  dividends  due  thereon  are  to  be  equally  divided 
amongst  any  nephews  and  nieces  in  proportions  to  their 
necessities  or  wants  as  my  Executors  may  Judge  prudent 
and  right,  about  which  they  are  to  exercise  their  own 

33rd,  I  give  and  bequeath  my  remaining  twenty  shares  of 
my  stock  in  the  Northern  Bank  of  Kentucky  to  Washington 
College,  East  Tennessee  and  Dokes  [Doake's]  Theological 
Seminary  each  ten  shares-provided  each  are  in  successful 
operation — Or  if  any  one  of  said  institutions  are  in  suc- 
cessful operation  then  and  in  that  case  the  twenty  shares 
of  Bank  Stock  aforesaid  is  to  go  to  whichever  of  said  institu- 
tions is  in  successful  operation  at  the  time  aforesaid.  But  if 
neither  of  said  institutions  are  in  successful  operation  then 
and  in  that  event  the  said  twenty  shares  of  Bank  Stock  in  the 
Northern  Bank  of  Kentucky  to  be  divided  amongst  my 
nephews  and  nieces  by  my  executors  in  the  manner  above 
stated  agreeable  to  their  wants  and  necessities. 

34th,  I  direct  that  my  executors  sell  upon  a  credit  all  my 
stock  of  horses,  mules,  cattle,  etc.,  etc.,  except  such  as  my 
wife  aforesaid  may  wish  to  keep  and  appropriate  to  her  own 
use.  Also  such  farming  Utentcals  as  my  wife  may  not  want 
for  her  own  use.  Settle  all  my  accounts,  pay  of  all  my  debts 
and  collect  what  may  be  due  owning  me  as  soon  as  possible. 
The  ballance  due  upon  Thomas  L.  Davis's  note  is  to  be 
deducted  from  his  share  of  my  estate  which  he  may  be 
entitled  to  by  virtue  of  a  devise  in  my  will. 

35th,  I  direct  that  my  executors-and  they  are  hereby  im- 
powered  to  transfer  any  Bank  Stock  herein  devised  so  as  to 
carry  the  provision  of  my  will  into  complete  effect.  And 
they  are  hereby  authorized  and  impowered  to  appoint  and 
make  an  attorney  to  transfer  said  Stock  as  to  my  said  execu- 
tors may  be  most  convenient.  I  hereby  recommend  to  my 

100  Tennessee  County  History  Series 

executors  to  nominate  and  appoint  Robert  Patterson  of  the 
City  of  Philadelphia  to  make  such  transfers  of  Stock  as  it 
may  be  inconvenient  for  my  executors  to  make  themselves. 

36th,  I  hereby  bequeath  unto  my  wife  Margaret  Graham  ten 
shares  of  my  stock  in  the  Northern  Bank  of  Kentucky 
together  with  one  yoke  of  oxen  and  the  ox  waggon.  In  lieu 
of  and  instead  of  the  Southwest  half  of  the  home  tract  of 
land  which  I  had  in  the  foregoing  part  of  this  will  be- 
queathed to  her,  in  her  own  right,  to  dispose  of  as  She  might 
think  propper.  I  vest  in  her  now  a  lifetime  estate  in  said  tract 
of  land,  and  after  the  death  of  my  aforesaid  wife  that  part  of 
the  home  tract  of  land  as  well  as  the  north  east  half  of  said 
tract  with  the  appertinances  thereto  belonging  to  be  vested 
in  said  James  Fulkerson  and  Frances  his  wife,  their  heirs 
and  assigns  forever.  The  Bank  Stock  herein  bequeathed  to 
my  wife  together  with  the  oxen  and  waggon  is  to  be  at  her 
entire  disposal  and  for  her  own  use  and  benefit  and  should 
there  be  a  crop  of  grain  growing  on  said  home  tract  of  land 
at  the  time  of  my  death  it  is  to  be  for  the  sole  use  and  benefit 
of  my  said  wife. 

37th.  Whereas  in  Consequence  of  the  last  bequest  to  my  wife 
Margaret  of  ten  shares  of  Stock  in  the  Northern  Bank  of 
Kentucky  there  will  be  only  ten  shares  left  for  the  Washing- 
ton College  and  Dokes  Theological  Seminary,  I  hereby 
direct  that  five  shares  of  said  Bank  Stock  go  to  each  of  said 
Institutions  upon  the  restrictions  and  conditions  that  the 
ten  shares  of  said  Stock  was  [bequeathed]  to  them. 

39th.  And  lastly  I  do  hereby  nominate  and  appoint  my 
Brother  Hugh  Graham  and  my  nephew  William  Houston 
my  executors,  without  giving  security,  with  full  power  and 
authority  to  do  everything  necessary  to  carry  in  to  complete 
effect  every  clause  and  bequest  in  this  my  will,  in  testimony 
whereof  I  have  here  unto  set  my  hand  and  seal  this  22nd  day 
of  January  in  the  year  of  our  Lord  one  thousand  Eight 
hundred  and  forty-one. 

N.B.  The  last  line  in  the  5th  bequest  which  is  somewhat 


crowded  was  written  previous  to  Signing.  In  the  3rd  bequest 
the  Words  "and  the  death  of  my  wife"  and  the  words 
"Francis  Graham"  in  the  14th  bequest,  and  the  words 
"which  may  be  entitled  to"  in  the  24th  bequest,  were  all 
interlined  previous  to  signing.  The  words  "In  the  Town  of 
Tazewell"  in  the  13th  bequest  and  the  words  "my  broth- 
er" in  the  14th  bequest,  and  the  word  "hogs"  in  the  34th 
bequest,  were  stricken  out  previous  to  signing  and  publish- 
ing, etc.,  etc. 

Signed  and  published 

in  our  presents 

and  we  were 

called  to  witness 

the  same  this  22nd  January  1841 

David  Richardson 
Thomas  J.  Johnson 

William  Graham  (Seal) 

Both  the  Grahams  and  Benjamin  Sewell,  a  leading  merchant 
and  landowner,  were  money  lenders.  Because  of  the  absence  of 
chartered  banking  facilities  in  many  frontier  communities,  peo- 
ple were  dependent  on  loans  from  private  individuals.  Sewell 
conducted  a  profitable  private  loan  business  in  Tazewell,  as  in 
indicated  by  the  extensive  lists  of  debtors  attached  to  his  will.  For 
the  benefit  of  his  executors,  he  divided  the  lists  into  those  debts 
"considered  good"  and  those  "considered  doubtful  and  bad." 
Following  Sewell's  death,  an  inventory  list  of  his  personal  estate 
included  such  items  as  straw  bonnets,  razor  straps,  "4  papers  of 
fever  and  ague  powders,"  "5  vials  of  wormseed  oil,"  "4%  Doz. 
Worm  Destroyer,"  tanners'  tools,  ladies',  men's,  and  children's 
saddles,  and  other  items  that  a  frontier  merchant  might  have  in 
his  store.  The  variety  of  coins  listed  included  gold  eagles  and 
sovereigns,  "Beehler  pieces"  and  a  "silver  double  Thaler." 
Sewell's  will  shows  him  to  be  a  man  with  definite  ideas  about  his 
widow's  possible  remarriage  and  his  sons'  education  for  the 
ministry.  The  will,  which  was  written  on  September  2,  1846, 
includes  two  codicils  dated  March  23,  1847,  and  April  1,  1847. 

102  Tennessee  County  History  Series 

The  final  witnesses  signed  on  February  9,  1848.  Taken  from  the 
handwritten  copy,  the  text  follows  the  original  as  closely  as  possi- 
ble. Sewell  rarely  used  any  punctuation. 

Benjamin  Sewell's  Will 

Tazewell  Tennessee  I  Benjamin  Sewell  of  the  county  of 
Claiborne  in  the  State  of  Tennessee  being  of  Sound  minde 
and  Memory  and  cauling  to  minde  the  frailness  of  my 
Boddy  and  the  shortness  of  life  and  in  ordor  to  a  dispossi- 
tion  of  my  worldy  affects  according  to  my  will  and  desser 
after  my  death,  do  make  and  publish  this  my  last  will  and 

First  It  is  my  will  and  desire  that  my  Executers  hereafter 
named  upon  my  death  take  charge  of.  and  into  their  posses- 
sion all  goods  wars  and  Merchandise  which  may  be  on  hand 
and  unsold  at  the  time  of  my  death  also  all  my  money  on 
hand,  and  all  my  murcantile  books  and  papers  of  Every 
discription  and  all  my  books  of  accounts  Notes  bills  or  bonds 
for  the  payment  of  Money,  and  all  Securites  for  debts  due 
me  and  that  my  said  Executers  make  out  a  perfect  inventory 
of  the  same,  and  of  all  debts  and  accounts  due  me  and  it  is 
my  wish  that  my  said  Executers  shall  as  Soon  as  they  can 
collect  all  debts  due  me  by  note  bill  bond  Judgment  account 
or  otherwise,  and  that  with  regards  to  my  stock  of  goods 
wears  and  merchandise  on  hand  at  my  death  that  my  Said 
Executers  take  charge  of  the  same  and  sell  the  same  or 
dispose  of  them  in  the  Manor  which  to  them  may  Seam  the 
best  for  the  intrest  of  my  estate 

Second  It  is  my  wish  and  desire  that  all  my  Just  debts  be 
paid  by  my  Executers  as  soon  after  my  death  as  posable  out 
of  the  first  money  which  may  come  to  their  hands  out  of  my 

Thirdley  I  Give  and  bequeath  to  my  Son  Thomas  Sewell 
and  to  his  heirs  and  assigns  for  ever  two  tracts  of  land  lying 
in  Claiborne  county  Tennessee  on  Gap  Creek  between 
Sumeys  Mill  and  Powels  River  one  of  Said  tracts  containing 
four  hundred  acres  and  the  other  containing  one  hundred 


acres  more  or  less  and  both  of  which  Tracts  of  Land  were 
granted  to  me  by  the  State  of  Tennessee  also  I  give  and 
bequeath  to  my  Said  Son  Thomas  Sewell  and  to  his  heirs  and 
assigns  forever  two  other  tracts  of  Land  lying  in  Claiborne 
County  Tennessee  on  the  south  side  of  Powels  River  adjoin- 
ing the  lands  of  Thos  J  Harvy  being  the  place  called  the 
dogwood  Sinks  and  both  of  which  tracts  of  land  were 
granted  by  the  State  of  Tennessee  to  John  Trease  one  of 
said  tracts  for  two  hundred  acres  and  the  other  for  one 
hundred  acres  and  convaid  to  me  by  the  said  John  Treease 
and  I  also  give  and  bequeath  to  my  Said  Son  Thomas  Sewell 
two  hundred  dollars  in  money  to  be  paid  to  him  by  my 
Executers  three  years  after  my  death 

Fourthly  I  give  and  bequeath  to  my  daughter  Susanah 
W  Whetsel  and  to  her  heirs  and  assigns  forever  the  lands 
conveyed  to  me  by  James  Manday  in  Claiborne  County 
Tennessee  and  being  origanlly  three  tracts  of  which  two 
were  for  fifty  acres  Each  and  one  for  forty  acres  all  adjoining 
Each  other  and  conveyed  to  me  in  two  Deeds  adjoining  the 
lands  of  Samuel  Hamilton,  and  Thomas  Elison  and  the  tract 
formerley  owned  by  Asa  Watson  and  I  also  give  and  be- 
queath to  my  Said  daughter  Susanah  W  Whitsel  and  to  her 
heirs  and  assignes  forever  one  other  tract  of  land  in  said 
county  of  Claiborne  adjoining  the  lands  above  bequeathed 
Containing  fifty  acres  more  or  less  and  being  a  tract  of  land 
bought  by  me  from  Lawson  Eastrage  and  I  further  give  and 
bequeath  to  my  Said  daughter  Susanah  W  Whitsel  one 
hundred  dollars  in  money  to  be  paid  to  her  by  my  Executers 
three  years  after  my  death 

Fifthly  I  Give  and  bequeath  to  my  daughter  Betsey  D 
Burdine  and  to  her  heirs  and  assigns  for  ever  three  tracts  of 
land  lying  in  Claiborne  County  Tennessee  one  of  Said  tracts 
being  the  caulled  the  William  Murray  place  and  being  the 
place  whereon  Jacob  Pike  now  lives  containing  one  hundred 
acres  more  or  les  also  one  other  tract  adjoining  the  above 
named  tract  and  which  I  bought  from  Jacob  Pike  containing 
fifty  acres  more  or  less  and  the  third  tract  lying  in  the  same 

104  Tennessee  County  History  Series 

neighborhood  but  not  adjoining  the  others  and  which  tract 
I  bought  from  James  Mandy  Senr.  containing  fifty  acres 
more  or  less  and  I  further  give  and  bequeath  to  my  Said 
daughter  Betsey  D  burdine  a  life  estate  in  a  negro  woman 
named  nancy  and  her  children  to  Serve  her  during  the 
natural  life  of  my  said  daughter  and  I  give  and  bequeath 
said  negro  woman  Nancy  and  all  her  increas  upon  the  death 
of  my  said  daughter  Betsey  D  Burdine  to  all  the  children  of 
my  Said  daughter  living  at  the  time  of  her  death  and  to  their 
heirs  and  assigns  forever 

Sixthley  I  Give  and  bequeath  to  my  Grand  Son  John 
Livis  Burdine  Son  of  Betsey  D  Burdine  two  hundred  dollars 
to  be  paid  by  my  Executers  within  four  years  after  my  death 
and  I  also  give  and  bequeath  to  my  Grand  Son  Samuel 
Patton  Burdine  two  hundred  dollars  to  be  paid  to  him  by  my 
executors  within  four  years  after  my  death 

Seventhly  I  Give  and  bequeath  to  Matilda  Jones  my 
daughter  and  to  her  heirs  and  assigns  forever  all  the  lands  in 
Powels  Vally  which  were  conveyed  to  me  by  John  Bruster 
and  John  V  Bruster  lying  in  Powels  Vally  in  Claiborne 
County  Tennessee  the  deed  to  me  caulling  for  two  hundred 
and  Eleven  acres  more  or  less  and  I  also  Give  and  bequeath 
to  my  said  daughter  Matilda  Jones  one  hundred  dollars  in 
Money  to  be  paid  by  my  Executers  with  in  four  years  after 
my  death 

Eightly  I  Give  and  bequeath  to  my  Grand  daughter 
Virginia  Rogers  Daughter  of  Malinda  Rogers  a  female  slave 
named  Laura  who  was  a  daughter  of  my  slave  Lucy  to  have 
and  to  hold  said  slave  Laura  and  her  increas  to  the  said 
Virginia  Rogers  and  her  heirs  for  Ever  and  I  also  Give  and 
bequeath  to  the  said  Virginia  Rogers  three  hundred  dollars 
in  money  the  money  to  be  paid  over  and  the  said  slave  and 
increas  to  be  put  in  her  possession  when  she  arrives  at  the 
age  of  twenty  one  years  or  sooner  if  she  should  Marry 
before  that  time 

Ninthly  having  heretofore  made  advances  to  all  my  chil- 
dren here  in  before  named  I  do  hereby  confirm  to  them  all 
gifts  on  advances  heretofore  made  by  me  to  them  and  their 


heirs  forever  in  addition  to  the  present  bequests  here  in 
made  to  them 

Tenthley  I  give  and  bequeath  to  my  daughter  Margret 
Virginia  Sewell  and  to  her  heirs  and  assigns  forever  the 
following  named  lands  and  lots  of  land  to  wit  five  lots  in  the 
present  limits  of  Tazewell  in  what  is  called  new  town  on  the 
east  side  of  main  street  three  of  said  lots  adjoining  main 
Street  and  adjoining  Each  other  and  number  in  the  survey 
and  plane  of  said  part  of  the  Town  as  lots  No  18  19  and  20 
the  other  two  lots  lying  back  east  of  the  above  lots  and 
numbered  No  21  and  twenty  two  said  lots  adjoining  the 
north  alley  of  the  old  Town  also  two  other  lots  of  land  now 
under  fence  and  in  my  possession  immedateley  back  of  the 
lots  above  bequeathed  and  running  down  the  Hill  and  cross- 
ing russels  creek  being  the  two  upper  creek  lots  of  land 
bellonging  to  me  and  being  the  furthest  up  the  creek  of  any 
of  my  Creek  lots  I  also  give  and  bequeath  to  my  said  daugh- 
ter margrat  Virginia  Sewell  and  to  her  heirs  and  assigns  for 
ever  my  upper  meddow  which  I  now  have  on  russels  Creek 
and  including  as  now  fenced  a  potion  of  land  on  both  sids  of 
said  Creek  but  lying  princapally  on  the  east  side  and  above 
the  old  tan  yard  to  run  as  it  is  now  fenced  and  also  a  Small 
potion  of  land  on  the  outside  of  said  meddow  on  the  west 
side  yet  uninclosed  beginning  on  a  rock  corner  neer  the 
Meddow  bar  and  running  a  direct  line  to  a  ceeder  corner 
Standing  Just  above  the  presant  Mullbery  road  and  from 
thence  to  a  rock  corner  just  out  side  of  the  woods  lot  fence 
thence  with  said  fence  to  the  beginning  I  further  give  and 
bequeath  to  my  said  daughter  Margret  Virginia  Sewell  and 
to  her  heirs  and  assigns  forever  a  lot  of  ground  to  contain 
one  half  acre  to  be  laid  off  of  the  lower  end  of  my  wheat  field 
on  the  upper  side  of  Town  immediately  above  and  adjoin- 
ing what  is  called  back  street  and  to  be  laid  of  next  to  and 
immediately  north  of  a  lot  of  one  quarter  of  an  acre  sold  by 
me  to  John  A  Hollinsworth  so  as  to  leave  a  lane  or  alley 
twenty  feet  wide  between  it  and  Hollingsworths  Lot  and 
which  lane  or  alley  it  is  my  wish  should  be  left  open  for  a 
passway  to  the  field  above  the  Lot  said  Lot  to  be  run  so  as  to 

106  Tennessee  County  History  Series 

make  seven  and  a  half  poles  in  front  on  Back  street  and  to 
extend  in  length  up  the  hill  eleven  poles  so  as  to  make  full 
one  half  acre.  I  further  give  and  bequeath  to  my  said  daugh- 
ter Margaret  Virginia  Sewell  and  to  her  heirs  and  assigns 
forever  a  certain  tract  of  land  in  Claiborne  County  Tennes- 
see which  I  bought  from  Ransome  Day  Junior  on  the  waters 
of  Sycamore  Creek  containing  sixty  acres  more  or  less  And  I 
further  give  and  bequeath  to  my  said  daughter  Margaret 
Virginia  Sewell  and  to  her  heirs  and  assigns  forever  one 
other  tract  or  parcel  of  land  in  claiborne  county  bought  by 
me  from  Sally  Lanhan  and  adjoining  the  lands  of  Jacob 
Cloud  containing  eighty  acres  more  or  less  I  also  give  and 
bequeath  to  my  said  daughter  Margret  Virginia  Sewell  and 
to  her  heirs  and  assigns  forever  the  following  named  slaves 
and  their  increase  namely  a  Negro  man  Mack  a  negro 
woman  named  Emiline  and  a  negro  boy  named  Jefferson. 

Eleventh  I  give  and  bequeath  to  my  son  James  Joseph 
Sewell  and  to  his  heirs  and  assigns  forever  a  tract  of  land 
near  Tazewell  called  the  Tan  yard  place  conveyed  to  me  by 
James  Allen  on  Russels  creek  on  the  east  side  of  the  creek 
and  also  a  Lot  of  land  adjoining  the  above  called  the  woods 
Lot  on  the  west  Side  of  Russels  creek  between  the  creek  and 
the  Mulberry  road  to  run  as  it  is  now  fenced.  Also  a  tract  of 
land  in  claiborne  county  which  was  conveyed  to  me  by  David 
C.  Posey  on  both  sides  of  the  Kentucky  road  containing 
three  hundred  and  fifty  eight  acres  more  or  less.  Also  one 
acre  of  my  present  wheat  field  back  of  and  adjoining  the 
Town  of  Tazewell  to  be  laid  off  to  him  in  a  manner  conve- 
nient for  him  and  the  others  to  whom  portions  of  said  field 
may  be  divised.  I  also  give  and  bequeath  to  my  said  son 
James  Joseph  Sewell  and  to  his  heirs  and  assigns  forever  the 
following  slaves  and  their  increase  namely  a  negro  man 
named  Barnet  a  negro  named  James  and  one  named 

Twelfth  I  give  and  bequeath  to  my  son  Houston  Sewell 
and  to  his  heirs  and  assigns  forever  one  Lot  in  the  Town  of 
Tazewell  on  which  my  Brick  Store  house  is  situated  with  the 
appurtenances  there  to  belonging  on  main  Street  also  a  tract 


of  land  near  Tazewell  on  both  sides  of  Russells  creek  called 
the  Dobbs  tract,  being  the  tract  on  which  Chesley  Dobbs 
formerly  lived  with  the  appurtenances  thereto  belonging 
including  the  grist  mill,  containing  ninety  acres  more  or  less 
and  also  two  fields  now  in  cultivation  adjoining  the  same  and 
between  said  tract  and  the  Kentuckey  road  and  said  fields 
being  a  part  of  the  Posey  lands.  Also  a  tract  of  land  where 
Beverly  Marcum  once  lived  one  hundred  and  thirty  one 
acres  more  or  less  conveyed  to  me  by  Peter  Marcum  I  also 
give  and  bequeath  to  my  said  son  Houston  Sewell  and  to  his 
heirs  and  assigns  forever  the  following  Slaves  and  their 
increase  to  wit  John,  Sally,  and  Henry- 
Thirteenth  I  give  and  bequeath  to  my  daughter  Mary 
Louisa  Sewell,  and  to  her  heirs  and  assigns  for  ever  The  two 
Lots  in  the  town  of  Tazewell  on  which  I  now  live  and  on 
which  is  Situated  my  Brick  Dwelling  house  with  the 
appurtenances  thereto  belonging,  on  Main  Street  and  also 
two  Lots  in  said  Town  on  the  oposite  side  of  the  street  and 
immediately  fronting  the  two  lots  above  named,  with  the 
appurtenances  thereto  belonging  also  one  other  Lot  in 
Tazewell  back  of  the  dwelling  house  Lots,  and  on  which  a 
Kitchen  is  built  and  also  the  balance  of  my  wheat  field  back 
of  Tazewell  after  laying  off  the  Lots  heretofore  devised  out 
of  the  same  I  also  give  and  bequeath  to  my  said  daughter 
Mary  Louisa  Sewell  and  to  her  heirs  and  assigns  forever  the 
following  named  slaves  to  wit,  Dilsey  and  her  two  children, 
George  and  Amanda  and  their  increase  and  also  my  negro 
woman  Maria  and  her  increase. 

Fourteenth  I  give  and  bequeath  to  my  wife  Ann  Jane 
Sewell  and  to  her  heirs  and  assigns  forever  all  my  household 
and  kitchen  furniture  of  every  description  whatever  and  all 
grain  and  provisions  of  every  kind  which  may  be  on  hand  at 
the  time  of  my  death,  and  also  all  crops  on  hand  and  grow- 
ing if  any  and  also  all  farming  utensils  on  hand  and  all  my 
horses,  cattle,  sheep  and  hogs  on  hand  at  the  time  of  my 
death  and  also  all  wagons,  carriages  and  gearing  &  harnes 
on  hand  at  the  time  of  my  death — I  also  give  and  bequeath 
to  my  said  wife  Ann  Jane  Sewell  the  right  and  privilege  of 

108  Tennessee  County  History  Series 

living  in  and  occupying  my  Brick  house  in  which  I  live  and 
the  Lots  bequeathed  to  my  daughter  Mary  Louisa  Sewell, 
until  my  said  daughter  Mary  Louisa  arrives  at  the  age  of 
twenty  one  years.  And  I  also  give  and  bequeath  to  my  said 
wife  Ann  Jane  Sewell  the  privilege  of  using  and  occupying 
and  receiving  the  rents  and  profits  to  her  own  use  of  all  Lots 
and  lands  of  every  name  and  description  which  is  herein 
before  bequeathed  by  me  to  her  said  four  children  James 
Joseph,  Margaret  Virginia  Houston  and  Mary  Louisa 
Sewell,  until  the  said  four  children  arrive  respectively  to  the 
ages  of  twenty  one  years.  And  also  it  is  my  will  and  desire 
that  my  said  wife  Ann  Jane  Sewell  have  the  use  of  and 
receive  the  services  and  hire  of  all  the  negroes  herein  be- 
queathed to  my  said  four  children  until  the  said  children 
respectively  arrive  at  the  ages  of  twenty  one  years.  But  the 
privileges  herein  given  to  my  said  wife  Ann  Jane  Sewell  of 
the  occupation  and  enjoyment  of  and  receiving  the  rents 
and  profits  of  houses,  Lots  and  tracts  of  land  bequeathed  to 
my  four  children  therein  is  also  to  cease  and  be  at  an  end 
whenever  My  said  wife  Ann  Jane  Sewell  marries  again  and 
the  same  to  go  to  my  said  children  immediately  upon  the 
marriage  of  my  said  wife  without  respect  to  the  ages  of  said 
children  And  the  rights  of  my  said  wife  to  the  use,  services 
and  hire  of  the  said  negroes  bequeathed  to  my  said  four 
children,  are  to  cease  upon  her  marriage  and  said  negroes 
to  pass  upon  said  marriage  into  the  possession  of  my  said 
four  children  or  their  guardians  for  them  immediately 
upon  the  marriage  of  my  said  wife  Ann  Jane  Sewell  without 
respect  to  the  ages  of  my  said  children — Also  I  give  and 
bequeath  to  my  said  wife  Ann  Jane  Sewell  fifty  dollars 
annually  during  the  time  She  remains  a  widow,  to  be  paid  to 
her  by  my  executers  And  it  is  my  wish  that  my  said  wife  Ann 
Jane  Sewell  shall  live  with  my  daughter  Mary  Louisa  Sewell 
as  much  longer  than  the  times  above  specified  in  the  dwell- 
ing house  and  Lots  bequeathed  to  said  Mary  Louisa,  as  my 
said  wife  and  daughter  can  agree  together. 

Fifteenth — It  is  also  my  will  and  I  hereby  bequeath  to 
my  said  four  children,  James  Joseph,  Margaret  Virginia, 


Houston  and  Mary  Louisa  Sewell  all  monies  arising 
from  my  estate  after  payment  of  my  debts,  funeral  ex- 
pences,  and  expences  of  incident  to  the  winding  up  of  my 
estate,  and  all  property  of  mine  real  and  personal  not 
otherwise  specially  bequeathed,  to  be  equally  divided  be- 
tween them  to  have  and  to  hold  the  same  to  them  and 
their  heirs  forever — It  is  also  my  wish  that  my  said  four 
children,  James  Joseph  Margaret  Virginia,  Houston,  and 
Mary  Louisa  Sewell  shall  receive  an  education  Suitable 
to  their  estates  and  several  capacities  so  far  as  can 
reasonably  be  done. 

Sixteenth  It  is  my  wish  and  desire  that  my  two  sons 
James  Joseph,  and  Houston  Sewell  be  educated  for  the 
ministry  and  that  as  soon  as  can  be  done  that  they  be  placed 
in  some  suitable  institution  for  the  study  of  Divinity. 

Seventeenth  It  is  my  will  and  desire  that  in  case  any  one 
or  more  of  my  said  four  children  James  Joseph  Margaret 
Virginia,  Houston  and  Mary  Louisa  Should  die  that  the 
survivors  of  said  four  children  Shall  take  and  receive  and 
hold  the  lands,  slaves,  money  or  property  bequeathed  to 
those  so  dieing  or  being  dead,  to  have  and  to  hold  the  same 
to  the  said  survivors  of  them  and  their  heirs  and  assigns 
forever — And  it  is  also  my  will  and  desire  that  should  my 
wife  Ann  Jane  Sewell  die  before  I  do  that  the  property  here 
in  bequeathed  to  her  of  every  kind  and  description  go  to, 
and  is  here  by  divised  to  my  said  four  children  James 
Joseph,  Houston,  Margaret  Virginia,  and  Mary  Louisa 
Sewell  or  the  survivors  of  them  to  be  equally  divided  be- 
tween the — In  Testamony  whare  of  I  have  hereunto  Set  my 
hand  and  Seal  this  2nd  day  of  September  in  the  year  of  our 
Lord  one  thousand  Eight  hundred  and  forty  six 

Benjamin  Sewell  (Seal) 
Signed  Sealed  and  acknowledged  in  the  presance  of  us,  and 
we  called  on  by  the  testator  to  witness  the  same  and  wit- 
nessed in  the  presance  of  the  Testator  the  date  above 
Walter  R  Evans 
James  Hardy 
R  C  Hansand 

110  Tennessee  County  History  Series 

The  foregoin  will  was  acknowledged  before  us  by  the  Re- 
quest of  the  Testator  &  in  his  presence  this  9th  day  February 

John  S.  M.  Dickinson 
M  Comiger — 

1st  Codicil 

I  Benjamin  Sewell  of  the  county  of  Claiborne  and  state  of 
Tennessee  being  of  sound  minde  and  memory  having 
perchased  and  acquired  the  title  to  other  lands  since  the 
making  and  publishing  my  will  to  which  this  is  an  addition, 
for  the  purpose  of  disposing  of  the  same  according  to  my 
wish  and  desire  for  the  purpose  also  of  making  what  I 
conceive  to  be  a  more  suitable  division  amongst  my  children 
do  make  and  publish  this  codicil,  as  a  part  of  my  said  will  and 
hereby  confirming  all  things  contained  in  my  said  Will 
which  are  left  unaltered  in  this  codicil. 

First;  My  negro  man  Mack  heretofore  bequeathed  to  my 
daughter  Margaret  Virginia  Sewell.  I  now  take  from  my 
said  daughter  and  I  here  by  give  and  bequeath  my  said 
negro  man  Mack  to  my  wife  Ann  Jane  Sewell  during  her 
natural  life,  and  at  her  death  to  belong  to  my  four  children 
Margaret  Virginia  Sewell,  James  Joseph  Sewell,  Houston 
Sewell  and  Mary  Louisa  Sewell  and  to  their  heirs  and  assigns 
forever — And  it  is  my  wish  that  my  said  wife  Ann  Jane 
Sewell  shall  not  sell  or  transfer  her  said  interest  in  said  slave 
Mack,  in  any  way,  or  to  any  person  unless  it  be  to  my  said 
four  children  I  further  give  and  bequeath  to  my  said  wife 
Ann  Jane  Sewell  to  have  and  to  hold  during  her  natural  life 
two  Lots  of  land  laid  off  in  the  division  of  the  Posey  lands, 
and  known  in  said  division  as  Lot  No  1  in  the  East  land  and 
No.  9  in  the  West  of  the  Kentuckey  road  and  which  were 
allotted  to  George  W.  Posey  and  upon  which  he  lives,  and 
being  part  of  my  purchase  from  said  Posey  said  two  lots 
containing  when  consolidated  twenty  two  and  three  fourth 
acres  and  devised  from  each  other  by  the  Kentuckey  road 
and  after  her  death  I  give  and  bequeath  the  said  two  lots  of 
land  to  my  said  four  children  Margaret  Virginia  James 


Joseph,  Houston  and  Mary  Louisa  and  to  their  heirs  and 
assigns  forever 

Secondly — I  give  and  bequeath  to  my  daughter  Margaret 
Virginia  Sewell  and  to  her  heirs  and  assigns  forever  my 
negro  woman  Lucy  and  her  increase  if  any  in  Leiu  and  stead 
of  the  negro  man  Mack  taken  from  a  former  bequest  to  my 
said  daughter.  I  further  give  and  bequeath  to  my  said 
daughter  Margaret  Virginia  Sewell,  and  to  her  heirs  and 
assigns  forever  Lots  No.  10  and  11  and  all  the  Lot  No.  9 
except  the  part  cut  off  by  the  Kentuckey  road  and  upon 
which  I  have  lately  built  a  Brick  Shop — said  Lots  lying  in  the 
corporate  Limits  of  Tazewell,  in  what  is  called  New  Town. 

Thirdly  I  give  and  bequeath  to  my  son  James  Joseph  Sewell 
in  addition  to  what  I  have  before  given  him  and  to  his  heirs 
and  assigns  forever  that  part  of  Lot  No.  9  in  what  is  called 
New  town  not  above  bequeathed  to  my  daughter  Margaret, 
and  being  the  part  upon  which  my  Brick  Shop  is  built, 
including  said  Shop,  and  I  also  give  and  bequeath  to  my  said 
son  two  sets  of  Blacksmiths  tools  now  on  hand  in  the  shop  I 
also  give  and  bequeath  to  my  said  son  James  Joseph  Sewell 
and  to  his  heirs  and  assigns  forever  my  Lot  No.  26  in  what  is 
called  new  town  and  upon  which  John  Russel  formerly  lived 

Fourthly — I  give  and  bequeath  to  my  daughter  Margaret 
Virginia  Sewell  and  to  her  heirs  and  assigns  forever  a  cer- 
tain Lot  of  land  immediately  north  of  Tazewell  and  between 
the  town  Lots  and  the  Posey  Spring  and  west  of  the  Mul- 
berry road  and  which  I  lately  purchased  from  Alexander 
Fullington  and  hold  by  title  Bond  the  deed  not  being  yet 
made  I  also  give  and  bequeath  to  my  said  daughter 
Margaret  Virginia  Sewell  and  her  heirs  and  assigns  forever 
a  tract  of  land  in  Powells  Valley  purchased  by  me  from 
Thos  L.  Davis  containing  two  hundred  and  seventy  acres 
more  or  less  adjoining  the  Brewster  lands. 

Fifthly  I  give  and  bequeath  to  my  four  children  Margaret 
Virginia  Sewell,  James  Joseph  Sewell,  Houston  Sewell,  and 
Mary  Louisa  Sewell,  and  to  their  heirs  and  assigns  forever  a 

1 1 2  Tennessee  County  History  Series 

certain  tract  of  land  in  Claiborne  county  on  both  sides  of  the 
Kentuckey  road  near  Tazewell  containing  one  hundred  and 
ninety  acres,  more  or  less,  and  which  tract  of  land  I  lately 
purchased  from  George  W.  Posey  and  also  to  include  what  is 
called  the  pond  Lot  No.  1  also  purchased  from  said  Posey. 

Sixthly  I  hereby  give  and  bequeath  to  my  wife  Ann  Jane 
Sewell  the  rents  and  profits  of  all  my  lands  and  lots  hereby 
bequeathed  to  my  children  herein  named  until  they  respec- 
tively arrive  at  the  age  of  twenty  one  years. 

Seventhly — All  lands  tenements  hereditaments,  of  which  I 
may  die  seized  and  possessed,  not  Specially  bequeathed, 
and  which  I  now  own  or  may  hereafter  purchase,  I  give  and 
bequeath  to  my  said  four  children,  Margaret  Virginia, 
James  Joseph,  Houston  and  Mary  Louisa  Sewell  and  to  their 
heirs  and  assigns  forever. 

Eighthly — Should  I  hereafter  sell  or  dispose  of  any  lands  or 
other  property  bequeathed  in  the  will  to  which  this  is  an 
addition,  or  in  this  codicil,  it  is  my  wish  that  my  so  doing  shall 
not  operate  as  any  revocation  of  my  will,  but  that  the 
Legater  to  whom  the  same  shall  have  been  bequeathed 
shall  be  reimbursed  for  the  same  out  of  my  estate  to  the 
value  of  the  same — 

Ninthly.  It  is  my  wish  and  desire  that  should  my  executers  or 
administrators  think  any  Swap  or  change  of  Lots  or  proper- 
ty amongst  my  children,  to  be  necessary  or  proper  accord- 
ing to  circumstances  they  are  hereby  fully  authorized  to 
make  the  same — 

Tenthly — I  hereby  nominate  and  appoint  William  Houston 
James  F.  Hooper  and  Walter  R.  Evans,  executors  of  my  will 
and  this  codicil,  which  is  an  addition  thereto — to  carry  into 
effect  my  wishes  as  expressed  in  my  said  will  and  in  this 
addition  thereto — Given  under  my  hand  and  seal  this  23rd 
day  of  March  1847—. 

Benjamin  Sewell  (Seal) 

Signed  Sealed  and  acknowledged  in  the 
Presants  of  us  and  we  cauled  on  by  the 


Testator  to  witness  the  Same  and  witnessed  in 
presants  of  the  testator  the  date  above 
James  Hardy 

R  C  Hansard 

The  foregoing  codicil  was 
acknowledged  before  us  by 
Request  of  the  Testator 
and  in  his  presants  this 
9th  day  of  February  1848 
John  S.  M.  Dickinson 
M.  Comiger 

Codicil  2nd 

I  Benjamin  Sewell  being  of  Sound  minde  and  disposeing 
memory  for  the  more  Satisfactory  disposition  of  my  estate 
after  my  death  do  make  and  establish  this  Second  codicil  to 
my  last  will  and  Testament  to  wit 

1st  the  negro  Slave  Laura  which  in  my  will  I  give  to  my 
Grand  daughter  Virginia  Rogers  I  hereby  revoke  and  take 
from  her  and  in  leiu  thereof  I  give  and  bequeath  to  my  said 
Grand  daughter  Virginia  Rogers  the  additional  Sum  of 
three  hundred  dollars  to  be  paid  to  her  by  my  executers 
after  my  death,  with  the  other  sum  of  Money  heretofore 
bequeathed  to  her. 

2nd  I  hereby  give  and  bequeath  to  my  daughter  Margret 
Virginia  Sewell  in  addition  to  the  other  bequeaths  hereto- 
fore given  to  her  my  Said  negro  Girl  Laura  and  her  increase 
forever  in  order  that  said  negro  girl  may  go  with  her 
mother  who  was  in  my  will  bequeathed  to  my  Said  daughter 
Margret  Virginia  Sewell  and  on  account  of  this  bequest  to 
the  said  Margret  Virginia  sewell  I  hereby  revoke  so  much  of 
my  former  bequest  to  her  as  give  to  her  and  her  heirs  a 
certain  tract  of  land  in  Claiborne  County  on  the  water  of 
Syckamoore  Creek  containing  Sixty  acres  more  or  less  and 
which  I  bought  of  Ransom  Dayjun.  as  1  expect  to  make  Sale 
of  Said  land. 

1 14  Tennessee  County  History  Series 

3rd  I  hereby  confirm  all  things  contained  in  my  will  and  1st 
Codicil  and  which  have  not  been  revoked  or  altered  by  me 
at  this  time. 

4th  as  I  have  a  grate  meny  debts  owin  to  me  and  which  it  is 
prabable  my  executers  cannot  collect  otherwise  than  by 
taking  produse  or  labor  I  therefore  hereby  authorise  and  it 
is  my  wish  that  my  executers  proceed  to  collect  all  such 
debts  when  ever  they  can  do  so  either  in  produse  and  which 
shall  be  applide  to  the  use  of  my  presant  famaley  or  in  work 
or  labor  for  the  benefit  of  my  present  famaley  or  of  my 
estate  hereby  vesting  a  discrestianary  power  in  my  execu- 
ters with  regarde  to  all  such  debts  and  all  collections  in  this 
way  for  the  use  of  my  presant  famaley  shall  be  good  and 
vailed  and  my  said  executers  shall  be  allowed  therefor  an 
Settlement  as  if  paid  out  in  the  ordinary  way. 

5th  as  I  have  in  contemplation  to  build  a  new  mill  upon  my 
lands  called  the  dobbs  place  and  which  land  is  bequeathed 
to  my  son  Houston  Sewell  it  is  my  wish  and  disire  that 
should  the  same  not  be  bilt  or  completed  before  my  death 
that  my  executors  have  the  same  built  or  completed  as 
contemplated  by  me  and  the  said  mill  and  appurtenances 
Shall  and  I  give  and  bequeath  the  same  to  my  son  Houston 
Sewell  and  his  heirs  with  the  lands  upon  which  it  is  to  be 
built,  as  heretofore  bequeathed  to  him,  but  my  wife  Ann 
Jane  Sewell  shall  have  the  same  right  to  the  enjoyment  of 
the  use  and  rents  and  profits,  and  for  the  same  length  of 
time  as  she  has  heretofore  given  her  in  my  other  lands 
bequeathed  by  me,  but  no  more  and  no  longer — And  it  is 
my  wish  that  my  executors  use  such  debts  and  funds  in 
building  or  completing  said  mill,  as  in  their  discretion  will 
be  least  injurious  and  most  beneficient  to  my  estate  and 
shall  have  the  right  to  use  all  such  parts  or  materials  of  the 
old  mill  now  standing  as  may  be  useful  in  the  new  mill.  The 
old  mill  to  stand  and  kept  in  operation  until  in  building  the 
new  mill  it  becomes  necessary  to  be  taken  to  pieces  or 
removed.  In  testimony  where  of  I  have  hereunto  set  my 
hand  and  seal  this  1st  day  of  April  1847. 

Benjamin  Sewell  (Seal) 


Signed  Sealed  and  acknowledged  in 

Our  presence  and  we  cauled  upon 

By  the  testator  to  witness  the  same 

The  date  above  and  done  in  his  presence 


James  Hardy 

R.  C.  Hansard 

The  foregoing  codicil 

acknowledged  before  us 

by  request  of  the 

testator  and  in  his 

presence  February  9th  1848 

J.  S.  M.  Dickinson 

M.  Comiger 

In  this  is  included  my  last  will  &  Testament  in  which  there  is 
a  request  that  my  two  little  sons  Joseph  &  Houston  Sewell  be 
educated  for  the  Ministry  but  now  say  that  is  not  worthwhile 
unless  they  can  be  got  willing  as  they  cannot  be  to  advantage 
for  to  that  study  this  I  leve  for  the  satisfaction  of  my  execu- 
ters  of  said  will  given  under  my  hand  June  18th  1847. 


J.  S.  M.  Dickinson 

Benjn  Sewell 

Harvey  Ritchie 

The  memorabilia  of  the  Ritchie  family  included  this  tribute 
to  Harvey  Ritchie,  Claiborne  County  court  clerk  in  the  latter  part 
of  the  nineteenth  century,  and  a  representative  to  the  Legisla- 
ture in  1904.  Published  following  Ritchie's  death  in  1916,  the  "In 
Memoriam"  was  heavily  bordered  in  black  and  was  signed  "Writ- 
ten By  A  Friend." 


The  subject  of  this  sketch,  HARVEY  RITCHIE,  was 
born  in  Hancock  County  Tennessee,  on  the  12th  day  of 
December,  1845.  He  died  on  the  6th  day  of  September, 
1916,  at  his  home  in  Claiborne  County,  Tennessee.  He  was 

116  Tennessee  County  History  Series 

the  son  of  Mr.  James  Ritchie,  and  his  mother  was  formerly 
Miss  Barbara  Parkey. 

Harvey  Ritchie's  parents  both  died  in  1850,  leaving  him 
an  orphan  at  the  age  of  five  years,  to  battle  life  as  best  he 
might.  He  had  two  brothers,  William  and  Peter;  two  sisters, 
Mrs.  Mary  Riley  (Later  Mrs.  Mary  Neff)  and  Mrs.  Elizabeth 
Fugate.  All  these  are  dead  except  Peter  Ritchie. 

On  the  20th  day  of  June,  1867,  Harvey  Ritchie  and  Miss 
Lucy  Ann  Mason  were  united  in  marriage,  and  to  this  union 
four  children  were  born,  J.  T.  Ritchie,  Mrs.  W.  N.  Day,  J.  P. 
Ritchie  and  W.  V.  Ritchie,  all  of  whom  are  living  and  reside 
in  this  county. 

Mrs.  Ritchie  preceded  him  to  the  grave,  having  de- 
parted this  life  on  the  6th  day  of  May,  1909,  after  suffering 
as  an  invalid  for  more  than  thirty  years,  during  all  of  which 
time  Mr.  Ritchie  was  a  devoted  and  attentive  husband  and 

One  year  after  his  marriage  Mr.  Ritchie  was  converted 
and  united  with  the  Missionary  Baptist  Church,  at  Little 
Sycamore,  and  lived  a  Christian  life,  and  died  in  the  Faith. 

Harvey  Ritchie  was  a  public  man,  always  working  for  the 
betterment  of  the  county,  and  helping  his  fellow  man.  He 
held  several  offices  of  trust,  and  was  always  faithful  in  the 
discharge  of  his  duties.  He  was  elected  County  Court  Clerk 
in  1878  and  1882  (eight  years).  Trustee  in  1886,  Justice  of 
the  Peace  in  the  "Old  6th"  in  1 894,  and  Representative  of  his 
county  in  1904,  proving  the  confidence  and  esteem  of  his 
fellow  man. 

He  had  great  energy  and  perseverance.  Up  to  the  time 
of  his  death  he  was  actively  engaged,  and  was  always  ready 
to  lend  a  helping  hand  to  one  in  need. 

Harvey  Ritchie  is  gone  from  earth  after  a  long  life,  and 
his  many  friends  and  relatives  miss  him  sorely.  His  life  was 
careful  and  his  time  while  on  earth  was  utilized  for  a  pur- 
pose and  the  purpose  of  his  life  was  to  be  careful.  The 
elevation  and  development  of  his  children  was  one  of  his 
chief  ambitions,  and  he  was  always  a  tender  father,  loving 
husband,  loyal  citizen  and  a  kind  friend. 


On  the  12th  day  of  August,  1916,  he  was  united  in 
marriage  the  second  time,  taking  to  wife  Miss  Minnie 
McBee,  who  is  left,  with  the  other  sorrowing  relatives  to 
mourn  his  departure. 

May  he  rest  in  peace,  and  may  many  more  men  like  him 
be  given  to  grace  the  land  in  which  we  live.  He  came,  he 
served,  he  has  gone  to  his  eternal  reward,  and  the  monu- 
ment he  leaves  is  more  lasting  than  granite:  the  esteem  and 
love  of  his  fellow  man. 

(Written  by  a  friend) 

John  Rial  Johns 

Landowner,  merchant,  and  minister,  John  Rial  Johns  and  his 
family  came  to  Tazewell  in  the  late  nineteenth  century  and  were 
significant  in  the  business  and  real  estate  activities  there  as  well  as 
the  Baptist  denomination.  A  present  day  decendant  of  Johns, 
Newton  P.  Owen,  of  Louisville,  Kentucky,  has  collected  informa- 
tion about  the  Johns  and  related  families  in  Hancock,  Hawkins, 
and  Claiborne  counties.  He  discovered  that  Thomas  Johns  lived 
in  central  Virginia  in  the  1750s.  Henry,  Thomas's  son,  born  in 
1770,  came  to  Hawkins  County,  Tennessee,  before  1810  and  his 
first  son,  Rial,  was  born  there  in  1812.  The  family  moved  to 
Kentucky  but  returned  to  the  Grainger  County  area  by  1830, 
probably  because  of  speculation  in  land  values.  Later  Henry 
purchased  land  along  Mulberry  Creek  in  Hancock  county  and 
remained  there  for  the  rest  of  his  life.  Rial  Johns  and  his  wife, 
Martha  Alice  Slaton,  lived  for  over  30  years  on  a  200  acre  tract  on 
Ivy  Ridge  which  they  later  sold  to  Andrew  J.  Greene  and  his  wife 
Susan.  The  12  children  of  Rial  Johns  attended  Greasy  Creek 
Academy  in  Sneedville,  Tennessee.  Following  the  sale  of  the  Ivy 
Ridge  land,  Johns  bought  land  in  the  "Flat  Gap"  community. 

In  1887  Martha  Johns  died  of  pneumonia  and  was  buried  in 
the  family  cemetery  at  Flat  Gap.  Following  Martha's  sudden 
death,  the  aging  Rial  desired  to  continue  living  in  his  home  at 
Flat  Gap.  Rial's  other  children  agreed  to  relinquish  their  claim  to 
a  portion  of  Rial's  home,  if  their  youngest  brother,  John  Rial, 
would  pledge  to  take  care  of  their  father.  John  Rial  Johns  had 
married  Sarah  Ann  Turner  in  1885.  As  their  family  grew  to 

118  Tennessee  County  History  Series 

eight  children,  the  Flat  Gap  home  was  sold  and  a  larger  house  at 
Straight  Creek  Road  and  the  Southern  Railroad  tracts  in 
Tazewell  was  purchased.  It  was  called  the  "Leibold  Place." 
Fulfilling  the  agreement  made  earlier  with  his  brothers  and 
sisters,  John  Rial  continued  to  care  for  his  father  until  his  death 
in  1898.  He  was  buried  beside  his  wife  in  the  family  cemetery. 
On  November  12,  1898,  John  Rial  Johns  was  ordained  a 
Baptist  minister.  His  certificate  of  ordination  reads: 

This  is  to  certify  that  Brother  Riley  Johns  is  a  member  of  the 
New  Tazewell  Baptist  Church  in  good  standing  and  full 
membership,  trusting  that  God  has  called  him  to  preach  the 
gospel,  we  hereby  license  him  to  engage  in  grate  work  and 
we  offer  to  God  our  earnest  prayers  that  he  may  become  a 
workman  that  needest  not  to  be  ashamed,  rightly  dividing 
the  word  of  truth.  By  order  of  the  Church  this  12th  day  of 
November  1898.  Protem  Elder,  W.  S.  Winfrey,  Moderator, 
James  B.  Campbell,  Church  Clerk. 

Early  in  the  twentieth  century  the  Reverend  Johns  and  his 
wife,  Sarah,  sold  the  Leibold  home  and  farm  and  moved  to  a 
residence  in  the  center  of  New  Tazewell.  Since  their  names 
frequently  appear  on  land  transfers,  it  is  evident  that  the  Johnses 
owned  considerable  real  estate  during  these  years.  The  Leibold 
farm  contained  over  200  hundred  acres  in  what  is  now  the 
southeastern  part  of  New  Tazewell.  Soon  after  arriving  in  New 
Tazewell,  John  Rial  entered  the  produce  business  with  his 
brother-in-law,  George  Livesay,  who  had  married  John  Rial's 
youngest  sister,  Eliza.  During  the  five  years  that  Johns  and  Live- 
say  brokered  train  loads  of  produce  for  northern  markets,  the 
family  continued  to  live  in  the  house  in  the  center  of  town. 

Livesay  continued  the  business  in  New  Tazewell  after  the 
partnership  was  dissolved,  and  Johns  moved  his  family  to 
Andersonville,  Tennessee,  to  make  it  possible  for  his  children  to 
attend  the  academy  there  and  to  open  two  general  stores,  one  in 
Andersonville  and  one  in  Bethel.  Johns  worked  in  the  vicinity  as 
an  itinerant  Baptist  evangelist  and  continued  his  business  enter- 
prises until  1919  when  the  family  moved  to  the  Clinton,  Tennes- 
see, area.  The  last  home  of  John  Rial  Johns  was  at  Brushey  Creek 


across  from  Hinds  Creek  Baptist  Church,  where  he  died  in  1939 
and  was  buried  in  the  church  cemetery.  His  wife,  Sarah,  died  in 
1941  and  was  buried  beside  her  husband  at  Brushey  Creek. 
Other  related  family  names  include  Amyx,  Blankenbecker, 
Crutchfield,  Drinnon,  Eaton,  Fincannon,  Gordon,  Greene, 
Payne,  Saylor,  Stapleton,  Stone,  Wilder,  and  Wolfe. 

Fielding  Lewis 

Fielding  Lewis,  ancestor  of  the  Mark  Lewis  family  of  banking 
note  in  Tazewell  and  Harrogate,  was  born  in  1767  and  married 
Mary  Gamble  in  1790  in  North  Carolina.  They  moved  to 
Hawkins-Grainger-Claiborne  County  area  and  bought  540 
acres  of  land  for  about  $500  in  1801.  Their  twelve  children  in- 
cluded six  boys  and  six  girls,  the  girls  marrying  into  the  Goin, 
Harp,  Moore  and  Simmin  families.  The  homeplace  is  thought 
to  have  been  in  the  Lilly  Grove  Community.  William  Lewis,  the 
oldest  son  born  in  1792,  married  Sarah  (Sally)  Boyers  in  1813. 
Sixteen  children,  eight  boys  and  eight  girls,  were  born  to  this 
couple.  Through  marriage,  Arnwine,  Beeler,  Campbell,  Davis, 
Leabor,  Mayes,  Waymeyer,  and  Walker  became  related 
family  names. 

The  Long  Bottom  Community,  about  five  miles  from  Long 
Mountain,  was  another  Lewis  homeplace.  The  third  son  of 
William  Lewis,  James  M.  Lewis,  was  born  in  1821  and  from  his 
marriage  to  Sally  Russell  was  born  William  Lewis  in  1860. 
William  married  Mary  Shumate  in  1890,  and  they  produced 
twelve  children,  one  of  the  seven  boys  being  Mark  Isaac,  born  in 
1903.  The  girls  married  into  Day,  Gose,  and  Ryan  families.  Mark 
Lewis  married  Stella  Parkey,  and  they  have  five  children.  Other 
Day,  Gose,  Lewis,  and  Ryan  children  number  about  22,  and 
there  are  numerous  grandchildren. 

These  early  settlers  came  to  the  county  and  brought  with 
them  the  talents  and  perseverence  to  create  a  lasting  imprint 
upon  the  land  and  to  create  a  sense  of  community  among  them 
which  is  the  great  legacy  to  today's  citizens. 

Suggested  Readings 

Braun,  Myrtle  Wolfinbarger  and  Phillips,  Sharon  Chadwell.  The  Chad- 
well  Heritage.  San  Rafael,  Ca.:  published  by  authors,  n.d. 

Breeding,  Robert.  From  London  to  Appalachia.  Knoxville:  published  by 
author,  1979. 

Channing,  Edward.  A  History  of  the  United  States,  Vol.  II.  New  York: 
Macmillan,  1921. 

City  of  New  Tazewell  Records,  City  Hall. 

City  of  Tazewell  Records,  City  Hall;  especially  the  Dockett  of  1846- 

Claiborne  County  Hospital  and  Nursing  Home  Records,  Tazewell. 

Claiborne  County  Records;  Minutes  of  the  Court  from  1801  to  1978, 
with  some  missing,  due  to  the  fires;  Deeds  in  the  Register's  office. 

Cloud,  Benjamin.  "Old  Time  Tazewell."  Articles  published  in  the 
Claiborne  Progress  spanning  a  thirty-year  period;  now  collected  and 
bound  in  book  form  in  the  possession  of  William  Guy  Harrell, 

Corkran,  David  H.  The  Cherokee  Frontier:  Conflict  and  Survival.  Norman: 
University  of  Oklahoma  Press,  1962. 

Earle,  Jefferson  D.  "Memoirs,"  unpublished  manuscript,  Knoxville. 

Edwards,  Lawrence.  Gravel  in  My  Shoes.  Montevallo,  Al.:  Times  Print- 
ing Company,  1963. 

and  Davis,  Joy  Edwards.  Old  Speedwell  Families,  Revised.  Easley, 

S.C.:  Southern  Historical  Press,  n.d. 

Goodspeed,  Weston  A.,  et  al.,  eds.  History  of  Tennessee,  Reprint.  Nash- 
ville: Charles  and  Randy  Elder,  1972. 

Graham  Papers,  four  boxes.  McClung  Collection,  Lawson  McGhee 
Library,  Knoxville;  these  include  the  Graham-Chittum  contract  of 
1847,  prepared  by  Mrs.  Frank  T.  Rogers. 

Greene,  Evarts  B.  The  Foundations  of  American  Nationality.  New  York:  F. 
Ungar,  1968. 

Hamer,  Phillip  M.,  ed.  Tennessee:  A  History,  1673-1932.  New  York: 
American  Historical  Society,  Inc.,  1933. 

Harlow,  Ralph  V.  The  Growth  of  the  United  States.  New  York:  Henry 
Holt,  1932. 


122  5  uggested  R  eadings 

Leithold.  Esther  Moreland.  AND  THIS  is  our  heritage.  Privately  printed 
about  1940;  a  copy  loaned  to  the  author. 

Lewis.  Mark.  "The  Lewis  Family,"  unpublished  manuscript;  a  genea- 
logical record  in  the  possession  of  Mrs.  Mark  Lewis,  New  Tazewell. 

Kincaid,  Robert  L.  The  Wilderness  Road.  Indianapolis  and  New  York: 
Bobbs-Merrill  Company,  1947. 

McClung  Collection,  Lawson  McGhee  Library,  Knoxville.  A  catalog  is 
maintained  on  microfilm  roll  of  deeds,  surveys,  stage  books,  wills, 
reports  of  guardians  and  administrators  or  executors  of  estates. 
Those  rolls  of  special  usefulness  for  this  area  are  1-2,  4,  8-15,  18-36. 

Morris,  Easton.  Tennessee  Gazeteer,  1834.  Robert  M.  McBride  and  Owen 
Meredith,  eds.  Nashville:  The  Gazeteer  Press,  1971. 

Ramsey,  James  G.  M.  Annals  of  Tennessee  to  the  End  of  the  Eighteenth 
Century.  Philadelphia:  Lippincott,  1860. 

Rogers,  Wilma.  The  Rogers  Heritage.  Speedwell,  Tn.:  published  by  au- 
thor, n.d. 

Selzer,  Elmer  E.  Ghost  Railroads  of  Tennessee.  Harrogate,  Tn.:  n.p. 

Suppiger,  Joseph  E.  Phoenix  of  the  Mountains.  Harrogate,  Tn.:  Lincoln 
Memorial  University  Press,  1944. 

Tazewell  Baptist  Church  Minutes,  1845-1868,  manuscript  in  posses- 
sion of  Mrs.  Glenn  Yoakum,  Tazewell. 

The  Story  of  Lincoln  Memorial  University.  Harrogate,  Tn.:  Lincoln  Memo- 
rial University  Press,  1977. 

The  Tazewell  Story,  A  Case  Study  of  the  Economic  Development  of  a  Depressed 
Southern  Appalachian  Community.  Area  Redevelopment  Administra- 
tion, August,  1966. 

Van  Tyne,  Claude  H.  The  Causes  of  the  War  of  Independence.  New  York: 
Peter  Smith,  1951. 

War  Records  Division,  Military  Department  of  Tennessee,  Nashville. 

Wilson,  Mary  Lorene  Hansard.  Old  Time  Tazewell.  Kingsport:  Kings- 
port  Press,  1979. 


Abernathy,  Thomas,  13 

Abingdon  Academy,  27 

Academies,  See  Schools  and  Colleges 

Academy  Hollow,  24,  40-41 

Achorn,  E.  O.,  48 

Adair,  John,  14 

Addams,  Jane,  63 

Agriculture,  2,  26,  76,  80;  agent  of,  29 

Airport,  82,  84 

Albert,  Linzy,  82 

Allen,  James,  106 

Alston,  Harvey,  69 

Alston,  John,  69 

Ambulance  services,  66 

American  Association,  Limited,  73 

American  Missionary  Association,  43 

Anderson  and  Watson,  construction 

company,  65 
Anderson,  county  of,  9 
Anderson,  Samuel  R.,  33 
Andersonville,  Tn.,  118 
Andrews,  So.  Caro.,  86 
Appalachian  Mountains,  and  area,  1, 

6-7,  38,  42,  81 
Architects,  65,  90 

Area  Redevelopment  Act,  81,  85-86 
Army,  men  in,  68;  units  of,  69 
Arnstein,  Meyer  and  Seymour,  81 
Arthur,  Alexander  A.,  73;  home  of,  49 
Arthur,  Macaulay,  45 
Arthur,  Tn.,  44,  73,  79-80,  84, 

Center,  79 
Atkin,  Sam,  52 
Ausmus,  John,  55 
Ausmus,  Thomas,  40 
Avery,  Fred  B.,  45,  48 
Avery  Hall,  49 
Avery,  Samuel  P.,  48 

Bailey  Gap,  16 
Baldridge,  William,  16 
Baldwin,  Alfred,  29 
Baldwin,  Elmer,  51 
Baldwin,  James  W.,  29,  51 
Baldwin,  Walter  E.,  29,  51 

Baldwin,  Willis,  26-27 

Bales,  Archer,  20 

Ball  Creek  Spring,  75 

Ball,  T.  H.,  61 

Banks,  91,  95-100;  early  money 

lenders,  101 
Baptists,  29,  31-32,  70,  117-119; 

churches,  31,  36,  70-71,  116,  118-119 
Barassions,  James,  21 
Baring  Brothers,  73 
Barnard,  James,  56,  61 
Barren  Creek,  14,  17,  58,  60,  91-92; 

community  of,  27,  52 
Baxter,  E.  D.,  34 
Bean's  Station,  34 
Beaty,  Wilma,  63 
Beeler,  Herschel,  75 
Bellamy,  Andrew,  26 
Bellamy,  Callie,  27 
Bellamy,  Orleana  Mayes,  27 
Bellamy,  Walker,  27 
Bell  County,  Ky.,  1-2 
Bent  Creek,  Tn.,  25 
Bethel,  Tn.,  118 
Bible  Society,  96 
Big  Creek,  36 

Big  Sycamore  Knob,  4,  19,  75 
Big  Valley  Road,  58 
Bituminous,  road  surfacing,  62 
Boat  dock,  (picture)  83 
Blacks,  38,  48,  91-92 
Blount,  William,  14 
Blue  Hole,  the,  5,  91 
Bolinger,  William,  58 
Boone,  Daniel,  2,  7 
Booth,  John  Wilkes,  39 
Boone,  David,  43 
Bostic,  H.  F.,  56 
Bowyer,  Luke,  9,  1 1 
Boyers,  Sarah  (Sally),  119 
Bragg,  Braxton,  36 
Bray,  James,  1 1 
Breeding,  Alma,  70 
Breeding,  Clyde,  89 
Breeding,  James  Carl,  69-70 




Breeding,  Stanley,  70 

Bridges,  55,  58-59 

Brock.  George,  21 

Brock,  John,  20 

Brooks.  Bill  M.,  88-89 

Brooks,  Delbert,  72 

Brooks  Furniture  Manufacturing  Com- 
pany (Brookline),  81;  (pictures)  83 

Brooks,  Hilt,  52,  81 

Brooks,  Milt,  52 

Brushey  Creek,  118-119 

Bruster,  John  and  John  V.,  104 

Bullards'  ferry,  19 

Bullard,  Jack,  17 

Buis,  J.  L.,  56 

Buis,  W.  E.,  64 

Bunch  Hollow,  58;  Bridge,  (picture)  59 

Burdine,  Betsey  D.,  103-104 

Burdine,  John  Livis,  104 

Burdine,  Samuel  Patton,  104 

Burrough,  William  H.,  35 

Businesses,  5,  17,  21,  23,  27,  75, 
101,  118 

Caldwell  and  Company,  61 

Campbell,  Alexander,  20 

Campbell,  county  of,  1,  16,  36,  56,  58, 

Campbell,  James  B.,  118 
Campbell,  J.  M.,  81 
Camp  Oglethorpe,  67 
Camp  Sneed,  35 
Capital  punishment,  39-41 
Capp,  Nathaniel  B.,  16 
Carding  mill,  26 
Carey,  John,  9-10 
Carnegie  Hall,  48 
Carr,  Catherine,  79 
Carr  Gap,  2,  60 
Carr,  M.  B.,  67 
Carr,  Nannie  Mae,  52 
Carr,  R.  F.,  56,  58,  64 
Carson-Newman  College,  51,  55 
Cartwright,  Peter,  31 
Castle  Rock,  17,  24-25,  (picture)  24,  36 
Catholics,  60 
Caves,  in  county,  5 
Cedar  Fork,  19,  35,  58,  61;  Valley,  4 
Chadwell,  Charles,  74 
Charleston,  So.  Caro.,  21 
Chattanooga,  85 
Chota,  6 
Check,  James  N.,  16 

Cherokee,  5 

Chisum,  James,  9-10 

Chittum,  Wesley,  24,  70 

Chumley,  Berniece,  52 

Chumley,J.  H.,  58 

Chumley,  John,  27,  52 

Churches,  29,  31,  36,  43,  70-71,  90,  94 

Cirillo,  Marie,  79 

Civic  center,  79 

Civil  War,  25-27,  32-39,  42-43,  69-70; 
officers  in,  33-38;  veterans  of,  38 

Claiborne  County,  passim;  chamber  of 
commerce,  77;  climate,  5;  creation  of, 
9;  courts,  8,  10-14,  17,  19,  39-41,  51, 
55-61,  64-65,  84,  88-89;  courthouses, 
(pictures)  61-62,  70;  government,  8-9, 
17,  20,  56-57,  88-89;  jail,  11;  map,  3; 
officials,  9,  42,  56-58,  61,  64-65,  78, 
88-89,  115-116;  population  of,  23,  38, 
76,  84;  seat  of,  9-10 

Claiborne  County  High  School,  29,  51- 
52,  (picture)  53,  69,  77,  79,  81,  86 

Claiborne  County  Hospital,  65-66 

Claiborne  County  Utility  District,  75,  85 

Claiborne  Progress,  10 

Claiborne  Textile,  Inc.,  85-86 

Claiborne,  William  C.  C,  9 

Clairfield,  2,  59,  79;  Center,  79 

Clayton,  E.  R.,  65 

Clear  Fork  River,  59 

Clear  Fork  Valley,  59 

Clinch  River,  2,  7,  13-14,  17,  19,  27,  58; 
Mountain,  19,  21 

Cline,  Paul  H.,  70 

Clinton,  Tn.,  118-119 

Cloud,  Benjamin,  10 

Cloud,  Jacob,  106 

Cloud,  Samuel,  9 

Coal,  2,  43-44,  59-60,  73,  84 

Cobb,  Joseph,  9 

Cocke,  John  and  William,  14 

Cockran,  David  H.,  6 

Coke,  John,  16 

Cook,  Mercurious,  20 

Coleman,  J.  S.,  61 

Colleges,  see  Schools  and  colleges 

Comby  Ridge,  4 

Community  Action  Committee,  in 
county,  60,  77-80 

Confederates,  33-39 

Congregational  Church,  43 

Consolidation  Coal  Company,  60 

Cosby,  Rondal  Pete,  88 



Comiger,  M.,  110,  113,  115 

Cowan  City,  74 

Cowan,  Newton,  71 

Cowan,  S.  A.,  74 

Craft,  Ezekial,  9 

Creeks,  in  county,  5 

Crime,  in  county,  11-13,  39-41,  88 

Crops,  in  county,  76-77;  see  Farms, 

Crutchfield,  Billy,  41 
Cudjo's  Cave,  84 
Cumberland  Ford,  34 
Cumberland  Gap,  1-2,  7-9,  19,  34-36, 

39,  44-45,  55,  58-60,  73;  pictures  of, 

4,  37,  76;  Hotel,  44-45 
Cumberland  Mountain,  2,  4,  16-17,  73; 

Pike,  57 
Cunningham,  J.  M.,  58 

Dairy  products,  76-77 

Dams,  5,  26-27,  29 

Davis,  Elnathan,  17 

Davis,  Hazel,  63 

Davis,  Jefferson,  33 

Davis,  Nathaniel,  14 

Davis,  Thomas  L.,  99,  111 

Davis,  William  I.,  57 

Davy,  Aaron,  20 

Dawson,  Christopher,  19 

Day,  Ransome,  Jr.,  106,  113 

Day,  W.  N.,  61;  wife  of,  116 

DeCoursy,  John  F.,  36 

Delozier,  A.  P.,  58 

Democrats,  33,  37 

Dewey,  John,  54 

Dickinson,  John  S.  M.,  110,  113,  115 

Diseases,  in  county,  64-65 

Divine,  Paul  E.,  (picture)  72 

Dixie  Highway,  60,  62 

Doakes  Theological  Seminary,  96, 

99,  108 
Dobbs,  Chesley,  107 
Dobbs,  William,  19 
Donelson,  Stokely,  14 
Donlin  Sportswear,  81,  86,  (pictures)  87 
Doughterty,  John,  20 
Draft  Board,  in  county,  67 
Dri-Set,  Inc.,  85 
DeBusk,  Bill,  74 
DeBusk,  Ethel  Mary,  51 
DeBusk,  John,  52 
DuBusk,  Perry  E.,  29,  51 
Duncan,  Edward,  74 

Dunn,  I.  R.,  58 

Duo,  Tn.,  27 

Dyer,  Marshall,  71-72 

Eager,  C.  F.,  45 

Earl,  Jefferson  Davis,  52 

Earl,  Jefferson  Davis,  Jr.,  69 

Eastrage,  Lawson,  103 

East  Tennessee  Council  on  Aging,  72 

East  Tennessee  State  Planning 

Commission,  75 
East  Tennessee  State  University,  88 
Eaton,  William  G.,  97 
Economic  Opportunity  Act,  78-79 
Economy,  23,  25-27,  29,  33,  38,  43, 

56-57,66,  71,  76-88 
Education,  29,  41-55,  78-79;  see  Schools 

and  colleges 
Edwards,  John,  58 
Elections,  33,  37-38,  51,  70,  88-89 
Electricity,  75-76,  86 
Elison,  Thomas,  103 
Ely,  Elaine,  79 
England,  Charlie,  85 
England,  English,  the,  5-7,  73-74 
England  Manufacturing  Company,  85 
Entertainment,  places  of,  19 
Epidemics,  in  county,  64-65 
Episcopalians,  31 
Epperson,  Ray,  71 
Essary,  Joe  Frank,  72 
Estep,  James  D.,  Jr.,  65 
Evans,  Elijah,  19 
Evans,  George,  19 
Evans,  James  P.,  70 
Evans,  John,  20 
Evans,  Joseph,  14 

Evans,  Walter,  9-10,  14,  17,  24,  109,  112 
Evins,  Andrew,  9 
Ewing,  52 

Farmer,  John,  16 

Farmers  Home  Administration,  84 

Farms,  farmers,  19,  26-27,  29,  38,  45, 

52,  63-64,  69,  80;  see  Crops 
Federal  Aviation  Commission,  84 
Ferries,  17,  19 
Fires,  in  county,  75 
Fishing  Creek,  Ky.,  36 
Fishing,  fishers,  5,  7,  27 
Flat  Gap,  117 
Flat  Lick,  Ky.,  34 
Fletcher,  B.  M.,  56,  64 



Flour  mills,  27 

Floods,  in  county,  27 

Flvnn.  S.  H.,  78 

Fonde,  2;  Mountain,  59 

Forge  Ridge  High  School,  52,  77 

Former,  W.  F.,  58 

Four  Seasons  Hotel,  44,  73 

France,  6 

Francisco,  Lon,  51 

Freedman's  Bureau,  48 

Free  Soilers,  37 

Friar,  H.  H„  64 

Frit,  Samuel,  20 

Frost,  Simeon,  16 

Fugate,  Elizabeth  Ritchie,  116 

Fugate,  Thomas,  52 

Fugate,  Will  A.,  65 

Fulkerson,  James  and  FranceSj 

93-94,  100 
Fulkerson,  P.  G.,  50-51,  55,  71 
Fulkerson,  R.  Frank,  34 
Fullington,  Alexander,  1 1 1 
Fultz,  Ronald,  88 
Fur  trade,  traders,  7-8 

Galbreath,  Helen  E.,  52 
Gamble,  Mary,  119 
Gammons,  Gaines,  &  Company,  21 
Gaps,  2,  7,  16,  34,  60,  117;  see 

Cumberland  Gap 
Garrison  Road,  95 
Geography,  of  county,  1-5 
Geology,  of  county,  4-5 
Georgia,  state  of,  5,  67 
Germans,  7 
Gibson,  E.  J.,  64 
Gilbert,  Marshall  L.,  88 
Giles,  Rufus,  86-87 
Glasgow,  James,  14 
Goin,  John  L.,  67 
Goin,J.  P.,  56,  64 
Goin,  Iona  Holt,  (picture)  50 
Goins,  Uriah,  14 
Gose,  C.  W.,  84 
Gose,  Eph,  72,  84 
Gose,  Kelly,  84 

Graham,  Catherine  Nenney,  25 
Graham,  Francis,  91,  96 
Graham,  Hugh,  17,  21,  23-25,  33,  36, 

90,  93,  95,  98,  100 
Graham,  John,  95,  97 
Graham,  Margaret,  90-93,  98-100 
Graham,  Maria,  95,  97 
Graham,  Thomas  P.,  70 

Graham,  William,  17,  20,  23,  42,  50,  90; 

will  of,  90-101 
Grainger,  county  of,  1,  9,  14,  56, 

117,  119 
Grant-Lee  Hall,  46 
Greasy  Creek  Academy,  1 17 
Greasy  Hollow,  58 
Great  Valley  of  East  Tennessee,  2,  4 
Greeley,  Horace,  37 

Greene,  Andrew  J.  and  wife,  Susan,  117 
Greer,  A.  J.,  64 
Greer,  G.  W„  58 
Greer,  John,  52 
Grist  mills,  5,  25-27,  29 
Grubb,  Iveron,  89 
Gulf  of  Mexico,  1 

Hall,  John,  14 

Hamilton,  Ethel,  51 

Hamilton,  Samuel,  103 

Hancock,  county  of,  1,  58,  117 

Hanging,  public,  39-41 

Hansard,  A.  C,  70 

Hansard,  R.  C,  109,  113,  115 

Harbin,  Douglas,  72 

Hardin,  E.  J.,  Ill,  71-72 

Hardy,  James,  109,  113,  115 

Harkleroad,  Faye,  79 

Harris,  Isham  G.,  33 

Harrodsburg,  Ky.,  21 

Harrogate,  England,  73 

Harrogate,  Tn.,  44-46,  58,  65,  78,  88, 

119;  Inn,  45 
Harrow  Hall  High  School,  45,  48 
Hart,  Noah,  16 
Harvy,  ThosJ.,  103 
Hawkins,  county  of,  9,  117,  119 
Headstart  Program,  78-79,  81 
Health  services,  59-60,  63-66 
Helms,  James,  16 

Henderson,  Richard,  13;  landgrant,  19 
Henderson,  William,  14 
Herbert,  B.  B.,  48 
Herrel,  Drury,  1 1 
Higdon,  Harold,  85 
Highway  25  East,  75,  85 
Hill-Burton  Act,  65 
Hinds  Creek  Baptist  Church,  118-119 
Hiwassee  College,  55 
Hodges,  G.  B.,  65 
Hodges,  N.  C,  71 
Hodges,  William  H.,  67 
Hollinsworth,  John  A.,  105 
Holt,  Alice,  29,  (picture)  30 



Holt  Cove,  29 

Holt,  Clarence,  T.,  69 

Holt,  Edgar  A.,  29,  78,  80 

Holt  farm,  29 

Holt,  Newton  Lafayette,  27-28;  General 

Merchandise  Store,  27,  38 
Honeycutt,  Annanias,  39-41 
Hooper,  James  F.,  112 
Home  construction,  71,  77,  84,  86,  88 
Hoop  Creek  Community,  38 
Hospitals,  59-60,  65-66,  86 
Hotels,  44-45 
Houston,  Hugh,  93 
Houston,  William,  70,  92,  100,  112 
Howard,  Oliver  Otis,  39,  42-43,  45, 

Howard  University,  48 
H.  T.  Hackney  Wholesale  Grocery,  86 
Huddleston,  John,  20 
Huffaker,  Clvde,  80 
Huffaker,  Peter,  12,  17 
Hufstedler,  Dorene,  75 
Hughes,  J.  H.,  64 
Hull  House,  63 
Human  Services,  dept.  of,  63 
Hunt,  John,  9-11,  21;  home  of, 

(picture)  10 
Hunter,  Wade,  89 
Hunting  and  hunters,  5,  7-8,  13 
Hurst,  Emma  Jo,  78 
Hurst,  John  M.,  56,  64 
Hurst,  William  D.,  65,88 

Indians,  2,  5-8 

Industries,  5,  25-27,  29,  77,  84-88 

Inns,  19 

Insurance  rates,  effects  of,  85-86 

Iroquois,  5 

Iron,  73 

Ivy  Ridge,  117 

Jacksboro  Road,  58 

Jackson,  A.  E.,  35 

James,  Darwin  R.,  45 

James,  Frank,  40 

James,  R.,  48 

Jaynes,  W.  S.,  61 

Jennings,  Frank,  56 

Jennings,  L.  T.,  58 

Johns,  Henry,  1 17 

Johns,  John  Rial,  117-119;  related 

family  names,  1 19 
Johns,  Rial,  117 
Johns,  Sarah,  117-118 

Johns,  Thomas,  117 

Johnson,  Andrew,  36-39 

Johnson  mill,  27 

Jones,  Matilda,  104 

Jones,  W.  H.,  64 

Jordon,  Tommy,  79 

Juries,  early,  in  county,  20;  members  of, 

list,  20 
Juvenile  court,  in  county,  63 

Keck,  John,  58,  64 

Keeny,  A.  B.,  61 

Kehr,  Cyrus,  46 

Kennedy,  John,  81 

Kentucky  Road,  9-10,  17,  19,  21,  24,  27, 

40,  44,  56,  59-60,  91,  95,  97,  106-107, 

110,  112 
Kentucky,  state  of,  2,  7,  9,  13,  19,  33,  36 
Kesterson,  A.  B.,  45 
Ketron,J.  R.,  57 
Ketron,  Robert  T.,  67 
Kincaid,  William,  16 
Kirkpatrick,  William,  70 
Kivett,  James  J.,  67 
Kivett,  J.  P.,  56 
Kivette,  Charlotte,  52 
Kivette,  Lois,  52 
Knox,  county  of,  14,  23 
Knoxville,  9,  19,  34-35,  44,  52,  70, 

72-73,  75 
Knoxville,  Cumberland  Gap,  and 

Louisville  Railroad,  73 
Knoxville  Road,  56 

Lambert,  J.  B.,  56,  64 

Lambert,  Lewis,  64 

Lambert,  Tom,  28 

Land  agents,  7;  traders,  6 

Land  grants,  13-17 

Lane,  Isaac,  9-10,  20 

Lane,  Jesse  B.,  70 

Lane,  Thomas,  14 

Lanham,  Abel,  9-10,  20 

Lanhan,  Sally,  106 

Larry,  John  Hale,  46 

LaSalle  University,  88 

Lead  Mine  Bend,  13-14,  34 

Lee  County,  Va.,  1-2 

Leibold  Place,  1 18* 

Lewis,  Fielding,  9,  119;  related  family 

names,  1 19 
Lewis,  Mark,  1 19 
Lewis,  James  M.,  and  wife,  Sally 

Russell,  119 



Lewis.  William  and  wife,  Sally, 
Libraries.  49;  personal,  23,  91,  93 
Lincoln,  Abraham,  33,  37-39,  42-43, 

45.  48 
Lincoln  Memorial  University,  39,  42-55, 

69,  73 
Lincoln  Museum,  50 
Literacy,  in  county,  42-43 
Littell,  Edward,  23,  33 
Little  Barren  Creek,  19 
Little  Creek,  16 

Little  Red  School  for  the  Retarded,  79 
Little  Ridge,  4 
Little  Sycamore,  19,  29,  58,  116;  Creek, 

10,  16-17;  Valley,  4 
Little  Tennessee  River,  6 
Lilly  Grove  Community,  119 
Livesay,  George  and  wife,  Eliza  Johns, 
Livestock,  12,  26 
L  8c  N  Railroad,  44 
London,  England,  73 
Lone  Mountain,  4,  52,  58 
Lonesome  Valley,  5,  25,  38,  51; 

community  of,  27;  Creek,  29; 

Elementary  School,  51 
Long  Bottom,  community  of,  119 
Long  Mountain,  119 
Longstreet,  James,  34 
Loope,  Edna,  79 
Luce,  Jean,  79 
Lynch,  F.  L.,  64 
Lynch,  Loalles,  52 
Lynch,  J.  F.,  56 
Lynch,  John,  21 

Macadam  road  surfacing,  55,  61 
Maddox,  J.  W.,  56 
Maddy,  William,  16 
Magazines,  early,  23 
Manday,  James,  103-104 
Manning,  Noah,  58 
Marsee,  Dewey,  79 
Marcum,  Beverly,  107 
Marcum,  Peter,  16-17,  107 
Margraves,  Tennessee,  24 
Martin,  Salathiel,  20 
Mason,  Lucy  Ann,  1 16 
Mathis,  S.  E.,  61 
Maryville  College,  55 
Mayes  Chapel  Methodist  Church,  29 
Mayes,  Daniel  H.,  27;  and  wife, 
(picture)  28 

Mayes  Elementary  School,  29, 

(picture)  30 
Mayes,  James,  26-27,  38 
Mayes,  Jerrield  D.,  26-27,  38 
Mayes,  Jonathan,  25-27 
Mayes,  Luther,  29,  51 
Mayes,  Marion,  61 
Mayes,  Polly,  26 
Mayes,  Sara  Katherine,  27 
Mayes,  Sarah  C,  27 
Mayes,  William  C,  27 
Mayes,  W.  E.,  58,  61 
Mayes,  W.  S.,  27 
McAmis,  A.  A.,  70 
McBee,  Minnie,  1 17 
McClellan,  George  B.,  37 
McCown,  John  P.,  34 
McDaniel,  Charlie  Haynes,  89 
McDaniel,  McCoy,  and  Company,  56 
Mclver,  John,  16 
Mclane,  Thomas,  16 
McMinn,  Joseph,  20 
McNealance,  Jane,  93-94,  97 
McNeeley,  Hugh,  65 
Memphis  Bank  of  Tennessee,  96-97 
Methodist  Episcopalians,  31 
Methodists,  29,  75 

Midas  Corporation,  85,  (pictures)  87 
Middlesboro,  Ky.,  44,  52,  59,  72-73, 

Mines,  60,  73;  see  Coal,  Iron 
Minerals,  in  county,  1-5 
Mingo  smallpox  camp,  64 
Mink,  C.  E.,  61 
Ministers,  117-119 
Minton,  C.  H.,  61 
Minton,  John,  69 
Missionary  Baptist  Church,  116 
Mitchell  Mountain,  1 
Mobile  home  construction,  84-85 
Montgomery,  George  W.,  67 
Morley,  Lizzie  Mae,  80 
Morrison,  J.  H.  S.,  56-57,  60,  67 
Moss,  A.  M.,  58 
Mountains,  in  county,  1-2,  4,  7 
Moyers,  Millard,  64 
Moytoy  of  Great  Tellico,  6 
Mulberry  Creek,  117 
Mulberry  Gap,  16 
Munsey,  Jack,  89 
Murphy,  John,  1 1 
Murphy,  Reid,  85 



Murray,  William,  103 
Myers,  A.  A.,  43-45 

Nashville,  61 

National  Union  Party,  37-38 

Nations,  Joseph,  9-10 

Navy  men,  in  county,  67-69 

Neeney,  J.  H.,  56 

Neil,  James  B.,  70 

Neil,  John,  21 

Neil,  William,  70 

Nettleton,  Grace,  45 

Nevils,  Clyde,  85 

Nevils,  G.  S.,  56,  61 

Newport,  Cavender,  9,  20 

Newspapers,  10 

New  Tazewell,  60,  65,  70-77,  79,  82, 

84-86,  88-89,  118;  Center,  79; 

government  of,  74-75; 

officials  of,  74-75 
New  Tazewell  Baptist  Church,  118 
New  Tazewell  Methodist  Church,  75 
Nicholson  Coal  Company,  64 
Norris  Dam,  27;  Lake,  2 
Norris  Homes,  84-85,  (pictures)  87 
North  Carolina,  1,  6-7,  13-14 
Northern  Bank  of  Kentucky,  95,  100 
Northern  Bank  of  Tennessee,  98-99 
Norton,  Va.,  44 
Norvell,  James  S.,  16 
Nursing  homes,  65-66 

Occupations,  in  county,  21 

Office  of  Economic  Opportunity,  77, 

Old  School  Foreign  Mission  Society,  96 
Old  Town  Creek,  17 
Oneita  Knitting  Mills,  86 
Ore  Bed  Junction,  73 
Overton,  Douglas,  72 
Overall  Economic  Development 

Program,  82 
Overton,  F.  F.,  55,  58 
Overton,  M.  F.,  45 
Owen,  Newton  P.,  117 
Owens,  John,  9 

Park,  W.  A.,  56 
Parkey,  Barbara,  116 
Parkey,  C.  H.,  58 
Parkey  House,  (picture)  12 
Parkey,  Stella,  119 

Parkey,  W.  C,  61 
Parks,  71 
Parine.J.  W.,  71 
Patterson,  C.  F.,  46 
Patterson,  Nancy,  98 
Patterson,  Robert,  100 
Patterson's  Crossroads,  34,  58 
Patterson,  William  G.,  98 
Payne,  L.  G.,  60 
Peabody  College,  63 
Peal,  George,  9 
Pearson  farm,  29 
Pearson,  Henry,  29 
Percival,  Bryan  Catherine,  52 
Perryman,  James  A.,  19 
Petrie,  George,  14 
Petree,  Orville,  79 
Philadelphia,  Pa.,  100 
Philomathean  Literary  Society, 

(picture)  49 
Physicians,  78 
Pike,  Jacob,  103 
Pillow,  Gideon  J.,  33 
Pioneers,  2,  6 

Pinnacle,  the,  2,  (picture)  4,  34 
Planning  commissions,  in  county,  82 
Politics,  38;  political  parties,  33, 

36-37,  51 
Poore,  Ewin,  69 

Poore,  Pleasant  H.,  (picture)  28,  64 
Poor  house,  in  county,  1 1 
Poor,  Katherine,  69 
Poor  Valley  Ridge,  4,  16 
Posey,  Benjamin,  14,  17 
Posey,  David  C,  106 
Posey,  George  W.,  110,  112 
Posey  spring,  41,  111 
Post  offices,  27 
Powell  Mountain,  4 
Powell  River,  2,  5,  7,  (picture)  8,  13-14, 

16-17,  19,  34,  58-59,  84,  102-103; 

Bridge,  58 
Powell  Valley,  2,  4,  7,  9,  13,  19,  27,  40, 

77,  84,  88,  104,  111;  Electric  Co-op, 

75-76;  High  School,  52,  77;  Road, 

58-59;  Utility  District,  84 
Presbyterians,  21,  31-32,  60,  94-95; 

churches,  17,  31,90,94-95 
Pursifull,  H.  H.,  58 

Railroads,  43-44,  55 

Rainfall,  in  county,  5,  17,  25,  27 



Ramsey,  Hugh  Trent,  67 

Ramsey,  Josiah,  21 

Rea,  George  L.,  65 

Real  Estate,  13;  tax,  20 

Real,  George,  20 

Religion,  25,  29,  31-32,  60,  94-95; 

see  Churches 
Recreation  vehicles,  construction  of, 

Renfro,  James,  9-10,  20 
Republicans,  33,  36-37,  51 
Resorts,  73 
Rice,  C.  Y.,  70 
Richardson,  David,  16,  100 
Richardson,  Sam,  28 
Ridges,  in  county,  4 
Riley,  J.  D.,  61 
Riley,  James  H.,  56 
Riley,  Mary  Ritchie,  (also  Neff, 

Mary),  116 
Ritchie,  Harvey,  115-117 
Ritchie,  James,  116 
Ritchie,  J.  P.  116 
Ritchie,  J.  T.,  116 
Ritchie,  Peter,  116 
Ritchie,  William,  116 
Ritchie,  W.  V.,  116 
Ritter,  James,  16 
Rivers,  in  county,  2,  5 
Roads,  17,  59-62;  bonds,  55-60 
Roane,  Archibald,  8-9 
Robertson,  S.  R.,  58 
Rock  Castle,  Ky.,  36 
Rocky  Mountains,  1-2 
Rogers  Brothers  Farms,  29 
Rogrs,  C.  G.,  61 
Rogers,  David  William,  27 
Roger's  Gap,  34 
Rogers,  J.  C.,  64 
Rogers,  J.  E.,  67 
Rogers,  Malinda,  104 
Rogers,  Virginia,  104,  113 
Rogers,  W.  B.,  64 
Rogers,  William,  9,  20 
Rosenbalm,  G.  W.,  56 
Rowe,  Harry  D.,  74 
Russell  Creek,  14,  24,  91,  95,  105-107 
Russell,  John,  111 
Russell,  Sally,  119 
Ryan,  Joseph,  21 

Sandlick,  17,  58,  60 
Saltlicks,  21,  23 

Sawmill,  26-27,  (picture)  32 

Scarrett  College,  63 

Schultz,  B.  F.,  56,  64 

Schools  and  colleges,  25,  27,  29-31,  39, 

41-55,  66,  69,  73,  77-80,  88,  96-97, 

99,  108,  117;  accreditation  of,  49; 

subscription,  29;  superintendents, 

Scotch-Irish,  7 
Scots,  6 

Seligman,  A.  L.,  48 
Settlers,  early,  5,  7,  20,  23,  25 
Sevier,  John,  35,  43 
Sewage  facilities,  71,  75,  78,  81-82,  85 
Sewell,  Ann  Jane,  107-110,  112,  114 
Sewell,  Benjamin,  17,  90,  101;  will  of, 

Sewell,  Houston,  106-112,  114 
Sewell,  James  Joseph,  106,  108-112 
Sewell,  Margaret  Virginia,  105-106, 

Sewell,  Mary  Louisa,  107-112 
Sewell,  Thomas,  102-103 
Sharp,  G.  S.,  61 
Sharp,  I.  J.,  64 
Sharp,  Marvin,  88 
Shaub,  Earl,  39 
Shawanee,  Tn.,  44,  51,  58,  84 
Shawnee,  5 
Shelbyville,  34 
Shell  Hotel,  (picture)  22     • 
Shipley,  Edward,  14 
Shipley,  Luther,  85 
Shumate,  Mary,  119 
Skiagunsta,  5 
Simmons,  Kenneth  D.,  89 
Sims,  Mathew,  9 
Singleton,  Paul  D.,  89 
"Sinks,"  the,  26,  29 
Slaton,  Martha  Alice,  117 
Slave  and  slavery,  33,  38,  91-92,  94,  98, 

104,  106-107,  110-111,  113 
Smallpox,  64-65 
Smith,  Kirby,  34-35 
Sneedville,  78 
Sneedwell,  1 17 
Social  Security  Act,  62 
Social  services,  11,  62-65;  for  elderly, 

Soils,  in  county,  1-5,  25 
Soldiers,  from  county,  33,  67-68 
Soldiers  Memorial  School,  79 
South  Carolina,  5 



Southern  Railroad,  72-73,  75,  118 

Springdale,  community  of,  10,  58 

Springs,  in  county,  5,  25 

Speedwell,  77,  89;  Academy,  97 

Squatters,  land,  6-7 

Stanifer,  William,  84 

State  Route  33,  60,  84 

Still,  James,  49 

Straight  Creek,  14,  93-94;  Road,  17,  118 

Stone,  Lee  Dan,  81 

Stuart,  Jesse,  49 

Sumner,  county  of,  14 

Swab,  D.  C,  64 

Sycamore  Creek,  16,  106,  113; 

Valley,  56 
Sycamore  Knob,  4 

Tackett  Creek  mine,  60 

Tadlock,  Andrew,  21 

Taxes,  in  county,  60 

Tazewell  Academy,  27 

Tazewell  Baptist  Church,  36 

Tazewell  College,  3 1 ,  42 

Tazewell,  community  of,  10;  city  of, 
16-17,  19-21,  24,  31,  34-36,  38,  40, 
52,  56,  58,  60,  65,  70-77,  79,  81-82, 
85-86,  91,  101,  105-107,  111-112, 
117-119;  chamber  of  commerce,  84; 
government  of,  70-71;  officials  of, 
70-72;  water  plant,  (picture)  83 

Tazewell-New  Tazewell  Industrial 
Park,  86 

Tazewell  Presbyterian  Church,  90,  94 

Tazewell  Textile  Industry,  85 

Teachers,  69,  78-79;  see  Education, 
Schools  and  colleges 

Telford  method,  road  surfacing,  61 

Telephones,  75 

Tennessee  Conservationist,  39 

Tennessee,  state  of;  department  of  agri- 
culture, 29;  Highway  Commission,  61; 
Legislature,  9,  55,  58,  62,  88,  115-1 16; 
Planning  Commission,  82 

Thomas,  J.  C,  58 

Thomas,  W.  S.,  58,  61 

Thompson,  John,  27 

Timber,  in  county,  1-2,  5,  25-26,  43 

Tobacco,  growing  of,  76;  warehouses,  86 

Torbett,  Charles,  74 

Transportation,  2,  5,  19,  21,  43,  60 

Trappers,  7-8,  13 

Trease,  John,  103 

Treece,  N.  J.,  71 

Trent,  William,  9-10 

Trimble,  James,  1 1 

Turner,  Frederick  Jackson,  13 

Turner,  Sarah  Ann,  1 17 

Tusculum  College,  55 

TVA,  75 

Tye's  Branch,  14 

Typhoid  fever,  65 

U.S.  Government,  grants  from,  82 
Union  Bank  of  Tennessee,  91,  97-98 
Union  Army,  26-27,  33 
Union,  county  of,  1,  56,  58,  60 
University  of  Chicago,  63 
University  of  Tennessee,  29,  51-52,  55, 

66,  80 
University  of  Texas,  29,  51 
Urban  renewal,  71 
Utilities,  65,  71,  75,  77-78,  81-82,  84-86 

Valleys,  1-2,  4 

Vanbebber,  John,  9,  20 

Vanderbilt  University,  63 

Vannoy,J.  R.,  88 

Virginia,  state  of,  2,  6-9,  27,  58,  75 

Vocational  school,  79 

Volunteers,  in  military,  66-67 

Wagons,  21 

Walker,  Earnest,  89 

Walker,  Jacob,  63 

Walker,  Thomas,  2 

Wallen,  Elisha,  13 

Wallen,  Elisha,  Sr.,  20 

Wallen,  John,  7-9,  17 

Wallen  Ridge,  4,  7,  16,  93 

Washington  College,  96,  99-100 

Washington,  county  of,  14,  96 

Water,  supplies  of,  systems,  65,  71,  75, 

78,  81-82,  84-86 
Watson,  Asa,  103 
Watts  Ore  Mine,  73 
W.  B.  Browning  Construction 

Company,  79 
Webster,  Joseph,  9,  11,  20 
Welch,  Frank,  50 
Welch,  Joe  Whitt,  88 
Welfare,  in  county,  11,  62-63 
Wells,  Haskell,  89 
Welsh,  19 

Western  and  Atlantic  Railroad,  21 
Whetsel,  Susanah  W.,  103 
Whigs,  33 

132  Index 

hitaker.  Luther.  80  Winfrey,  W.  S.,  118 

hite.  Hugh.  23  Wise,  Boyd  A.,  49 

hite.  Joseph.  70  World  War  I,  38,  51-52,  60,  66-70 

hite  Lvons-Companv,  64  World  War  II,  38,  66-70,  76 

hite.  N.  l\,  71 

idner.  M.  V.,  64  Yauldy,  Robert,  19 

ier.  Mary,  95,  98  Yellow  Creek  Coal  Company,  64 

ier.  Thomas,  95  Yoakum,  J.  S.,  58,  61 

ild  Cat.  Ky..  36  Yoakum  Station,  16 

ildlife,  in  county,  12 

illiams,  Joseph,  14  Zolicoffer,  Felix  K.,  33,  35-36 

ilson  Gap,  2,  60 

Author  133 

About  the  Author 

Edgar  A.  Holt,  son  of  Sarah  C.  (Mayes)  Holt  and  Newton 
Lafayette  Holt,  was  born  October  12,  1900,  in  Lonesome  Valley 
near  Tazewell,  Tennessee.  After  attending  Mayes  Elementary 
School  in  Lonesome  Valley  and  graduating  from  the  Claiborne 
County  High  School  in  Tazewell,  he  graduated  from  the  Lincoln 
Memorial  University  with  a  B.A.  in  history  and  literature.  He 
received  a  M.A.  degree  in  history  and  government  from  the 
State  University  of  Iowa  and  a  Ph.D.  in  the  same  fields  from 
Ohio  State  University.  His  teaching  career  has  included  high 
school  instruction  in  Alton  and  Orange  City,  Iowa;  college 
teaching  at  Southern  Illinois  University,  University  of  Nebraska 
at  Omaha,  and  the  University  of  Missouri  at  Kansas  City.  He 
entered  the  military  service  from  Omaha  and  retired  from  the 
Air  Force  as  a  Lieutenant  Colonel.  He  then  returned  to 
Claiborne  County  to  live  on  the  family  farm  which  has  been 
designated  as  a  Century  Farm  by  the  Tennessee  Department  of 

Dr.  Holt  has  published  many  articles  in  the  Claiborne  Progress 
and  has  published  such  other  works  as  Party  Politics  in  Ohio, 
"Steamboating  on  the  Missouri  River"  in  the  Palimpsest,  and 
histories  of  the  Air  Force  Academy.  He  has  also  prepared  several 

134  Author 

volumes  of  classified  military  histories  of  air  operations  in  the 
Southwest  and  Western  Pacific. 

For  two  and  one-half  years,  Dr.  Holt  served  as  the  Executive 
Director  of  the  Claiborne  County  Community  Action  Com- 
